“pure utter joy”

“Only a mother can understand the joy of locking eyes with her newborn babe the moment they take their first breath.

 After the powerful journey of labour, Natalia embraces her babe for the very first time. Sheer exhilaration, joy and love describes the moment of bringing forth her child. The gentle hand of her midwife, trusting in the innate wisdom of birth.” – Photographer Jane McCrae
Natalia was one of my yoga students…it was a blessing to teach her and compare belly notes as we grew our baby girls at the same time. Her midwife, Lisa from Bella Birthing, is a new independent midwife on the Central Coast and has supported two of my students in their pregnancy and birthing journeys (I hear she is absolutely wonderful).
I know exactly what Natalia was feeling at this moment, when she held little Estelle for the first time. If you’re a Muma, you know what this feels like. Which is why you should head over here and vote 10/10 for this photo in the 2011 National Geographic Photo Contest.
Natalia was supported by Lisa in the comfort of her own home and birthed her baby girl in the water. This photo is proof that homebirth is a safe and joyous option for those who choose it. Proof that homebirth is good and normal and natural. For more homebirth inspiration, look here.
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Showing 18 comments
  • Crystal

    That is a truly stunning photo. I hope to have a home birth next time. I can't think of any where else I would rather bring life into the world than in my own home surrounded by the people I love x

  • Gaby

    this photo is too amazing for words, i just voted. x

  • freckles

    I just voted, this picture really captures the emotion being felt so beautifully.
    I would love to have a homebirth when my time comes but i know there is know way i could ever convince my husband & family that it is safe. Unfortunately everyone has become brainwashed into thinking that birth is a medical emergency & not something that women are designed to do.

  • Nell

    Completely mesmorising xx

  • thewindhover

    What a moment to capture; its all its honesty and magic. I often wonder what those first seconds will be like for me when I meet my babe's face for the first time. Thank you for sharing it x

  • tilema

    I voted. 10/10 for this amazing photo! 🙂

  • Katrina (capturing moments)

    This photo brings instant tears to my eyes. It is the most overwhelming moment…what a photo!

  • dear olive

    Extraordinary photo. I'll vote. Kellie xx

  • Mpizzle

    i voted and shared this with all my pals. what an incredible photo! i cant stop looking back at the photo with tears in my eyes.

  • ~JEN~

    oh my! this photo made me cry!

    so beautiful!!!!

  • Tammi

    This photo is breathtaking and definitely pulled at my heart strings 🙂

  • tea with lucy


  • bron @ baby space

    Ahhhmazing. So inspiring. For sure off to vote 🙂

  • Jess

    This is the kind of photo that remains etched in your mind for years to come. Absolutely love it.

  • Luisa Brimble

    oh my gosh this image just brought me back to the exact feeling of elation and relief as soon as i held poppy. what an awesome image.

  • Maxabella

    Oh FABULOUS! x

  • cityhippyfarmgirl.com

    Beautiful moment captured, truly beautiful.
    That picture creates a little bubble of excitement in the bottom of my belly. Along with the Face of Birth documentary which comes out when I am due for my own home birth.

  • Nicole

    Amazing photo! And yes, homebirth is a safe and natural option for normal pregnancies. Thank god it's still free and legal in Western Australia 🙂

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