
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.”
Che: Theme for the week: “He’ll do it his way”  – this includes getting dressed. That four-year-old testosterone surge mentioned a few weeks ago has reached an all-time high. With it has come an assertiveness that I believe will serve him well at school next year. School next year – something I don’t really like to discuss.
Poet: Her top front teeth are almost through. In 8 weeks time she will be one. Her hair – wispy and wild, not unlike her personality. 
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  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    I can not believe poet will be 1. Not ever in her life time did I imagine that she would grow up!?

    xo em

    • Jodi

      I know – how dare she?! x

  • Kate

    Awww, love him.
    Miss Pepper is the same.
    It's the back to front undies that kill me.
    How uncomfortable.
    And Poet one??
    Now where has that year gone?

  • Saskia

    Jodi too cute! I can't believe how fast time flies…seems like Poet was just featured as entering the world on your blog!!
    With Che, Im having the same deal with Jasper at the moment, the newly-turned 2 year old is wanting everything his way and everything is NO, it's rather exhausting. He won't wear his lovely woollen beanie when we go out and refuses to wear a blue pashmina I sewed up for him:( Its almost like hes going through puberty.

  • Kristin

    Ah yes, all too familiar with the four-year-old testosterone surge in this house too. very exhausting. as are the similar thoughts about school…

  • Reply

    Can I ask, where are Che's gorgeous vests from? Do you know the name of the pattern? I'd love to knit one for my wee boy!

    • Jodi

      My mum knitted this one and the red one. It's a lincraft pattern Holly. Email me your address and I'll post you a copy x

    • Milena

      Hi Jodi,
      I've been a long time admirer of Che's vests and have been looking for a similar pattern for my little boy. Would love it if you could send me a copy too? x

    • Jodi

      Yes of course Milena. Just email me your postal address x

  • Reply

    I love that Che left it that way. Makes for a wonderful memory (and photo). Ronan is so stubborn it is incredible.

  • Ally

    I can completely relate to the boy surge of testorone thing at the moment (and the talking about school thing too!:))
    And your wee Poet will be one! Does it feel as though time has flown?

  • Dora

    I can remember when Nell told me about Poet being born – We were talking about how lovely her name is. I cannot believe that was nearly a year ago. Josephine will grow up too quickly as well! xx

  • mamashara

    I can totally relate to the school deal. I am starting to have anxiety attacks over it. We are moving to a small town in September with a school of just 50 kids, at first this really appealed to me and then today, I was in tears over it "what if he's the only prep enrolled?" Such a hard let go for mama's!

  • jay

    hey lovely, i laughed out loud at that picture of Poet, very sneaky. Okay, hope this doesn't fire anyone up and i have no intentions to but there is very little evidence regarding the testosterone surge and for that matter testosterone and aggression (see here:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091208132241.htm ).
    For more on this you could read Pink Brain, Blue Brain by Lise Eliot (http://www.mainstreetmom.com/preg/lise_eliot.htm) or Gender Delusions by Cordelia Fine (http://www.cordeliafine.com/delusions_of_gender.html), both awesome and inspiring books about raising little humans (i can lend them to you).

    I think Che is just stretching his wings a bit, like all children do at various times, seeking boundaries, love, attention and working himself out a little. Hard for us parents, harder for the little ones.
    with much love jay (with no desire to cause controversy).xxxx

  • Kate

    We're approaching a one year birthday too, I can't believe it! Beautiful post xx

  • emma

    ha, the hood looks like it would it would come in very handy when worn that way…perfect for carrying little snacks. I think he's onto something. Jasper likes to wear his t-shirts inside out and back to front, so that the tag is like a little tie. As for the attitude, I think it's just the age, the getting of independence. They think they can do everything, and get so frustrated when they realise they can't.

  • Noelani Nadine

    Che looks too cute with his backwards shirt :b

  • dear olive

    Oh Che, I love you! I'm sure sartorial-types all over the world will soon be sporting their hoods on backwards too. Kellie xx

  • Tori

    i am absolutely loving these posts! I, too, am totally shocked at the fact that your sweet Poet is approaching her first birthday…i can't imagine how you feel as her momma! Che has grown an incredible amount as well since I started reading your blog…he was about Poet's age then! Time f.l.i.e.s.


    Love these … especially Che's style !!!

  • flora bloom

    such super stylish munchkins you are raising 🙂 xx

  • evdokia t.

    Che looks like Meryl Streep in this movie with Bruce Willis & Goldie Hawn 🙂

    time flies really fast… little Poet will be already one… 🙂


  • Tales of a Tai Tai

    Oh my gosh – I can't believe Poet will be one next week!! I remember so clearly reading about her birth! Time really flies doesn't it? She is heaven xx

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