poet’s room: blank canvas

I’m on the tail end of the housekeeping which means the fun is about to start. Poet’s room! The walls have been cleaned, there’s a new white blind and she’s been given her auntie’s old single bed. Of course, she’s still sleeping with us in our bed so we’ll use this for day sleeps, afternoon reading sessions and, perhaps, a place of solitude when a few hours sleep without being kicked is necessary (the girl kicked whilst on the inside and she kicks pretty hard on the outside too).

I’m aiming to create a calm, whimsical room that encourages beautiful play and restful sleep. For a cancer baby born in the water Poet has a significant amount of fire within, hence the need for a soft slumber space.

A few things that have already been collected:

I’ve got a few heart garlands tucked away, some sweet alphabet cards, a few vintage books and, of course, a (small) bundle of toys. I’m in no rush to complete it…rather, I’m enjoying the ‘coming together’ of it all.
But there’s just one thing I’m undecided on – is this cute or creepy?
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  • Saskia

    Decorating slowly is always great because its more of a natural process of re-thinking/looking, and deciding what looks best, where.
    Im with you on (small) amounts of toys…quality toys, kids always have only a few faves and reject the bulk:) I love that you have a heart garland planned for the room…don't ya think all those triangle garlands are getting a tad old dare I say!

  • Reply

    Ummm…I think creepy…but I don't like rabbits much. I can certainly think of ten thousand other things I would rather spend $150 on. The bed is dreamy and I cannot wait to see the coming together of Poet's corner. xx

    • Jodi

      I'm erring on the side of creepy too. And yes, $150 is a little ridiculous, I definitely wouldn't spend that on a lamp. I was just interested in what everyone thought!

  • Reply

    P.S. Loving Che's pants

  • Tania

    The four year old says cute, but I came over with a small case of the heebie jeebies (only cos I kept imagining it GLOWING and its eyes GLOWING THE MOST!).

    Very much digging that top knot!

    • Jodi

      glowing eyes….the stuff of nightmares. Creepy!

  • Tania

    PS. There's a smily face in Poet's room…air vents: eyes, window: nose, bed: smily mouth…

  • hello milky

    Personally, I love those rabbit lamps – I wanted to get one when I was pregnant with Gus but didn't have a spare $150 for a lamp otherwise I would have bought for sure! I ended up finding a much cheaper one (though it's an owl) similar style – from Typo if you are interested.
    Jess x

  • one claire day

    So many delightful things already! I love those maps – and I'm so tempted by the 'love bug' print for lalie bug!

    As for the lamp – not a fan of the rabbit but I LOVE storybook duck (and am hoping to get one myself).

    I'm loving apple papple (and the pear) the more I see them around too! gorgeous!


  • Briar {Sunday Collector}

    Looking forward to seeing the room evolve. I LOVE the rabbit lamp, actually bought one for my cousin for her 30th last year. He looks very cool on a 70's speaker in her living room now. Briar x

  • Briar {Sunday Collector}

    Looking forward to seeing the room evolve. I LOVE the rabbit lamp, actually bought one for my cousin for her 30th last year. He looks very cool on a 70's speaker in her living room now. Briar x

  • Rach Jackson

    I love that rabbit, I think it's cute and not creepy at all! I can't wait to see what you do with Poet's room, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

    Rach x

  • Reply

    There is NOTHING more exciting than a blank canvas!

    So much creativity to be unleashed, so much imagination to spark when complete.

    The bed & that quilt … divine!

    The rabbit, I vote 'not creepy', but I find that look rather enchanting.

    Enjoy xx

    P.S can't WAIT to see the end result! Children's rooms are my favourite places.

  • Mama of 2 boys

    It sounds magical Jodi, I just love the way you describe the kind of space you're wishing to achieve. Sounds very inviting. Also think that photo is delightful, sweet little ones. Look forward to seeing it all come together xo

  • Sarah

    Can't wait to see it come together! I am only now seriously thinking about doing my little Carys' room up as she is 20 months and ready for a big bed. I was hesitant before this as I didn't want to work anything around the cot and then have to change it so I waited. She is also a little Cancerian :).

  • Sarah

    I should add that she is a firey little toddler :S…I am a Cancerian and when I found out I was pregnant and that she may be the same star sign I was delighted as I assumed she would be a quiet, placid little thing, ha!

  • Rennae

    I love the little collections of things so far. I love rabbits and we have quite the collection in my sons room, my fav being his book ends as seen here http://www.venucci.com/buy/bunny-bookends/IOBE . I ended up getting him a salt lamp and we love it. He has always slept really well in his room and I leave it on all night for a soft glow. Have fun decorating.

  • Kate

    Here is a link to a (less expensive) Rabbit Night Light I saw recently in a sweet little shop in Albury …


    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely blog.

  • kristi

    poet is such the perfect looking baby right now…she's dreamy (right along with her brother of coarse). the bunny…not so much.

    got the kinfolk (savouring it for a rainy day in bed) and your note, all is well. x

  • Anonymous

    I think the rabbit lamp is beautiful.

  • Emma

    I adore those rabbit lamps, so not creepy… more like charming and ever so cute! The bed is gorgeous as well! x

  • eat my shorts

    I love this photo. Such togetherness and calm! (I'll bet it's not always like that!)

  • Luna

    I like everything you have selected for the room. I've been looking for a night-light and I really enjoy that rabbit night-light. Maybe, Daniel and Che could help you by voting?

  • Nell

    Beautiful pieces collected so far Jodi, what a space it will be for lovely lil Poet. And the rabbit? We have a very sweet and far less creepy battery operated version that Josephine loves. Ours was £5 though…so just a little cheaper!! Have you seen the squirrel version? That one's lovely. xxx

  • Sioned.

    I think the rabbit is super cute, but I'd definitely check out the smaller version, for a MUCH smaller price


    I don't know how the shipping works out but I think it's adorable xx

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    really? the rabbit light?

    look at those two, besties already!

    xo em

  • Sarah

    I would have to say it's a little bit creepy! And for that price it's a big risk to take! xx

  • lou

    I love this photo… just hanging out. I know whatever you come up with will be serene, calm and beautiful. I quite like that rabbit, but super pricey. There is a cheaper version in urban outfitters (do have that store in OZ?). A toadstool one is also very cute! I too am a cancerian with fire! (or so Dan would say!… with a bit of a kick!). Yes home is important to us. xx

  • Elsie Butterscotch

    Hi there, not sure I will be helping having read all your lovely comments but I am in the yes camp with regards to the rabbit ~ go for it! Enjoy your weekend and keeping updating us on your lovely family, Poet is gorgeous and has a beautiful and original name xx

  • Coryann Gwaltney

    I can't wait to see Poet's room complete! Have fun with the process. And the rabbit light is cute for sure : ]

  • Brit

    you have wonderful taste. i can't wait to see what you do. 🙂

  • JoJo

    This room will be amazing and fit for the wee one to rest and play in. The things you have are lovely. The rabbit light not creepy but quite expensive. Lou is right you can get cheaper versions. Good description of a Cancerian- I too am a July Crablike one! That fire is a good thing I know it to be so! Jo xx

  • Anna

    The rabbit lamp is cute! I would have loved something like that when I was little. And the Paris print is beautiful too. I love that the internet opens up a whole new world of (affordable) art and design. I can't wait to see Poet's finished room!

  • Little Jane St

    Can't wait to see what you create Jodi, you always do such a lovely job!
    I just finished hanging Apple Papple and Pirum Parum in babies room yesterday, gosh they are so gorgeous! Rabbit Lamp – I think they are creepy, it's the eyes;)

  • Gaby

    Yeah, i'm leaning towards creepy as well… That said, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Your home looks so lovely x

  • little wild moose

    I can't wait to see what you do with Poet's space. I've been working on Everly's room since she was born (she's 9 months old now) and I'm still yet to finish it – a work in progress! I bought the rabbit night light for her (I found a cheaper one on uk ebay for $80) and I'm undecided… when the light is on you can see all the uneven and dark patches of the moulded 'plastic'. I definitely wouldn't spend $150 on it! x

  • Linda

    Not sure if someone else has suggested this but here is another (cuter) rabbit lamp… http://www.larkmade.com.au/rabbit-night-light.html

  • emmie gemmie

    Really looking forward to seeing the room come together.. it looks like a lovely space and nothing is more fun than a blank canvas.

    I quite like the rabbit, although the one posted by Linda seems a bit sweeter.

  • *sam**

    Hi Jodi,
    If you like rabbits and you are just about to decorate Poet's room, you might want to check out these:


    A little girl and her rabbit and the products are simple and super cute.

    Have fun decorating. Poet is gorgeous.
    Agnes x

  • Tammi

    I love having a blank canvas to decorate…you have some lovely pieces and I can't wait to see how Poet's space evolves.
    Not a big fan of the rabbit lamp.


  • Lauren Knight

    I think the lamp is very cute!

  • Anonymous

    i LOVE this rabbit lamp – have had my eye on it for quite some time too… I bought the Lark one suggested by Linda for the meantime x

  • Nicole

    I just bought the mini rabbit lamp from Lark for my 3 year old niece for Easter – just got it today and it is the cutest thing ever!


    You must get the bunny lamp Jodi, I love it !!!

  • Anonymous

    Creepy – most definately!

  • bron @ baby space

    it's cute! the kiddos have one 🙂

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