poet’s room: bits & pieces

It’s all coming together and it’s been so much fun. Starting with a blank canvas was a little overwhelming so I used Poet’s quilt as a guide. I also reminded myself that just because the room was empty that didn’t mean I had to fill it with things. It’s almost finished…almost.

I’ve collected bits and pieces for their simplicity and beauty and together they have imbued the space with a sense of whimsy and calm. Hand-stitched vintage blue shoes, a bird painting by em, a bear of few words and the cute (and cheap!) rabbit night light make a sweet bedside vignette. The pillowcases are made from vintage linen, as is the bunting, both by hazyjane. Fliss sent Luna as a gift and those vintage books (Little Women, PollyAnna, Anne of Green Gables) look right at home on a thrifted bookshelf that I found years ago for a rather nice $6.

There is a little space next to the window, just above the bed head, that needed an artwork of some sort. I decided to frame my favourite photo from our first session with Tim. It represents such a beautiful time in our lives – full of expectation and love as we awaited Poet’s arrival. No doubt there will be many nights that I talk to her about my belly, her birth, and the way she changed our lives, forever.  And then she’ll fall asleep under a ceiling decorated with heart garlands and a stars and moon mobile.

Photos by Tim.

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Showing 55 comments
  • Sarah

    It looks lovely! I have been finishing off my little girl's room today and it has been so enjoyable! Love that little red riding hood doll!

  • Christy

    Poet has such a sweet look on her face in those photos. I love her little space. It is adorable!

  • Allana

    Oh Jodi, it is gorgeous. So peaceful and filled with love 🙂

  • Amy

    I'm doing Pearl & Oli's room today (after a room switch-e-roo over the weekend) and it's lovely to be reminded that we don't need to fill up an empty space. x

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    ooh look, and there is a little bird painting from The Beetle Shack! Glad to see it being loved!

  • Gaby

    oh i love the mobile, it's so lovely. the whole rooms looks great jodi, nice work! x

  • little wild moose

    Poet's room is a beautiful space, Jodi. I must admit, I am still very overwhelmed with the blank canvas of Everly's room. It just has white walls and simple furniture at the moment (she has only been in there a couple of months as she was still sleeping in our room) and I am yet to hang pictures or put up shelves for her things I've collected for her. I think I need to remember your words: 'Just because the room is empty, doesn't mean I need to fill it with things'. I might start on it this week and slowly, slowly work at it. xx

  • Amanda

    What a beautiful, peaceful looking room – I love that mobile and the quilt. You've done a lovely job bringing it all together. I'm sharing some photos of my big girl's room tomorrow and notice we have some similar elements like the patchwork quilt and classics novels 🙂

  • Tammi

    Poet's room is truly adorable, absolutely perfect!

  • Erica Paiva

    I adored this room and the photography. Amazing.


  • Anonymous

    Absolutely perfec and tbeautiful space!!

    Katerina FF

  • Emma O

    Dear Jodi! I'm so bad at commenting blogs in general, often I read the posts on my phone while nursing ect, but I just wanted you to know that your blog is really beautiful and inspiring to me! Keeping my fingers crossed that you keep at it!

  • Mama of 2 boys

    You are such a beautiful Mama, Jodi. And you have created the most exquisite of spaces for your gorgeous Poet. The entire post… words AND photos… just warmed my heart. Thank you for sharing it with us xo

  • Kylie

    It's a beautiful little room for a beautiful little girl Jodi.
    You've got the knack of knowing when enough is enough…bit tricky sometimes.

  • Madeleine

    Oh beautiful room lady!
    Poet is super lucky and boy do I feel like I've hit the big time now…my mobile photographed by Mr Coulson. Eeep! xx

    ps. Loving the Hobart series. My husband is from there and both our parents live there and my brother and niece and it really is one of my favorite places to go.

  • oscarlucinda

    Charming & delightful….I spy some baby Orla books…x

  • Caspalovelee

    Beautiful room. What a lucky little lady!

  • Dee

    so beautifully put together~
    it feels peaceful and calm.

  • Sarah Humphreys

    It's really beautiful Jodi, very inspiring. We're making Jude's room at Paul's house as i type! x

  • Christina Lowry

    So sweet. Emerson got the very same night light for Easter. 🙂

  • one claire day

    Well surprise, surprise… it's totally gorgeous! And Poet? Divine little thing in her vintage peach smock. Just beautiful -all of it 🙂 xx

  • thejadeleaf

    Simple and stunning. Just beautiful x

    (Still smiling from winning the miss haidee dress x)

  • Anna @ green tea n toast

    How gorgeous. Such a lovely space. I'm sure Poet will enjoy it for years to come. x

  • evie dear

    truly beautiful!

  • Sally @ Us+House=Home

    Gorgeous, Jodi. That bunny night light is so sweet. xx

  • Amber

    Lovely! So many beautiful little details 🙂

  • Coryann

    I like how every detail of this room is filled with love!

  • lou

    Beautiful, so peaceful and gentle. I love all the little details. x

  • hello milky

    It's all so gorgeous, but I especially love the photo of Poet in your belly above her bed. And that rabbit lamp… thanks for the link! xx

  • Mumma Dearest

    What a peaceful and quiet place to be brought up in, Poet is very lucky and I am very enviable x

  • kit and nancy.

    oh jody, this is utter perfection. i know i speak those words a lot, and usually on here but i mean it. just beautiful. a room so full of amazing light, treasures and poetry for the little lady. love your work!

  • kit and nancy.

    ps. oh, and her peach dress?? LOVE!

  • Catherine

    What a delightful and sweet space you have created Jodi. All the elements you've put together work so beautifully. xx

  • Sarah

    All very pretty. But Good Luck keeping the sweet bedside vignette and sense of calm and whimsy once the child is allowed to play in there!!!!

  • look see

    So, so pretty! We used to have bookshelves like that when I was growing up. They had been painted black & I decided one day to paint them white. I think I was about 12 at the time & I'm pretty sure the paint I used wasn't supposed to be used yet. Goodness knows where those bookshelves are now, I wish I still had them!

  • MollyFera

    sweet sweet sweet! she's such a little Che 🙂

  • MollyFera

    sweet sweet sweet! she's such a little Che 🙂

  • Emma

    This is stunningly beautiful. I love how all the little details weave to neatly together to create a lovely peaceful space. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  • Judy

    Lovely images. I am going to get the camera out tomorrow and capture the little details of my girls rooms tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration. I forget to take photos of our surroundings and just take photos of them .
    I love the pink bunny on wheels. Where is this from if you don't mind me asking?!


    Yipeee, you got the bunny lamp, I love it, actually I love everything, and Poets dress is just
    divine !!!

  • tjremp

    i love the classic simplicity of this room. it's simple, but filled with personality, which seems so rare in this age of catologue copied nursery rooms. thanks for sharing these photos. they're so inspirational.

  • { sunday collector }

    Just beautiful! Such a dreamy space for your baby girl. x

  • lou lou

    Hello Jodi

    a divine journey for me – I have pawed my way through your blog posts trying to catch up to the 'now'.

    thank you for your sharing of such emotion for the reader.

    happy days


  • Clara Barbara

    I'm very happy I crossed your way via appartment therapy. I love your blog, your way to capture life, your words … It's really wonderful to come here. The video is WOW, there is no words to describe how perfect it is. Thank you for sharing such beautiful moments with us …

    PS: I'm a bit curious but I wonder why you have ".fr" blog ? Are you french ?

    • Jodi

      not sure about the .fr – no, not french. But I'm happy for you to mistaken me as a french girl 😉 x

  • Lizeylou

    Such a special nurturing environment for Miss Poet to grow and learn in.

  • Oh Abigail

    What a lovely room Poet has, especially the mobile!

  • susana

    oh…so sweet!!!!
    love the bedroom!!!
    jus beautiful, cute… :)*


  • Jo

    "whimsy and calm"…yes, i think that is perfect for a child's room! really beautiful!!

  • fliss

    It all looks so beautiful….put together perfectly especially from a blank canvas!
    So nice to see her Luna joining all the lovely treasures in her room.X

  • bron @ baby space

    such a sweet space jodi! lucky poet 🙂

  • Kim H

    Poet's room is gorgeous, Jodi. You've done a lvoely, lovely job in there:) What gorgeous children and gorgeous names they have!

  • Luna

    that mobile is a lovely pick

  • b and e

    Oh so much inspiration!

    Love it!


  • VidaMama

    You have such a lovely blog. On the 7th photo of this post there is a darling doll. I was wondering where the doll was from and the name of the company she was made from?

    Thanks & Cheers!
    Kimterese B.

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