our winter baby

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments about the bump. I’m loving this belly of mine and since reaching the second trimester my energy has come bounding back with a sweet vengeance. The first few weeks when this baby was really forming were challenging. So many mothers say the pain of birth is a blur only days after and I would say the same for the first trimester. I forgot how debilitating the tiredness is and this time, how extreme the nausea can get. In saying that I had days of reprieve between the days of lying in bed and my boys were patient and nurturing with me. I said in one of my very few posts back in December that I just had to do what was most important, not what was most urgent. It was rather serendipitous considering I was feeling worst in the weeks and days leading up to Christmas. But my strategy worked and I’m going to take it with me through this pregnancy. Doing what’s most important for me, this baby and my family. Not what’s most urgent.

Days after I found out I was carrying this little one inside me I made a phone call to request my midwife of choice. And thank goodness I got her. I’ll be birthing at a low-risk birthing centre not far from home and I’ll be tucked up in bed hours after meeting this babe. And then I plan to stay home for a few weeks, curled up in the warmth because we will be meeting this baby in the wintertime.
Today Daniel and I watched out little one kicking away inside my belly. He or she looks so much like Che, has a strong heartbeat and an active little body.
I am in awe of this journey, one that Daniel and I will document and cherish. Because we know all to well that it goes by so fast and before long there will be four in the bed. And the little one said…
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  • madanddave


  • Little Pinwheel

    such a beautiful time! curl up lovely lady and let there be four in the bed.

    congratulations xx

  • Jaclyn

    so happy for you – enjoy the coming months as a trio! x

  • aluminiumgirl

    I have an Autumn and a Winter baby, and I love more than anything in the world those early weeks at home, snuggled and bundled together. Sending you best wishes.

  • Melody

    Very precious picture! I'm glad that you are feeling so good now 🙂

  • Danita

    Best wishes to you! I´m due in March so it´s autumn baby for us! So happy! Blessings for the journey lady!

  • courtney

    roll over, roll over! 🙂

  • Kristi

    oh a winter babe.

    ps. the cream couch is the tiny cheap one from ikea…it fits and i have no worries.

  • Two Tuesdays

    Gorgeous words. There really is something amazing about the clarity that new life allows.

  • Emma Bradshaw

    Huge congratulations!

    You are making me feel quite broody, although I had horrific nausea with both (I lost 3 stone in weight) so maybe I will stick with the two I have!

    great to see you again,
    Emma x

  • ecoMILF

    Can you send me you mailing address? I want to send a few little things… eventually. And will you find out if it's a boy or a girl? i am so very excited for you! blessings! ecomilf@me.com.

    xo m.

  • [Good Mum Hunting]

    Congrats Jodi!

    Hope the 2nd trimester goes well for you.


  • tea with lucy

    winter babies. . . all the better to snuggle with! xo

  • Rach

    Yes, all the better to snuggle with!

  • Nell

    A beautiful picture. What an awesome adventure for you three (well, four including in the bump!) xxx

  • Patagonia Mum with Baby

    Congratulations. It's lovely becoming a family of 4!

  • leslie

    huge congrats! what an exciting year for all of you : )

  • Katrina

    Congrats Jodi! My husband and I are expecting in winter too! June. It is an exciting time. Your bump is beautiful and so are your words.
    I am hoping to attend one of your courses perhaps starting in March.

  • fliss

    I am so happy for you!!!!! Congratulations on the beautiful news. Enjoy every minute of that time you are taking, winter babies are wonderful….lots of snuggling time and rugging up together. Yay!!!! Lots of love from all of us up here in mouldy town!!!!!xxxxxx

  • Michelle

    So happy for you Jodi! Enjoy this special time, it really does seem to go faster with the second one.

    You're making me feel all clucky!


  • indigomumma

    congratulations jodi, daniel and che on your growing new family member! how exciting. i read your blog through google reader so commenting isn't always so easy, but have been meaning to write and send our love for 2011 and our congrats for your baby news. i also have to say thank you for the vids of daniel's you share. he is so very very talented, and i always enjoy watching snippets of your family adventures through his creative eye! the videos have such a unique and wonderful look to them. love to all xxx

  • Anna

    congratulations! so exciting! and how great are second trimesters!

  • Julie

    Congratulations! nothing nicer than cuddling a little baby on a cold night. Lovely pictures, it is always a lovey place to visit.

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