on task

I wrote a to-do list last night that was so long and overwhelming that I promptly threw it in the bin. I’m not sure if I’d file that technique under stupidity or simplicity but either way it felt like the right thing to do.

So here I am, home with a bouncing floral toddler and her teddy, a cup of tea and fig toast and about ten looming deadlines. Yesterday I decided to steer clear of the laptop till both kids were tucked up in bed and you know what, it was the very best thing I could have done. My day wasn’t overly productive but it was rejuvenating – and a little mental reprieve was exactly what I needed.

Daniel is working in Sydney for the next five months (maybe longer); each week is mapped out a day or so before it begins. This scenario goes against my whole being; I prefer a well thought out plan, control and organisation. Despite my resistance the film industry has really unearthed a go-with-the-flow mentality in me; now I work day-to-day, embracing the present moment and small pockets of free time. When I sit down to write I do so with a focus and intention and hence work more efficiently (I have usually composed sentences whilst cooking dinner, waiting for coffee, folding washing…and they wait patiently for me to get them on the page).

In other news the book is almost finished – I’m currently working on an introduction and acknowledgements; the tying of loose ends before completion. I’ve seen the first draft and I admit, it was quite overwhelming to see my words and photos together in book form. I’m so grateful that someone gave me the push to finally get my work on the printed page; years of thoughts, observations and images together – a story of motherhood, yoga, simplicity and the seasons.

For now it’s back to stories about weddings and flowers, an article on challenge and a press release for a children’s clothing brand, a feature on the evolution of blogging, text for a new website and answers to some interesting questions.

So I mentally repeat to myself: “I am working on …….” – it’s the most practical way to stay mindful and on task.

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  • AlisaLeabon

    Jodi, when will your book be published? I am thinking that it would be a perfect birthday present for a close friend. 🙂

    • Jodi

      It should be ready in the next six weeks or so x

  • Astred*designcherry

    Congratulations on the book (I'm a bit late on that front sorry, commenting on blogs on the iPad is a pain).
    You've seen first pages? That's always a good push to finish everything off, something lovely to look at which reminds you why you're putting yourself through this 😉
    Hope it all goes very well for you.

    • Jodi

      As I'm sure you can appreciate, the design side of things did concern me. Seeing the first draft really put my mind at ease – my design is a photographer, too, so she understands the importance of composition (no unnecessary cropping!) x

    • Jodi


    • Astred*designcherry

      I bet there was a big knot out of your shoulders. It's always hard designing with photographer's art as temptation is to crop and zoom. But after working with the Australian Centre of Photography I have come to appreciate every millimetre is precious in a art piece.
      Can't wait to hear more about your journey in this

  • Pink Ronnie

    Those two images – sigh.
    The perfect pick-me-up for a Wednesday afternoon…
    I can't wait to see your book.
    Ronnie xo

    • Jodi

      That shot of Poet – completely out of focus – and yet I still love it. I find I'm less attached to the technical side of photos now; instead I'm embracing the colour and mood and moment x

  • Sarah

    I am so thrilled for you and can't wait for the book to be completely done and out. I don't usually comment but I do come back here often and re-read. The whole feel and tone of this space is calm and simple, and was so even before you changed the name. You have a special talent for weaving together your thoughts, words and even your photos. I often think how happy I am to have found this lovely space. xo


  • Veggie Mama

    I feel you with that list. Ugh. Even when broken down into (what I thought was) do-able post-it bite-size bits, it still frightened me! I went from the balance being too far in the "work" side, to bringing it back to too laissez-faire with it and that was just as stressful! I was forgetting things because I wasn't checking emails and keeping on top of it. Here's hoping we settle somewhere in the middle now, finally. Super-excited about your book! What a wonderful, crazy, and surreal experience it must be for you x

  • familyfaithfoodfabric

    Congrats on your work being published. I for one am looking forward to reading it.
    I've put to-dos on the shelf often times to make room for family time. I always feel lazy when I do it, but then I realize that it's needed and important. I've come to believe that what I need and feel is right IS in fact the right thing to do.

  • Jane G

    jodi i read about your work schedule and am in awe! go you….best place for overwhelming to do lists…bin! xxx

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