a no-guilt not-very-handmade Christmas

If your instagram feed is anything like mine, it is brimming with eucalyptus wreaths, quirky advent calendars, an abundance of Christmas crafts and elves on the shelves who get up to all sorts of inventive mischief every. single. night.

And if you are anything like me, you have done none of the above.

In years past, I’ve been guilty for all the cookies I haven’t baked and the craft that hasn’t eventuated.

But I suppose I’ve evolved as a mother because I can proudly say I feel no guilt this year.

In this season of my life, with school just finished, a teething (cranky!) toddler and a good dose of we’re-all-so-tired, I’m putting any handmade plans to the side and embracing a slow, easy, no-expectation lead up to Christmas.

This morning we went to the library to stock up on books and then to the grocer to stock up on fruit and veg. And now we’re home and pottering about…reading, tidying, playing, sleeping.

We don’t have any rituals to remember or places to be and right now I’m so incredibly grateful for the space and the free time.

I don’t feel obliged to tick things off the list, to turn on the oven on this hot, humid day or to wrap cellophane around ginergbread and deliver it to the neighbours.

So if you have been feeling sad or defeated at the sheer amount of handmade goodness that seems to be surrounding you, admire it and move on.

That doesn’t have to be the way you do Christmas.

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  • kate

    Such a great post. I’ve actually taken instagram off my phone for the time being. I only planned on having 2 instagram free days, but I can’t believe how much I haven’t missed it and how much lighter and less inadequate I feel. For now I’m staying away until I feel the inspiration to return.
    cheers Kate

  • louise

    So true! I’m looking for peacefulness this Chrissie. Our decorations are up, only because we had an early extended family event at ours. This year I’m seeking simple and enjoying the small things like Christmas books and Christmas lights on the nightly dog walk.
    Merry Christmas!

  • Debra

    Sometimes it’s enough just to look at the pretty pictures, and then go off and have a guilt-free swim with your nearest & dearest. I’ll be crafting once the next heat-wave sets in anyway! (c’est la vie, summer in Oz)

  • Reannon

    I logged out of instagram over a week ago because I was feeling burnt out, overwhelmed & needed some peace. Life has been wonderfully easy. I’m yet to bake a cookie & today I bought pre-made curry sauce. They may sound silly & insignificant but are BIG steps for me because it means I’m being nice to myself & taking the pressure off.
    Hooray for slow, easy Christmas-y times xx

  • Annie

    Yes, yes and yes. My baby is all grown up and Christmas has taken on a very different flavour for me. Not so much of the wonderful anticipation and squealing delight but in its place much greater appreciation of the season and the sense of the end of a year and the start of a new one. I now only put the tree up when it starts to feel like Christmas and for me that was just yesterday. Today I will bake but I will also take a long walk along the beach with a good friend. Fewer things on my to-do list but each done well and with intent. So yes, simple is always the answer.

  • Nicole

    Yep, this was just what I needed to read right now. Thank you!
    Wishing you a lovely festive season 😘

  • Elisa @ With Grace & Eve

    My littlies are similar ages to yours I’m thinking Jodi – 7, 5, 18 months. Much like you I am loving our “free time”. I’m pinching myself at how good it feels to not have things scheduled in or must do items in the lead up to Christmas! Enjoy this beautiful time of the year. Elisa x

    • Jodi

      Che is 9 now (I can’t believe it!)…but yes, Poet is 5 and Percy 22 months. Have a beautiful Christmas x

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