
I feel like I’m only just now coming out of the babymoon cave, just like all those blooms that have blossomed ’round here. It’s nice to venture out and see the colour, spot the freesias, magnolias and daisies that are decorating the gardens.

Regardless of the fact that Poet sleeps really well at night, I’m still tired. If I do go out for a few hours I feel extra weary that night. It still astounds me that we live in a world where mumas are expected to get up and go, every day. I’m so thankful that I didn’t feel the need to do that, wasn’t inclined to race out of the house when she was oh so small. I’m still taking each day as it comes, still going with the flow. During the day she feeds, and feeds, and has a little more milk just in case. I forgot how much a newborn feeds. But gosh it feels good to know her chubby cheeks and little thigh rolls are made from the best food she’ll ever have. Hooray for breastfeeding and all that milky goodness (and precious, oh-so-special bonding time).
With this warm spring sunshine that has all-of-a-sudden arrived there’s the thought of mornings at the beach, lazy afternoons in the hammock and mango smoothies.
I’m tired, but I’m happy.
And, Daniel took these photos. I haven’t quite worked out how to hold a camera while wearing Poet in the sling.
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  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    Oh, Mango smoothies!

    How amazing is today, I can't help but he happy. Plus mum and dad have the young man while O and i sew baby bloomers. She is a great help.

    xo em

  • Rhiannon

    How great is Spring for making each day feel a little nicer! Can you tell me what the tree is called in the first picture (i don't have much of a green thumb, but there is one around the corner from us and they are beautiful!)
    Rhi x

  • one claire day

    So pretty! Lalie never stopped feeding like a newborn, she's still every three hours! More comfort and play though I'd say. She just likes to hang out on my boob!

    Enjoy the beautiful weather! x

  • Andrea

    Pretty springness. I love blossoms and how lovely to take walks and take it all in 🙂

  • Shelley

    Such beautiful photos 🙂

  • Gaby

    Spring is definitely in the air! And Daniel has captured it beautifully 🙂

  • Tammi

    Yes Spring is definitely here 🙂
    I was telling my hubby about your babymooning and it's what I am planning for our sixth…never have I had the luxury of such a thing but I think a few weeks of solely focusing on just that is a marvellous thing!

  • Knoopjes

    Sprintime is just the best time to stick your head out of the door & ever so slowly get back in to the prebirth rhythm. Take your time, you can only do this once! 🙂

  • freckles

    I've been enjoying the scent of freesias, plum blossoms & jasmine wafting through the air. And my mango trees have flowers growing on them preparing to grow an abundance of fruit! And i love the idea of a babymoon, i will definitelty give this a try when my time comes.

  • Kirsty

    Such lovely photos! I have been revelling in spring and the blossoms and blooms of our first house – there is something so magic about the first blooms! Loving your writing and so glad you're enjoying your babymoon! A completely brilliant idea and one I'll definitely borrow for my next… for my last I remember cooking dinner for eight when my little one was 4 days old… never again!

  • kacey

    so, so pretty. good for you for not giving into the get up and go mentality. you have a lucky milk-bellied baby. enjoy your time.

  • Sarah

    Totally loving that you have changed your words to "our children" – doesn't that make you feel just perfect inside? I still relish being able to say that

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Beautiful Jodi. You and your words. I agree, a great deal is expected of Mama's in this day and age. It is why we are often so hard on ourselves. Well done for enjoying every moment of your gorgeous newborn babe. It is certainly fleeting xo

  • ashley

    Glad poet is letting you get a wee bit of rest. I am amazed that women are pushed/push so hard to go go too. Rest, soak in Bub (and the wee man), eat and sleep when you can. The world will wait. X ashley

  • Nell

    Pretty pretty flowers. And cool new header too. Glad to hear you're one happy lady right now. As always, you make me crave the arrival of our little one even more. xx

  • Cherie @ 'a baby called Max'

    I'm a new reader, but a very loving one. Of everything you write, and photograph.

    Your birth story, was, just, wow!

    It moved me to my core.

    Good on you for enjoying the newborn cave. There is so much pressure to get out, but my god, it's exhausting. I had a December baby, and it's a social time of the year, and I exhausted myself trying to do (everything).

    With my next baby, I'd like to be more assertive 🙂

    Enjoy every moment xx

  • Simply Bike

    Hi, I just recently found your blog and I've really enjoyed going through it and reading older posts. Congratulations on your newest addition to the family! I just had gave birth to my first child 4 weeks ago and prenatal yoga played a big role in my pregnancy and in preparing me for a natural childbirth. So I just wanted to add that what you do is wonderful work and so great for so many women. I loved my prenatal yoga teacher and credit her with helping me prepare for the kind of birth I wanted probably more than she realized.

    I look forward to returning to you site often!


  • oscarlucinda

    Welcome back to the blossoming world!

    So happy to hear that you are smiling and looking forward to lazy days ahead with your little family. I'm also emerging from a little break in blog-trawling land, and have enjoyed catching up on news from around the traps – especially your birth story and Daniel's honest and gentle photographs.

    Am taking your little parcel down to the post office this afternoon – so please keep your eyes peeled 🙂


    Beautiful photos.
    Love that special bonding time. Hurray for breastfeeding indeed.

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