when the newborn bubble bursts




Because I’m not one to research I haven’t actually looked into the science behind this but…I’d say having four babies and experiencing the same realisation each time is evidence enough.

I’m convinced that at around the one-month mark the metaphorical baby bubble bursts and the things that didn’t phase you begin to become rather irksome. It’s a reality hit of a ‘this is my new reality’ kind. And it really does require a strong mental mindset to see past/through it.

Marigold is five weeks old today and over the past week I’ve been hyper-aware of this new phase with it’s mounting washing (2-3 loads a day at the moment), consistent food preparation (and subsequent piling up of dishes in the sink), school activity run-around and general mess that appears just as my back turns. If you’re a mum you know this story – the relentless, never-ending, round-and-round we go one.

This new phase has, for me, reinforced the following:

  • designating time to having a babymoon is one of the best decisions I have made. I’m feeling so grateful that I carved out that space, organised support, had little to no expectations of myself and relished in Marigold’s newness.
  • organisation is no longer a choice…it’s a must. There’s certain things that *must* get done each day or chaos ensues.
  • clothes are one of the major contributors to aforementioned mess hence I’ve started sorting outgrown/winter clothes in preparation for warmer months. This also means packing away Poet’s clothes so they can be worn by Marigold in a few years time (this pleases me no end!) and, of course, sorting a big pile to be listed for sale over here (soon!).
  • a deep spring clean is an absolute necessity. Sadly, we will be moving house again in 9months time and while it’s a long way off I know that it’s going to be much easier to sort/cull/declutter now than when I have a crawling baby.
  • having four children really emphasises the fact that, despite my desire for simplicity, we still have too many toys. Alas, a ruthless sort is in order.

Also, just in case I haven’t mentioned it enough, I have a pressing desire to clean and sort and cull right now.

The weather plays a part, too. These August winds have me hunkered inside keeping everyone warm. They put me in a bit of a tizz each year and at the moment said tizz is amplified because I have been in a cocoon for the past month. The winds have a purpose though; they declutter the last of the leaves from the trees, clearing the earth in preparation for new growth. We’re affected too; if you’ve spent the past week blowing your nose you could say it’s your body cleansing mucous that’s built up over winter (that or it’s this awful flu that’s become a pandemic).

And so here I am, navigating new motherhood with four children. It requires patience, deep breaths, perspective, #gratitude, non-attachment to a sparkling house interior and a whole lot of laughs.

Despite my exhaustion (and at times, frustration) I fall into bed each night feeling very content. And reminding myself to go easy. After-all, the days are long but the years are short.

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  • Reply

    So true- loved the baby stage, but it certainly had challenges! Best wishes!

  • Amanda

    Thank you so much for this perspective! I’m currently pregnant with my 4th baby and love reading your experiences.

  • Cynthia

    You seem to manage it all with aplomb, J! Always an inspiration to read your voice of calm amidst the storm. Marigold is pure delight and looks so much like her big sister!

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