a new perspective

It feels like only yesterday that I lay in bed with my new baby, cuddled up in the warmth while the rain fell down for an entire week. But no, it was almost five months ago.

Poet is pure joy. She has this fabulous ability to look you straight in the eye, lean forward, and get exactly what she wants. She giggles and squeals and gives the very best hugs. She radiates happiness and attracts attention wherever we go (this makes shopping a rather lengthy process).
Poet, Poe Poe, Poppet, Little One. We love you!
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Showing 34 comments
  • Sarah

    Oh wow, times seems to be going faster these days! She is more gorgeous than ever!

  • kit and nancy.

    she is getting more and more beautiful…how is this possible? she's such a charmer and you can really get a sense of her kind nature from these photos. bless! have a wonderful christmas with your beautiful little family. xx

  • Rhiannon

    Gosh she is such a little beauty!

  • Chaucee

    These photos are BEYOND adorable. She seems like such a charm!

  • Gaby

    She's so cute, I just love that first shot of her giggling!

  • Kirsty

    So beautiful! I love the wonder in her eyes. Babies are just magic!

  • Allana

    Gosh, look how grown up she is looking! So beautiful 🙂

  • one claire day

    Time passes too quickly! She is just darling in her clashing stripes x

  • Maxabella

    Such a sweetie, and so loved. Can it really be five months already? She has done so much! x

  • kristi

    i love that…poe poe.

  • melania

    Poet looks precious, what a little sweetheart. Wonderful photos you have taken here. Happy days!

  • Andrea

    I can see why! What a beautiful girl she is! x

  • Christina

    It does seem such a short time ago to me too. But the proof is right there, in that sweet face. Surely our perception of time changes once we become parents? School years seemed to take a lot longer than Mama years. (And I loved school.)


  • Briar {Sunday Collector}

    Hi Jodi,

    I hope you have had a nice weekend – thanks for leaving a comment on my Have You Met Miss Jones Post. Congrats, you have one Prize # 2 – which includes the really cute necklace. Email me a good postal address at briarstanley@gmail.com and I will get the package sent to you.

    Happy Christmas to you and your family Jodi! Briar x

  • Bungalowgirl

    Oh she is such a cutie, very wise eyes and looks alot like her big brother. Enjoy this as you will blink and she will be chat chat chatting away about her day. melx

  • tim coulson

    She has grown so much since I was with you guys last.

  • Shelley

    She is the sweetest little baby! Love her in stripes 🙂

  • courtney

    she looks exactly like you. such a gorgeous, sweet babe.

  • The Franglaise

    Babies grow so quickly – it can be hard to keep up. But she is growing into one fine little girl. And, she looks SO much like her brother. It's so sweet to see. Happy 5 months precious Poet!

  • Suite Henry

    Has it really been 5 months?
    She's looking lovely.

  • bron @ baby space

    Can't believe its already 5 months! Congrats to you all 🙂
    p.s Have been visualising my calm/water-birth-to-be as you suggested. Fingers crossed!

  • Nell

    A smile that brings joy to everyone it greets, I'm sure. 5 months? Time flies when you're surrounded by such cool little kiddos xx

  • Tammi

    Jodi she truly is a treasure…look at that adorable face and smile 🙂

  • dear olive

    What a jumpsuit. What a smile. Kellie xx

  • Lizeylou

    Those eyes … little heartbreaker!!

  • schorlemädchen

    she is sooo beautiful. I like your blog so much and I am happy you commented on mine so I could find your beautiful space. 🙂

  • a-pastiche.com

    people used to say this about my family all the time when all four of us kids plus mum and dad were out and we (ie, from the oldest child perspective) thought it a bit strange .. but you can see jodi and daniel in che and poet.

    To us people would say "you all have such blue eyes" or "you must have strong genes because you all look similar" .. and we were used to looking at each other, so we saw the differences. It is only when I look back,having moved out of home, or at my youngest sister who is 12 years younger than me, that I notice the similarities. And I love that.

    ps. I remember reading you'd like more children at some point. as the eldest of four I (am obviously biased)… my family is wonderful. people did often used to say 'wow you have a big family'. When we moved with all four of us and E (youngest) was 6 months, Mum and Dad would "ration" which children got to go into each open home… and our "people mover" ie, car that fits 8 people, we got second hand and it had the numberplate XS (and then numbers). … XS as in excess as in excess children 🙂 Miss E was a surprise (but for me, it was my dream come true. truly. mum would ask the night before my birthday 'what would you wish for your birthday?' and it was always, always, always .. a little sister. Mum and Dad said our family was complete and I did still wish for a little sister. I remember when they told us mum was pregnant (we knew something good was up) and I also remember when mum had the 6 month scan. the big scan, where they can tell the gender. she rings me at the family bach where I was with my cousins. I was expecting the phone call.. the phone didn't ring often at the beach house. I answered and said "mum is it a boy or a girl?" and she said "georgi the baby is healthy and you are going to have a little sister". I relayed the sister part on extremely well but my aunty had to talk to mum to get the healthy details. that is how my dream came true.

    sorry for this essay comment.. but families of four/five .. however many children are wonderful and i felt i had to tell you about my childhood dream that became a reality. x georgi

  • Catherine

    She has grown so much, so beautiful!

  • Simply Bike

    She is absolutely adorable! And that outfit is the cutest ever, I love it! I know exactly what you mean, I have a 4 month old and it feels like only yesterday we brought her home. I can't believe that was back in August, that it was summer, and now it's December and cold. If it weren't for the changing seasons, I may not believe the passage of time at all, she still feels so new to me in many ways.

    Enjoy that beautiful child of yours!


  • Julie

    there really is nothing better x

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    She is indeed pure perfection! Just imagine her a the Pipster running around under sprinklers next year.

    xo em

  • Luisa Brimble

    i bet everyone says that she's a little you. she is such a little cutie my gosh! i really love seeing how much she's grown. i know it's such a cliche thing to say but it's just too hard to comprehend how much. lol.

  • Pipi

    She looks so much like you! beautiful happy baby!

  • Leen

    I just discouvered your blog… Love reading your stories, and your kids are just sooo cute!

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