more sweet memories

Just over one year ago I looked like this;

…and what a miracle it is that a big belly = a new baby, so precious;

we danced by the water…

…and when he was three-months-old he wore mala beads around his neck and we blessed him with the ocean

and with earth from Grandad’s garden;

and some days we lay in bed and just spent time being a little family. As we continue to do.

Sweet memories. Today Ché pulled himself up to standing and while leaning on a basket stepped one foot in front of the other. I think they call it walking.

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Showing 5 comments
  • Leni and Rose

    You know, I just love reading your posts. I get a bit teary, I laugh, I just love it! And what an absolutely gorgeous thing to do – a blessing with the ocean and grandads garden. Just lovely.

  • ella

    awww that’s exciting. What a gorgeous belly too.

  • Danielle

    Sounds like a very special someone is growing up 🙂

  • potty mouth mama

    That belly is beautiful.. Ahh such delightful memories.. Can you believe time flies so fast?

    In answering your papier mache question – we’re making a bowl – we’re going to slice it in half and coat it in glue.. Or something.. But a pinata! Easy, you’ll make a gorgeous one for your little man’s birthday!

  • Madeline

    Oh! How wonderful. Ironically, Jesse (my 8 yo) is sitting next to me and saw your pictures form the other day of Che and asked if he could walk. We got to discover, a minute later, that he can!

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