making room for dreaming

Before Daniel and I became parents we didn’t really understand the co-sleeping thing. How could a parent possibly get any sleep if a wriggling little child, arms outstretched, gently cooing, slept next to you? As all parents do, we have found our own way with most aspects of parenting and subsequently Che has made his way into our bed. OOOhhh, it is so beautiful when my little one stretches out to hold his hands on my neck while he sleeps. It’s hilarious when I open my eyes in the morning to find Che lying right next to me, just watching me, wishing I would “hurry up and get out of bed, Mum!” Truth be told, Daniel and I feel blessed that our little one feels so safe and sound in our bed. But up until a few nights ago he would sleep in his cot for a few hours at night and during the day. And now he seems absolutely petrified of the cot. So today I spent time with him in his room, encouraging him to love his space, feel happy in his sleeping cocoon, dream sweet dreams amongst the soft downy blanket, furry friends and my scarf ( because a baby always sleeps more soundly when they can smell their mum).

So we played, and giggled, and watched the trees outside. And as I stood back to capture the moment I had to look above the camera to make sure that this really was the same baby I grew and birthed. He is so big! Daniel and I woke up the other morning and didn’t for a moment question that Che had grown overnight. He is so much bigger and so much cheekier. And we love him more than we did yesterday.

And I must remember to get Daniel to lower the mattress in the cot because clearly someone is so big they can get up and probably fall over. And we definitely don’t want that. And one last thing. His new tee is covered in whales. Yes…some of them are even wearing top hats. And I think the image of a whale in a top hat is a good way to finish today.

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  • Ella

    the littles really do grow overnight. it’s quite amazing.
    We are all sleeping in 1 room also and it has been so easy for me. Little A is nearly 4. He has his own bed but still crawls into ours in the AM. i can’t imagine ever having woken in the night, gotten out of my bed to wander to another room to pacify my child. no way. too much work when all that’s needed is a soft word or wee snuggle. Time is fast. Eventually he’ll want his own room. i’m just going to take it all in and enjoy.

  • Blooming

    I love those PJs so cute! Your wee man is lovely. Che? and the teddy is Fidel?

    I have a little one too, he’s out of his cot now, it was on the lowest set-up but he could still climb out, he also liked pushing it around his room so he could get the windows open. He’s on a futon on the floor now, much safer. He’ll be two this month.

    I found your blog from a little goodness, the name caught my eye.

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