the weeks after I weaned

  sage tea to help dry up the milk / sweet floral clothes from printbebe

It’s raining here today, for breakfast we ate porridge with maple syrup and banana and I can’t see us getting out of our pyjamas for a good while yet.Slowly but surely my energy is returning and for the first time in months I feel grounded. Since Poet weaned she has been absolutely ravenous and as I prepare food and watch her devour, I’m mindful of what my body fed her for all those months. Retrospect is such a brilliant teacher and this week it’s provided such wonderful insight. Put simply I’ve been tired this past while, my days have been unproductive and I’ve been uninspired. There is an undeniable sadness as Poet and I navigate this new stage but there is also a sweet calm that comes from renewed energy and a clear mind.

As we bask in lazy holiday repertoire I’m revelling in a new kind of freedom. My days are slow and spontaneous, just how I like them.

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  • Imogen Eve

    Enjoy the changes and the slow spontaneous days, even though they come with a bittersweet flavour.

    With both my babies I felt a surge of energy and sense of purpose that coincided with the end of breastfeeding. I remember a feeling of sad relief.

    • Imogen Eve

      Oh, and those floral prints are beautiful.

  • Sarah Mc.

    I'm in very much the same place: feeling lazy and uninspired! Slow and spontaneous is good, though.

  • Jo

    I am feeling the same return of inspiration and energy. For me it is when the world blooms and I can dig my toes into cool soil. The entirety of winter I felt like I was trying to pull words together unsuccessfully and my creativity was bleak and nonexistent. Now, I've got plants growing, fabric ready to be made into quilts, I've been painting again. I wonder how many days in the hot, hot heat with full schedules it will take me to start longing for the calm and peace of your winter temperatures. 😉

    I'm not sure what it is, but I just love it every time that you photograph a teacup.

    My best,
    Jo Farmer

  • A little bit Country

    Hopefully the Sage tea will work its wonders, if not Cabbage leaves (I kid you not) will work wonders. Even after feeding 3, 2 of my babies self weaned I was still a milk factory and cool cabbage leaves placed in each bra cup works, I swear! You will smell like coleslaw for a week but it does help. xo

    • Jodi

      thankfully, the sage tea worked x

  • Jacaranda

    It's transition that's all…take heart x

  • Ruby Hoppen

    Yes slow spontaneity, I wish today was like that for me, but instead it's busy procrastination!

  • Victoria

    We needed this school holidays oh so much, everyone also here still in pyjamas & only just starting to move around as one littler person is sick so a quick visit to the drs to see if they can do anything.
    Enjoy these days.

  • Sarah

    It sounds like you both are finding your own way in this new stage. I have been so moved by your thoughts in regards to your children. I wish I had your blog to read when my boys were younger. I'm sure you and Poet will learn how to navigate this new stage together. I've come to understand that most of what I learned about parenting is through hindsight and it's always a learning curve….

    your words are so genuine and I always look forward to a new post from you.


  • Sophie Isobel

    Here's to beautiful slow, spontaneous days! They sound just perfect.

    • Sophie Isobel

      PS. Thank you for introducing me to printbebe, I'm totally in love!

  • Amber Joy

    You seem to be a few steps ahead of me in this journey. What peace this writing gave me. Yes, slow days…..

  • Mother Down Under

    We have made the winter switch to porridge and maple syrup with a dash of cinnamon here too…I love starting my day in that way.

    And being pregnant and then breastfeeding definitely takes it toll. Toddler C has been weaned had been weaned for about a year when I realised I still felt heavy and distant. A few trips to my acupuncturist to jump start my spleen and liver and I feel so much better. I just needed a boost to get help me finally clear that hurdle.

    Enjoy your slow and spontaneous days.

  • kristy

    Your words are so peaceful. I love when I see that you've put up a new post. It's a wonderful break in my day that I really savour. Hope your slow days are glorious.

  • Preeti Dubey

    It's so overwhelming when we think about how we raise our kids. Breastfeeding them to give best to their bodies, a tough session of weaning and then so cautious about their nutritious diet to make sure that they get everything for their healthy development!! Its such an exhausting yet an amazing experience.

  • tea with lucy

    breastfeeding is so wonderful on so many levels. but the renewed energy and cloud that lifts when they wean is pretty fantastic too!

    rachel xo

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Slow and spontaneous…the perfect kind of day. It really is an awakening of sorts when you stop feeding. Enjoy this wonderful new chapter with your honey daughter 🙂 x

  • Christina Lowry

    Oh, glad to hear the sage is working. I'm sure I will be coming back to your lovely words when the time comes for me to wean Emerson. xx

  • Rachael

    Weaning is always sad and happy. Be kind to yourself. xxx

  • Charlotte Rigby

    Those floral prints are gorgeous, love them!

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    slow spontaneous days are the best…that how we spent our holidays, we're back to Term 2 so it's back to routine….wishing you calm and wonderous week ahead Jodi x

  • tinajo

    Sounds good to me – at least once in a while! 🙂

  • Stacy

    I know my weaning still has a ways to go but, I feel like I'll have more energy. Hmmmm. What a sacrifice mother's make. I will miss it …and then I find myself worrying that a third child will creep up and I'll be in the same boat again. Love is love.

  • My Mummy Daze

    Slow and spontanenous are my favourite days too. Be kind to yourself as you adjust to this new time. Fi xxx

  • Reply

    can you explain the sage tea to me? can i literally steep the leaf in boiled water, or is there some other process to it? &, to taste? is it pleasant enough to drink on its own? this might be a little miracle for me, so please do let me know? xo

    • Jodi

      yes, all you need are a few sage leaves….steep them in just-below boiling water for a good five-ten minutes and then sip away. It's quite a refreshing drink actually and it will work within 24-48hours (I had 3 cups in 24hours and goodbye milk). Good luck! x

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