last day

This morning, as I filled his water bottle and packed his lunch, I remembered so clearly the first day when I cried into his little box of grapes and rice crackers.

We were quiet on the drive to school today and when it came time to get out of the car and walk up the path I saw his sadness. For the first time in months he held my hand instead of running ahead; like he wanted it to last for as long as possible.

We’ve come full circle and the end is just as momentous as the beginning. At his graduation last week he cried during the photo slideshow. “I just have so much love in my heart for Montessori,” he said. Indeed, Montessori pre-school has been a seamless extension of our home – a nurturing place for him to grow and learn; to the beat of his own drum.

I’m so proud of him and his big, big heart. I’m so sad that this beautiful journey is over.

…and now I’m crying.

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  • Iliska Dreams
  • one claire day

    beautiful comparison in those two photographs – the growth!

    To the next chapter!


  • Alison

    Bless him. Happy holidays to you all. They grow so much during those summer months at home.

  • Ann

    Oh my, Che has grown into an independent spirit. Though this chapter is over, there are new ones opening : )

  • Rhiannon

    I imagine the next journey will be just as beautiful, even if very nerve racking for his mumma xxx

  • GourmetGirlfriend

    it's not over Jodi- it will always live in him. forever and for always.

  • kristi

    i am completely with you on this one jodi. i missed tate's graduation last week and michael recorded it on his phone for me and i cried my eyes out watching him blow out his school candle. tomorrow is his christmas concert and he is doing THE BELLS…melt. i am going to be an emotional mess sobbing over my new baby. x

  • Reply

    What wonderful memories he will have from his days there.
    They grow too fast, don't they. Too fast.

  • mel @ loved handmade

    Oh Jodi, it really is such a momentous time in their life, and ours! I know just how you feel, my little guy started prep this year and it was a very emotional time for this mumma. He's grown so much and just like that his first year is over! x

  • Misha

    This is such a sweet post. He's growing up and becoming his own, you can see it in this picture. And, I love that he said "i have so much love in my heart for Montessori." How lovely that he feels that connection to learning and the environment. The brightest is yet to come for your family.:) Happy holidays!

  • Amy

    And now I'm crying with you! He looks so grown up, and seems like such a wise little man. X

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Wishing we could pop them in a jar like fireflies and keep them just as they are for a bit longer…but then to watch them grow and explore this world. Oh my…I'm crying along with you now lovely Jodi 🙂 x

  • Ms George {Life at the Coop}

    Aaw what a sweetie! You can really see how he has grown in the two photos. They are beautiful portraits of your beautiful boy (who will always be your baby).

  • fliss

    He will always carry with him this amazing start you have been able to give him well into the future. Look at his adorable face. He will be fulfilled with many amazing days ahead, and some rocky ones too.


  • Amanda

    Che looks so grown up in that photo – I love his sweet smile. Your words are beautiful Jodi and as others have said above, Che's experiences at Montessori will continue with him for years to come. If only we could somehow slow down time just a teensy bit… xx

  • Tahnee

    oh jodi, it's so hard, isn't it?! I felt exactly the same last week on Ruby's last day.. time moves way too fast x

  • Greer

    Beautiful. Our babes are at the same stage, finishing one journey and about to embark on the next. He is gorgeous xx

  • Rachael @Mogantosh

    Oh Jodes! I so remember this wrench – Ivy was so adored and nurtured at her pre-school too. It was a sad parting. Lucky kids to have such a wonderful beginning to school life! And then next year….School has been a wonderful experience for us – kindy is so, so gorgeous. You will love it. Best of luck. xx

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    time goes so fast doesn't it Jodi. My boy finishes Prep on Friday…he seems to have grown so much this year…I just can't believe it! Your son looks adorable in the photo…and bless him and his wonderful memories of such a wonderful pre-school time!

  • joanna

    beautiful! He looks so much like you. Just wondering – what kind of primary is he off to? My little one is at a steiner preschool, which is lovely – and I wonder thought about the transition to more mainstream schools…

  • misstee

    You have captured his soft sweet spirit here perfectly (bless him!).
    Saffron's farewell is this Friday and already I feel heart my swell with sadness and joy from all that has passed and all that awaits. Thank you so much for sharing :o)

  • Victoria

    This is so beautiful, tomorrow is Bella's last day at pre-school & I am already crying.
    Why do they have to grow up??

  • Pink Ronnie

    Such a beautiful photo and such beautiful words…
    Time does go too fast in the land of our little ones.
    Now I'm teary too…
    Ronnie xo

  • Claire @ Scissors Paper Rock

    Our little one graduated from preschool this November too! Such a bitter sweet milestone isn't it?!
    Che has grown so much.
    Sniff Sniff.

  • dear olive

    Beautiful, Jodi. Kellie xx

  • Nikki Fisher

    Such a beautiful expression on Che's sweet face. My River has one and half days of prep to go and I am an emotional wreck this week! He has had such a wonderful year and a completely incredible teacher. The pregnancy and birth books forget to mention that once you become a parent your heartstrings are forever stretching!! Its all wonderful. Tears and all. xx

  • Simply Bike

    Look at your beautiful big boy! We have a Waldorf preschool in our town and I'm so excited to enroll my daughter there once she's three. Your writings on the topic have only made me look forward to it more. I know that the differences between Montissori and Waldorf are pretty minor (at least, here in the US) and it's the same focus on simplicity, nature, exploration, and hands-on learning that draws me to their system. I love that they spend most of their days outdoors and that they don't allow electronics and media in the school. I was shocked to hear from a friend that she recently picked up her daughter in daycare only to find her and the other children watching a movie because the school was short one adult. I'm happy that there are schools that still prioritize doing and exploring and creativity over placing children in front of a TV.


  • Rachael Brown Photography

    oh mine is just around the corner for my wee girl and this has made me cry x

  • emma

    I cried all day yesterday as my big boy finished primary school (the little one finished pre school last week). Why do they have to grow up so quick?

  • Nic

    I felt exactly the same, and I still miss Montessori! Thank goodness for amazing kindergarten teachers who help us move on x

  • Pieces of Sunshine

    Beautifully written and a photo to mark this milestone well.

  • jay

    oh i am crying too now. that is so achingly beautiful. such a big beautiful heart, how wonderful that you had such a perfect and nurturing first school experience, wow.

  • Megan.K.

    Such lovely photos, Jodi.
    Che will do well at 'big' school after such a nurturing start.
    I stil get teary with each transition my little ones make…
    Happy holidays to you all.

  • Lisa

    A beautiful comparison of those two posts, Jodi. He looks like a real little man now x

  • Sarah Humphreys

    Oh little Che Che… I have been a bit of an emotional basket case over the last week, getting ready for Jude to begin his Montessori journey without me there (in person) and although i'm excited I'm also very very conscious about how fast the last year went, filled with so many moments of busy-ness. I truly wish for a more peaceful 2013 so I can savour every moment.

    This beautiful moment in his education will be with him always.
    x Sarah

    PS Jude corrects anyone (even me) when they ask about 'pre-school' – he says 'no, it's called montessori' 😉 hehe


    My son is in a Montessori preschool, and we absolutely love it. It really is a perfect extension of our home, and one that allows him to blossom (to the beat of his own drum) in a nurturing, social environment. He's been attending since he was 18 months old, and is about to move up to the 3-6 years 'children's house.' It's emotional already, and he's not even leaving the school! There's talk of the school extending into elementary; we are obviously very enthusiastic about that idea! I hope to find a way for his entire education to address his 'whole person', and that he'll never learn to sit, bored out of his mind, for hours as I did; I was 'good' at school as a child because I figured out how to play the game, and answer correctly. Observing my son's education, even at this early stage, has been entirely eye-opening. What a magnificent foundation Montessori lays. I'm touched and encouraged by Che's words — I hope Kaspar feels the same way one day, looking back on his Montessori experience — and I'm sure your little boy will thrive wherever he next takes root.

  • look see

    So sweet xx

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