knock knock: weaver of words
I always envisioned a little dark-haired, bright-eyed girl that would be Poet. And now she’s here. When a little gift arrived from Claire earlier this week I knew, in my heart, that Poet’s name is perfect for her. Seeing it on that gorgeous knock knock sign up there (the floral! the blooms! the colours! the stitching!) was enough – she is most definitely Poet. We sometimes call her Poe, or Poe Poe or Poppet. Che calls her Baby or Sooky La-La. She may weave words, she may not. All I know is that she’s weaved a lot of love into our family and our home.
Some things about Poet:
- She’s a wriggler – a mover and a shaker
- e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e says: “Oh those lips!” when they meet her
- And then they say “Her eyes are so big!”
- She’s very social, likes to be in on the conversation
- She drinks milk – a lot of milk, a lot of the time
- Her cheeks are getting mighty chubby
- She was born in the water, her birth sign is water and she is happiest in water
- Every night since she arrived she has slept next to me – oh so precious
- She reminds me that no matter what’s going on in our life, we are so blessed
I’m all for filling our home with beautiful heirloom pieces that will be treasured by us and by our children. Poet will, no doubt, have her knock knock sign for ever. And there’s something incredibly special about just that. Thank you Miriam for threading love into each and every (hand) stitch.
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she is just gorgeous. when you first posted her name i thought nothing could be more perfect then jodi with a poet. those dresses hanging in the sunlight…melt. x.
Oh Jodi, she is simply perfect.
What a gorgeous girl.
OH! Just beautiful, she is lovely, Claire is lovely and the sign is lovely… and the weather is lovely- no room left on the clothes line!
Oh precious sweet angel! Poet is a delight Jodi. She looks SO much like her Mama, that's who I see anyway. Love the name all up in floral like that, it's just beautiful and so meaningful to receive something made with love and by a friend's own two hands. Just an all round gorgeous post :o) xo
Poet is 'oh so' gorgeous! I'm so glad you liked the gift – Miriam is very talented and her creations are made with so much love and care to every detail.
When she sent me Eulalie's sign – I too was convinced of the name I had chosen… It's nice that you had a similar experience!
Ah Poe and poe poe, our Poe was named after we heard someone whose name was Poetry but they shortened it to Poe, it was a name that stuck with us for years. Oh sweet Poet, what a delight.
I couldn't agree more, Poet is delightful and perfect and gorgeous and adorable 🙂
That sign is quite beautiful too.
Poet has a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Lucky her – she looks just like her mummy x
She is the cutest! And her name is beautiful x
her lips are seriously divine! I can see why people comment on them when they meet her.
Jodi & Poet, Che & Poet, Daniel & Poet… her name blends to perfection with yours. Such a precious little girl. As for the name sign, it is gorgeous. Claire is just the sweetest. Have a good weekend Jodi.xx
She might just be the cutest baby in the world at the moment. She is amazing, Jodi.
Ps. Happy belated birthday Che! xx
Oh Jodi, she is perfection. Absolutely and completely.
And Claire is the sweetest person too xx
Gorgeous. All of it. X
That knock knock sign is sooo beautiful!!! I will have four of those with the names of my girls – such a great idea!!! Your daughter is so sweet – you are right – you are blessed 🙂
Poet is so beautiful and Claire is so lovely. What a lovely post!
she's simply yummy….
You could snuggle her all day. She's so beautiful, as is her knock knock sign.
she truly is the sweetest thing. and i LOVE the name!
Jodi she is just so sweet. And she has enough hair for a clip already!! My girls took close to 2 years to grow that!
Love that name plaque.
perfection. like poet. x
Hi Jodi I'm so glad you like your sign. I am very happy to be using my creativity and love of fabrics in such a nice way. Thanks for saying such lovely things. M x
oh my golly goodness! poet is just so cute. she definitely got your looks too! poppy loves to be in the conversation too, she stops fussing and just listens to people's conversation. what a gorgeous gorgeous sign. such a perfect gift indeed.
She's beautiful!
She is adorable Jodi. Yes, you are so very blessed! x
She is so precious Jodi. What a beautiful family you are! Hope you’re having a nice week 🙂 x
What a perfect girl – and what a perfect gift! Just love the colours, especially that dusky purple.