kinfolk (a very beautiful giveaway)

There are some words that I particularly love. I like their definition, the way they sound, the way they look when handwritten on a page. Poetry is one of them, symbiosis is another.

But kinfolk really makes my heart sing.

The very essence of Kinfolk magazine is gathering. To gather. Another lovely word. A community of 60 artists, writers, photographers, chefs, florists and film makers came together to create this quarterly publication that celebrates small, spontaneous gatherings. Dinner for two, decorated by candlelight. A lunch for twenty; the very best picnic spread.

The magazine is heavy to hold, the pages are thick and luscious, the words are carefully chosen and the images are soft, light and uncontrived. It is a celebration of friends, family and simplicity. At the centre of every gathering is food; a fresh-out-of-the-oven loaf of bread, a pot of billy tea and a sandwich, a crisp, juicy apple.

Kinfolk is a celebration of a simple, uncomplicated life. It’s brimming with inspiring anecdotes, intriguing stories and the dedication of creatives who aspire to share their wisdom.

I’m holding on pretty tight to the only copy of Kinfolk that has ever passed through my front door. But alas, I have promised that I’ll pass on the kinfolk love.

And so, I open up the comment section to you, dear reader. Leave me a comment, share your favourite word, and you’ll go in the draw to win a copy of kinfolk, volume two (go here to see snippets of volume one). With the help of the Random Number Generator I’ll choose a winner Sunday 12th February.

If you would prefer to buy your own copy you can visit LivedIn or Magnation – Australia’s first stockists of Kinfolk magazine.

Photos by my beautiful friend Luisa.

Update: Comments closed. The Random NUmber Generator chose #28 – Kristi. Congratulations lovely lady.

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  • Kylin

    I have two favorite words: sassafras (for the sound) and Meeting (for the meaning). So excited to learn more about Kinfolk!

  • Eva

    Embrace…..I just love the word…and the warmth in the action! Love Kinfolk…

  • Meagan

    This is hard. I've never thought about it but will go with this moment:

    Warmth- because I love just that.

    Wonder- because I am always trying to remind myself there is wonder all around if I am open to seeing it.

    Thanks for the chance Kinfolk looks beautiful. xo m.

  • Kirsty

    Kinfolk is a beautiful word – I also love 'luminous', 'catabasis' (to descend – often into the underworld), 'oceanic', and a word I came across recently 'petrichor' the scent of rain. The magazine 'Kinfolk' looks and sounds wonderful!

  • Lauren Horton

    Hi Jodie
    My favourite word is:

    It is a greek word and literally means scraped clean and used again. But i remember a lecturer at arts college talking about it through archeology and the layers of meaning within soil, the history of layers…interesting.
    Love your blog by the way…

  • Greer

    I love 'languid'. Makes me want to curl up under a blankie with a good read. x

  • Miss-B

    It's a tough call between "idiosyncrasies" – which as a child was the first word I knew which made by quirks sounds cool and "cuppa" as in "cup of tea" which probably isn't technically a word but makes me feel instantly better just hearing the word.

  • Coryann

    Aww, Kinfolk is such a refreshing take on gathering around the table with friends and good food.

    My daughter is named Vivienne which means alive. Ever since she was born she has brought so much life into my world. So the word alive will always be my favorite.

  • Gaby

    I've been dying to get my hands on this, i so hope i win! It's hard to choose my favourite word, and this sounds completely bizarre but one of my favourite words is the french word coqueluche. It's the prettiest sounding word but it means whooping cough, go figure 🙂

  • Jgee

    My favourite word is serendipity. It always has been. I When I was a little girl, I loved the series of books Serendipity, with the purple dragon on the covers. Even then I loved the way the word looked and sounded. Now, knowing its definition, I love it even more.

  • Joanna

    oh wow, what a beautiful magazine. And yes, a beautiful word.
    Mine has to be "Miette". A French word meaning crumb or little thing, but evoking so much more than that. I love it for many reasons – too many to go into here, but let's just go with the way it rolls off the tongue (when you put on a sexy French accent!).

  • abbey

    i love kinfolk. the word, the magazine, everything. 'fernweh' is my favourite word. it's a german word that means 'homesickness for a place you've never been'.


  • Hannah Dolan

    I have never heard of it before! I wonder if I can get it in NZ.
    Favorite word? easy it's
    Caliginous – which means misty, obscure or dim. I think it sounds just like it's meaning.

  • ally

    I know it sounds like I'm channeling Luisa but my favourite word (ever since I read a book about a dinosaur with the name) is serendipity

  • jenny

    I love Kinfolk! Such beautiful images. And I think wanderlust would have to be one of my favorite words. I seem to always have a "crave for travel."

  • Caitlin

    i was looking at this magazine to buy the other day, but alas.. out of my price range…
    I love words. in particular:
    -whittling, for the way it somersaults in your mouth.
    -earth, for the stable, fecund warmth of it.
    -murmur, for its subtle, humbleness.

  • Mel

    "Simplicity" is a wonderful word that is one of my favourites.

    Kinfolk magazine sounds fantastic, thanks for the opportunity.

  • Madeline

    I love the word upsilon. Makes me smile. 🙂

  • Ida Thue

    I've always loved the English word 'haven' – even before I knew knew the meaning. In Danish it means 'the garden' which is lovely too.

  • Dee

    my fave word at the moment is "arrow" – straight and true.
    i really would love it for our boy's name but the drama associated with a noun-for-a-name makes me feel exhausted!! :)))

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    ooohh i love the sound of this magazine and with such a wonderful ethos behind it too. my favourite word, for both the linguistic and the meaning is an Italian word – Non-trepecorpare….and it literally means "no worries" I just love saying it or hearing my husband say it….xx

  • Tricia

    I love earthy. I love it's meaning and I also love that its one of those words that sound strange when you say it too often.

  • Christina

    Synchronicity – such an interesting word to get ones mouth around and once you say it several times, it seems to loose it's meaning and just become decorative.

  • Sammie

    Plain and simple FAMILY.
    Why? Well family can sum up so many things.
    I love my family. My small family, my big family and my friends family. I don't know where I would be without them and they make we the person I am.
    The pages in that book look lovely.

  • Michelle

    I subscribe to Kinfolk, it's a special indulgence of quiet loveliness :: soothing almost. I love the Tiger in a jar movies on their website too.

    Such a wonderful giveaway, I think my favorite word is meadow…

  • pudding

    I love the word smitten. It sounds so nice and being smitten with something (or someone!) is such a lovely feeling.

  • anchett

    i love "to adore".

    and kinfolk is a great work of art!

  • kristi

    i would absolutely love to win this.

    puka, which is a hawaiian word that i call my children all the time. "ah puka, did you bump your knee?"

  • Katie:: Grow.Cook.Sew.

    I have seen this around on a few overseas blogs and always wanted a copy. My favourite word is 'Pudding', (although I wish it was something more intelligent like everyone else's words!)

  • Amy

    Kinfolk looks lovely.

    I've never really thought of my favourite word but a couple i've just thought of now: Summer (my daughter's name), joy & story.

  • Luciérnaga

    I can't choose just one, but I think one of the words I love the most is "luz". It's a spanish word which means "light" and I love it because it makes me thinks we all have a personal light which make us be different.

  • Jenni ...

    wow, you're children are adorable!! They are sooo cute! thanks for dropping by my blog!! xx

  • Judith

    I love the word..mushroom! Wish I could hand write it here as it's such such a lovely word to write, as it just sort of flows..(now you are thinking mmmm..weird!!) 🙂

  • Shelley

    Ive never heard of Kinfolk but it sounds like my sort of magazine. I love the word smile 🙂

  • Maxabella

    "Kinfolk" is a new one for me, but I've always liked "kin" and I've always liked "folk" so you bet I'm happy they met.

    My words: schadenfreude (not it's meaning (that would just be wrong) but just 'cos it sounds really fab and because it so aptly describes something that English takes about 10 words to get across)


    serendipity (so light, so fresh, like a skip in a meadow in the sunshine after rain holding hands with a joyous child and thinking about ice cream. For this one, the meaning is just as important as the poetic sounds)

    Lovely magazine. I hope it's for me. x

  • evie dear

    I would have to say comfort & content – mmm, such cozy, loving, warm words.

  • elflyn

    Ah I love Kinfolk!
    My favourite word is 'family'
    I created one and now I find myself wrapped in it each day.

  • oscarlucinda

    sounds like a special magazine. it's been popping up a bit lately too…would love a peek.

    i was given a card at Saskia's birth which featured all kinds of words for an infant, and i thought 'nursling' was sweet and old fashioned 🙂

    (the cards were a series put out by the national library – for various occasions, ie. baby, new home etc – they're great for a lover of words)

  • Lili

    wow this magazine looks so spiffy 🙂 and grand ! and they happen to be my two favourite words to date 🙂

  • Jane

    oooh. what a stunner of a magazine, thanks for introducing it. the first word that came to mind was LOVE, then TOGETHER. I would love to be the lucky winner. happy day to you. Jane x

  • nicole

    I love the word 'swoon' for its sound and meaning. Thanks for the chance to win! xo.

  • Natasha and Jesse

    Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite word at the moment is lovely.

  • Laura

    One of my favorite words is the Danish "hygge," which is somewhat untranslatable, but the English "cozy" comes close and is also lovely. Hygge sounds a bit like hug, too, which to me audibly sounds like an embrace.

  • Catherine

    "Wanderlust": for the innate desire to wander. Discover.

    I (heart) Kinfolk's images.

  • Mary

    i've seen quite a bit written about this magazine on-line and am intrigued so i'd love to win a copy! i love the word ambidextrous… odd i know but it just popped into my head when you posed the question so there it is. i could perhaps make a link with the prize and suggest that since it involves hands and using them very well there might be a link with the hand made and personal…!

  • GSims

    I enjoy phonetic (sound of speech) and reading Greek mythology – it's how I improved on my english. So my word is, Sisyphean.

  • Jennifer

    My favorite word of late is "possibility".. Not so much because of the sound, though I just realized the first syllable is the same as my future married name. Coincidence? Probably 🙂

    I just like it because it's boundless, it's like opening the entire world, every idea and every hope becomes attainable, becomes possible. It's empowering.

    And wow I would love to win that magazine. If not, I'll have to purchase my own, I'm sure 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  • Tash

    I picked up this magazine last week while I was in Vermont. I've been carrying it in my purse ever since. I read and re-read the articles. I look through the photos over and over again. Simple pleasures and simple honest living, it makes my heart sing too.
    My word is flow. I've stopped flowing and I miss that about myself. I'm working on it though 🙂
    Sending love xx

  • trine

    english isn't my native language, that is danish. an english word i really really like is serendipity. it's a way of living life i think. sometimes you find beautiful things where you didn't expect it.

  • JoJo

    Hi Jodi, I have long wanted to see, hold a copy of Kinfolk- it looks so lovely. My favourite word would be beloved- Warm, special but awesome and powerful at the same time. Its a good one as a touchstone. Thanks for the chance, Jo x

  • Deborah

    "Discombobulated" because not only does it sound funny and feel funny, but I always think of Black Adder … and I can't help but giggle and smile. Have you seen it? The scene where the first English dictionary is being written and Black Adder purposely and slyly slips "discombobulated" into the conversation, which upsets the author no end for IT'S NOT IN HIS DICTONARY!!!! 🙂 My partner and I play a game whereby we too attempt to slip chosen, sometimes elaborate, words into conversation with unsuspecting others. Bets are on as to who can use chosen word the most in any one day, and the winner receives favours and treats. It can get ridiculously out of hand. But having won my fair share of foot rubs, I'm not complaining! The mag. looks stunning.

  • lou

    OCEAN – O C E A N ….. x(say it like a whisper)… oh and whisper, thats pretty cool too. x

  • sonia

    I'm in Italy so don't think about the give away. But I only want to say that Kinfolk in these days is a sort of wonderful and delicate leitmotiv. I find it in a lot of blog of my reader, I read about it and I dream about it. Thank to have add your impressions about it.

  • Clio

    I was just thinking about how much I love words today, isnt language such a beautiful thing? My favourite word is 'pamplemousse', the French word for grapefruit, it's very random but i love how it rolls off the tongue.

  • Sophie

    zweisamkeit – german for being two people being together

  • Ashleigh

    One of the most curious and intriguing words I've come across is mamihlapinatapai which refers to a look between two people, each wishing for the other to initiate something but neither willing to act upon this desire themselves.

  • Within that land.

    I've always loved 'subtle' because of the clever 'b'. But I thought recently about getting the word 'spirit' tattooed on the side of my heel. sometimes i need to be reminded to live spiritedly, to have spirit and it is a word that stirs up great joie de vivre and beauty to me.

    The magazine looks gorgeous, thank you for the opp. to win it. And for your kind words on my blog – I will def. take your advice! xxem

  • Tori

    i really love the word "crescendo,"
    & i really love Kinfolk!

  • green tea and red nails

    ohhh love this! have been admiring this around the world wide web for the past few months… eek!

    some of my favourite words at the moment are swoon and bloom – short but so full of beauty!

    kel x

  • Isabelle

    Creativity and joy are my two words – they are words to live by and very close to my heart 🙂

  • Saskia

    Hi Jodi!
    I like the word ——- Satchel
    I like how it looks
    I like how it sounds:)

  • Dana

    I love the word….

  • Star faerymother

    Next time I play scrabble I am going to have this comment page up. I love the word peyote (which I have never taken shame really) Kinfolk is a beautiful word too.

  • Victoria

    The allure of a beautiful magazine or book, fresh, unopened, words and images simply sitting there in wait. There aren't many things better. For me, the word ALLURE with an emphasis on the U.

  • Emily

    Wanderlust … until my "son" came along.

  • tricia - The Itchy Eyes

    You know, my favourite word to say is archipelago. Just because. There is a song by Shellac which talks about "on an island or an archipelago" and its just a rad word to say. Meanings are great but sounds are good too.

  • The Girl

    I actually like two words together = "cellar door". If you say it slowly and with a slight American lilt it sounds almost French. Plus I've never had a bad experience visiting a cellar door *hic*.

    • Anonymous

      hee hee!

  • Leah Kua

    My favourite word is 'smitten'. I l absolutely adore the way in which in describes being completely enamoured with someone in a totally adorable way 🙂

  • TrudyFlorence

    Looks amazing! My current favourite word is gezellig which is a Dutch word that can't quite be translated but can mean anything from cosy, to friendly to inviting! A very useful word 🙂

  • emma

    ok, so this may sound ridiculous, but when I was studying horticulture in a past distant life, my favourite word to write was rhododendron. All those rolling o's and d's, it looks so nice on the page. I'd love to have a look at this gorgeous mag. xx

  • hello milky

    Would love to get my hands on a copy of this, looks divine. Favorite word… I have two, lover and harvest. x

  • greenthumb

    Hi I love the word Family and all that it means.

  • Bec

    Grace is one of my favorites! I love what it means and it's my daughters middle name! This mag looks amazing!

  • alexa

    Grace. 1. Noun: Simple elegance or refinement of movement. 2. Verb: Do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence.

  • bloom right here

    This is so cool! My favorite word is yes.

  • dear olive

    As it is nearing my bedtime on an enormously big day, I'd have to say my favourite word this minute is a lovely little verb … sleep. Kellie xx

  • dear olive

    PS I think it's a verb anyway. Too tired to care about looking uneducated. But I think my PS may have just gotten me a second entry. YESSSSSS!

  • Tina Sosna

    cinnamon,because of the sound..

  • mama bear

    Oh there's so many words Jodi! One of my favourites is Lollop. And another one (two words, actually) is Gloomy Balloon.

    Gorgeous magazines, I never win stuff but fingers crossed! x

  • stacy

    illuminate. it sounds just like what it does. great giveaway.

  • MichelleOverby

    Excited about the second volume give-a-way. :o) The first was so pleasent to read and look at– it is truly a magazine that inspires me to be more with family and to create a life that interacts and grows with the friends and community around me.

    My favorite word is gentle.

  • Carrie

    This IS hard but I'll say Bountiful.
    Thank you for the chance!

  • Tania

    I don't really know why but I love "thoroughfare", often seen on old no trespassing signs around here. Kinfolk looks beautiful.

  • Zara

    Kinfolk magazine looks lovely. One of my favourite words would have to be "little".

  • Cleo

    This magazine looks beautiful. I recently discovered another beautiful magazine called dumbo feather, do you know it? My favorite word is definitely explore.

  • Nicole

    I love the word 'coinybank' – the name my three year old son uses for his money box – he can never quite remember the right words : )

  • claire

    I love how 'clutter' and 'collect' roll off the tongue xx

  • Katherine

    Onomatopoeia – I love saying this and I love to hearing it.

    Kinfolk- beautiful name, beautiful ideas.

  • melynda


    m x

  • Lisa

    I adore "peloponese for the way it feels in your mouth. I also quite like "cacophony" for its onomatopoeic qualities.

  • michelle

    The word I seem to be using most this year is Rhythm. With new beginnings, new schools and new activities I am looking forward to finding the rhythm that is right for my family this year…
    But a word I love is 'petrichor'. The name for the scent of the earth after rain!

  • Maya Floria Yasmin

    i love 'floria', it's my middle name which mean is Flower or bunga in bahasa 🙂 my father gave me that name because he love flower

  • Ramblings

    What a beautiful magazine!
    My favourite word is 'gentle.' For how it sounds, as well as for everything it encompasses as a character trait.

  • meg

    cozy and strudel. my two favorite words (and things!)

  • Dianne

    Kinfolk looks amazing,my favorite word is faith..

  • Kimmy

    Beautiful photography in Kinfolk. Looks like an amazing magazine. My word is Joy! 🙂

  • Jodi

    comments now closed…

  • Carole

    Nice blog. As a lover of words you might be interested in the word play involved in cryptic crosswords. I am doing a series of posts on solving cryptic clues. This was the first one I did. Hope you enjoy.

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