is school over yet?

We are creeping towards the finishing line and we aren’t doing it gracefully.

I pulled up to Che’s school gate this morning a good five minutes late, expecting to be the only mum doing so. It’s a sure sign of the times when there’s a line 10 cars long, bedraggled children dawdling towards the school gate, tired mums gasping for coffee. I’m sure those office ladies weren’t happy about the amount of late notes they would have filled out today.

Last night was Che’s final drama performance. I spend all year hearing about his classes and yet it’s only at his final concert that I get to see him on stage. He has such a calm presence on there, even when he is playing a French celebrity chef (his accent was on point!). There’s nothing quite like watching your children on stage…dancing, acting and doing it all with such joy. Concerts are such a big part of this time of year for us and while they do require expert precision on the organisation front, they are always a pleasure to experience.

Ticking things off the December list is going slowly; summer has most definitely arrived and the humidity is stifling. It’s definitely not conducive to productivity! That said, I’ve just about finished my Christmas shopping and I’m turning my attention to recipes.

We do a simple Christmas dinner with a few meats and lots of salads. I’ve been making this jewelled salad for about four years now and it never disappoints. It’s a vibrant addition to the Christmas table and it adds a little Eastern flair to the salad department. While I really don’t like buying fruit from overseas, I make an exception for pomegranate…this salad just wouldn’t be the same without it. It makes a really big batch so will quite easily feed a crowd or, if you’re lucky, you’ll have leftovers for Boxing Day. I also make a classic potato salad with lots of mint, a garden salad brimming with rocket and herbs and pavlova because…Christmas.

Our house smells of pine thanks to the very best tree we’ve ever managed to find and excitement is brewing. Only 9 more days of school to go!

Are you feeling weary? Looking forward to school finishing? Feel free to share any inspiring salad recipes if you have them!

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  • Jacqui

    Love the decorations. Can you please share where they are from?

    • Jodi

      I got them from biome (link in sidebar)…they do pre-orders in November each year x

  • Lisa

    Our school only has two more days to go, and we are mighty glad. We are all very weary.

  • Maxabella

    You say creeping, I say crawling. 2016 needs to be gone.

  • Reply

    Definitely weary and definitely looking forward to the end of term. I think I’m more excited than my kids!

  • Ingi

    My Yr 11 kids are done, and it’s such a relief in the mornings, but in general as well. One. More. Year.

    Just had an early Christmas lunch with the in laws and I made this great watermelon salad – so refreshing and a hit with the kids (I might have to train up the in laws though)

  • Olga@Peaceful Mothering

    We are also feeling quite tired, but only have 2 days to go here in Queensland. My Ayurvedic doctor got me eating pomegranates last year, they are meant to help calm the excess heat we accumulate in summer. So, I think you have a great idea with that salad, it looks wonderful :).

  • Reannon

    I love a roasted potato salad instead of the usual one. You roast potato & sweet potato, fry up some bacon & then dress it in olive oil, balsamic vinegar & seeded mustard. Really delicious!

    • Rae

      I m assuming the roast potato salad is kept at room temp to serve? That sounds like a good one! P.s Reannon – I love your instagram (I don’t have instagram but seek yours out once a week or so! I used to read your blog #notacrazystalker) thanks for keeping it real – it’s so refreshing! Xx

  • Rae

    Merry christmas jodi! May you and yours have a brilliant christmas. I’ve read your blog since Che was 2 (!), but have been a silent reader ( I keep my internet presence to a minimum). But I did want to extend a thank you for the time you put in your blog, it’s my favourite. You seem a very loving mother, a great writer and a person whom has navigated the online world with a fair bit of grace and self awareness. Thanks. Have a great end to 2016.

    • Jodi

      Oh Rae, thank you! And what a beautiful compliment to share. Sometimes it can be a bit lonely on this side of the blog so it’s incredibly affirming to know that my words and photos and intentions are resonating. A joyous Christmas to you and your family x

  • kris keena

    I live in the USA and the notion of Christmas in summer is fascinating to me…cold and snow is such a big part of the theme here…and we’ve got plenty! Merry Christmas!

  • Laura

    I come here every week and leave feeling inspired and calm. Here a wonderful Christmas Jodi xx

    • Jodi

      Oh thank you! x

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