in the earth

The past week has been wet and cold and i’m liking it. It was too unusually warm for Spring so a quick return to late winter has been welcomed. In keeping with my deep-seeded desire to shop with more intention and less spontaneity, and hence eat the same way, I decided to finally start a little vegie patch. Small to begin with – there are only three of us. My Dad had grown vegies for as long as I can remember (I used to collect beans in my skirt) and so he helped us establish a little patch and Ché took to planting…pegs. With all the care and concentration he could muster he pushed coloured pegs into the earth and stood back, proud at his work. Perhaps they will grow…you never know.

It was good to get down and dig into the earth, a good practice, quite therapeutic. I love using herbs in my cooking (and is there anything better than a jug of ice-cold jug of mint-infused water in Summer?) so I planted lemongrass, coriander, thyme, sweet basil, rosemary and mint. Beans, baby spinach and kale made it into the mix too. I’m wishing, hoping, dreaming for a spring garden like Hugh’s – one day.

It’s become so clear to me over the past few weeks that the food I eat really affects my moods and energy. Since weaning Ché my appetite for meat has decreased and I’m starting to eat light, raw food instead. A salad of home-grown leaves dressed with seeds, nuts and balsamic…a daily indulgence. I’m back into my full yoga practice too – flowing through a dynamic hatha and ashtanga practice reminds me of the number one rule in Ayurveda – never over eat. Eat slowly, and with awareness. Daniel and I, since we have been together, have always promised ourselves that regardless of how much money we have we will always eat good food. Food grown with love and awareness – cooked and eaten the same way.

I truly believe that breastmilk was the greatest start to Ché’s love of food. He eats almost everything. The other night I watched him devour a bowl of tofu. And then he asked for more. I was, still am, so happy.

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  • katiecrackernuts

    I just bought Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden book, the one that supports, teaching children to grow their own food and understand a little of where produce comes from and to eat healthy, homegrown food. It's wonderful, but expensive, it was an indulgence and I bought from the foundation rather than from a bookstore hoping the funds return to where they're needed faster.
    Maybe the pegs could have a flower attached to them next time you're in the garden, or a sunflower seed that could be pushed into the soil. They'll grow easily and your little fella can watch them grow taller than he.

  • Michelle

    Growing your own food is rewarding on so many levels. It's quite addictive too!

    I love Hugh's garden as well, sigh, one day.

  • Kristi

    What a great pledge to each other, to always eat the best food. Che planting the pegs, such cuteness! Best of luck with the garden.

  • ecoMILF

    Hey. I am also a yoga teacher, breastfeeding mum and urban gardener. Good Luck with your little veggie patch. Luckily Che is a little older than my tiny tot. He still likes to pull at the tomato vines and throw the dirt out of the pot instead of in. Glad to hear your weaning transition is a peaceful and reflective one. I just posted a toddler tofu recipe on my site- I'm sure Che would love it. Love your space. xo Meagan.

  • emma

    So nice to have a vege patch. We've been enjoying silverbeet, snow peas and now the purple carrots are almost ready. I'm so inspired by hugh's garden as well, makes me want to pack up and move to the country! Happy gardening you guys.

  • Leanne

    Ah yes yes yes Jodi!

  • melissa

    just a big 'yes' from me, too. what a lovely post! i think che is a lucky little boy to have you as his mama.

  • Maggie May

    Aw wonderful! I just did a post on gardening with my daughter Lola, who is seven. We are also planting a veggie garden. I am excited 🙂

  • tea with lucy

    I've just ordered some seeds from Diggers Club for my summer veggies.

    Last summer The Little One ate cherry toms straight off the vine. No hands.


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