illegal homebirth

I’m so saddened by news that the Australian Federal Government plan to make home birth illegal. From July 2010 midwives who work outside of hospitals and birthing centres will be excluded from insurance schemes. Essentially, from July 2010 if a midwife assists a homebirth she/he will be doing so against federal law and could face a $30,000 fine.

Homebirthing mothers are a passionate bunch and without doubt will continue to birth at home – with an ‘underground’ midwife (so ridiculous that I had to write that) or they will opt to freebirth, birth without assistance.

Lately I’ve been so inspired by this beautiful story
I love reading this mumma’s words as she prepares for her second homebirth
and this Spanish advertisement is simply stunning.

Visit Home Birth Australia to read more and sign a petition.

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Showing 11 comments
  • Maggie May

    What! This is terrible. Terrible.

  • Tori

    That dispirits me, as well. : (

    My mom & I both follow "pacing the panic room" religiously. he is so hilarious & what a beautiful family they've created. His maternity series should be published!

  • kate

    love pacing the panic room… totally in love with the whole family 🙂
    great post on such an important topic, it makes me so sad to hear about this too! i have always dreamt and looked forward to having my children's births at home and worry what this will mean for me when the time comes.
    my partner's stepmother is a midwife working in homebirth, and i love hearing the stories of the women and families she works with, and it is so sad that this will affect her being able to do what she loves doing. i hope this will change in the future, surely it cannot stick??

  • Madeline Rains

    : ( My SIL there will have her next one in time but then I guess she'll have to be "illegal" like where I live. It's just so wrong.

  • cat

    i hadn't heard this…i'm very sad by this…:( both my girls were born at home, one in hawaii and the other on a farm in texas. we had to pay out of pocket, but fortunately it's not illegal in either state. i am sorry to read this news..:( you are right, many will seek underground midwives and alternative birthing choices.

    i would never birth any other way unless absolutely necessary, but it is scary to think how many good midwives will no longer practice because of the fear of repercussions…

    i'm so sorry this is happening in your country…:(

  • Ariad

    It i so wrong that they are doing this. I was disbelievig when I first herd.

  • Nadia

    That is truly horrible! I hope the petition makes a difference…

  • autumncakey

    Thank you for blogging this. It's completely criminal and it seems as though so many are not aware of the issue.

  • Sarah A.

    There's also – She gave birth to her daughter, baby #4, at home and writes periodically about how strongly she feels that it was one of the best parenting decisions she's ever made.

    Sarah @

  • The Little Mama

    That seems so backwards, and is incredibly disheartening. It seems shocking at a time when mainstream media seems to finally be taking homebirth somewhat seriously. That is really very upsetting.

  • handmade romance

    Wow I had no idea, this seams to me as a big step backwards – so sad, will be signing that petition.
    I love the links you have put here too. The Spanish ad is amazing and the photos of Tessa are just divine!
    BTW I have given you an award over on my blog. I always enjoy reading what you write, there is so much soul and passion to your words. Play along if you wish. xx

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