i forgot it was monday

So relaxed i am.
after a few days of rain over christmas…
hence plenty of nana naps and long stints reading new books
i have lost count of the days.
and i’m about to lose count all over again because
we’re off on a little holiday.
a few lazy days at the ashram
where we’ll eat delicious vegetarian meals
and chant in the new year accompanied by a couple of hundred yogis.
i’ll be back in a few days,
in a new year,
with photos and stories.
Until then,
may you smile and warmly welcome 2010.
so much to look forward to x

In yoga
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Showing 8 comments
  • Anne

    Cute photos..:)
    Thanks for the link to the ashram.
    I've always wanted to go there. Maybe in 2010 I'll pack the family up and go there for the weekend..:)

  • Stephanie

    Mmmmm, what an absolutely delicious way to begin the new year.
    Maybe I'll get to do that someday when I grow up.

  • Maggie May

    ..and all is right with the world

  • katiecrackernuts

    Have a great time, it's such a beautiful place. Have a chai for me and a swim in the creek.

  • Misty

    Hi Jodi,

    I was just wondering if you could recommend any yoga dvd's for a beginner? I would prefer to go to classes however the town I live in does not offer any yoga classes unfortunately.
    I love your blog btw 🙂

  • Nadia

    Sounds lovely! I've missed your words and daily happenings. Just getting back into blogging again after a much needed break.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  • Tara Lucia Zaicz

    What a delightful way to welcome the new year. So much love and light xox

  • Anna Gilo

    I aboslutely LOVE your blog! Makes me want to move from frigid Canada to gorgeous Australia, well if you didn't have killer spiders and snakes!! lol

    I have a small request, I was wondering if you could post more music/bands your currently listening too, I have fallen MADLY in love with Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros after hearing them on your blog, and maybe you could introduce me to some others!!
    I would be eternally grateful!

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