how to maintain your sanity whilst moving house

The key to maintaining some semblance of sanity during the moving and setting up of our new house is a simple one; create one clean, clear, tidy space and look at it when everything else is in chaos. That’s right, stand there for as long as you need to and soak in the clean floor, uncluttered table and newly hung curtains (that desperately need to be hemmed*).

This rule could very easily apply to general living in the family home, too. And, if you’re anything like me, your tidying experience may have taught you that one clean room in a home is enough (or, is the best you can ever do with small children in tow).

There’s a lot of advice out there about the best way to set up a new home, the general consensus being: make the beds a priority and then move straight onto unpacking the kitchen – sleep and food are essential, after all. I vaguely followed this rule although truth be told, the kitchen is still a work in progress (it’s tiny and bench space is at a bare minimum – a story for another post). I’m not exactly efficient when it comes to setting up a house and whilst I could use the excuse of a nasty cold, pregnancy, exhaustion etc. truth is, I tend to deliberate a lot and do very little. Thankfully Daniel is the exact opposite and when he eventually pointed out that I was wandering aimlessly from one room to the next, picking up an item, looking at it and then putting it down again (the skit was quite comical), I managed to get a decent bit of unpacking done. The key? One box at a time, one room at a time (and don’t leave the room for a good hour or so).

Practicalities aside, what I’ve learnt most from this experience is this: setting up the family home takes time. You need to live in a space for a few weeks to appreciate its beauty and discover its flaws. You need to adjust yourself and your expectations to the new abode; the width of the doorways, the depth of the drawers, the quirky jiggle of the key in the locks comes as a surprise at first. During the first week you can expect to stumble, literally and figuratively, but before long you find your rhythm and you start to live in tune with the place you now call home.

This house feels good. It’s like it welcomed us, in a way.

*the curtains, let’s talk length. Do I hem them so they skim the skirting boards or take them up to just below the window frame?

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  • Becs :: Think Big. Live Simply

    I love the look of a long curtain…but they would be perfect for little hands to grab & make grubby!

    • Jodi

      That's my only concern….but they are washable so I think I'll keep them long x

  • Astred*designcherry

    Long curtains. Just below the frame shortens height of the room.
    Keep on pottering, you'll get there!

    • Jodi

      Excellent, practical advice. Thank you!

  • Fiona @ Brave New Vintage

    Possessions tend to naturally migrate to their nooks, especially true for kitchens. I like your advice. I too prefer long curtains as they don't slap you in the face like short curtains during strong draughts.

  • Craftysquirrel

    We have long – perfect for twirling in if you are a small child, but wouldn't want to deny my child the fun so left them that way !

  • one claire day

    definitely long curtains!!

    (p.s – looks absolutely gorgeous! Fresh, simple, homely, organic… love!)

  • Lucy W

    I agree with others' comments. Long curtains give the illusion of higher ceilings and curtains that billow in the coastal breeze will be magical!!

  • Jude T

    Long but our two yr old ha stepped in the ends before and bought the entire rod crashing down. If he's playing behind the couch now i tie them in a loose knot until he's done.

  • jo

    Long curtains. All the more fun for little ones to hide behind!

  • Rachael

    What a gorgeous space. Long curtains, for sure. Your lovely posts about your new cottage makes me miss the coast and put little blue house.

  • Brandi

    Yes, this is great advice. My dining room is currently the cleanest, so I'll just stay in there today 🙂 Best of luck getting to know your new space.

  • mary

    these windows are just perfect. i love your thoughts on moving house. thanks for sharing!

  • Tamara

    Last time we moved, I was pregnant too, so I empathize! Felt more like months for me before feeling truly settled, although we were mostly unpacked within a few weeks. Your new place looks lovely. I dream of a beach cottage some day, but I live in the pacific northwest, so it would be a cold damp endeavor. Still… I echo others – long curtains are dreamy.

  • Nell

    It looks so good, Jodi. And definitely long! I'm not sure you have the same issue down under but here longer curtains are a must for keeping out cold drafts in winter (I know you're a big 'put your socks on' advocate so I'm sure this will apply 🙂 xx

  • Brook

    LOVE the house! Seems absolutely perfect for your family!
    As for the curtains, my girls love to play hide and seek behind the long ones. I also love the bellowing look of loose curtains on the floor. An atherial feel like the ocean breeze. restoration hardware does it beautifully if you want inspiration. great post! I feel a move coming for us as well.

  • Angela

    A curtain which skims the floor creates a feeling of luxury and will billow in the breeze of a beach bungalow. My 2 cents 🙂

  • A Place You've Never Been

    So pretty!

    I love curtains billowing down to the floor! Sure, they pick up a bit of dust and dog hair, but I love the generous look of a long curtain.

    We are moving next month and I will definitely keep your advice in mind! I am only one person….fighting the good fight to keep things clean with three messy souls and a furry dog sharing my home. One room is good enough…

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