
We’re in the throes of moving the entire house around. It feels like we’re moving house – without the boxes and without the truck. There’s just a whole lot of junk surfacing from deep within the cupboards and I’m questioning why on earth we’re holding on to it.

I’ve probably chosen the worst possible time to embark on such a move because Poet has just started commando crawling. Everywhere. She’s doing a good job of cleaning the floor though – she’s covered in crumbs, hair and fluff every time I pick her up. Disgusting, yes. Productive? Very.

One reason for said move is Che’s obsession with Lego. It is, without doubt, one of the best toys that has ever been created. But Lego is small. Tiny, tiny, little, little and perfect for our inquisitive seven-month-old. So Che has moved into what was the office – there’s a desk for him to create at and plenty of floor space for Lego construction. The one rule? Lego is not allowed, in any circumstance, to pass his bedroom door.

What was Che’s room will soon be Poet’s. Currently it’s brimming with stuff and I-don’t-know-where-to-put-it’s. Today I sorted all the newborn clothes (sniff!) into storage containers and pulled out all of Che’s old 6-12month clothes for Poet to wear this coming autumn/winter. There’s lots of navy, grey and red. I’ll add a bit of pink, lavender, mustard and cream and voila, a fabulous wardrobe for Poe.

As I’ve sorted and cleaned I’ve carried with me a natural cleaner that works a treat for rooms susceptible to dust and mould – a mixture of water, lemon juice, eucalyptus oil and clove in a spray bottle. It’s been a life saver considering Daniel’s allergies (we discovered this time last year that he is severely allergic to dust and mould) and it’s good, as always, to know it’s a natural and safe concoction (although often clove is not recommended during pregnancy).

If you’re still awake and reading….

  • I’ve joined Instagram (finally!) – I’m cheandfidel. Come say hi!
  • I have to apologise to those of you that have asked me questions in past posts and haven’t yet received a response. There’s now a ‘reply’ option in the comments section so I’ll be going through past posts (not all of them!) and answering your questions within the comment section.
  • The kinfolk giveaway will be drawn on Sunday. If you want to extend your vocabulary take a trip through the comments – there’s some fabulously strange and beautiful words in there (handy if you’re playing scrabble anytime soon).
Chat soon…x
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Showing 27 comments
  • Npamz

    There must be something in the water. My home has just about done a mickey flip when it comes to shifting stuff about! All in the same good reason, to make room for playing action. In my case, both the boys need room. The lego needs somewhere that it can call home without being dragged across the countryside. I would love to hear how you go preventing the lego going from out the door….please share….I struggle really struggle….*sigh* I love lego but I loathe it too 🙂 So any hot tips and remedies for breach would be truly indebted…..looking forward to the reveal….

    • Jodi

      I love and loathe lego too! It has taken about 6 months for Che to really understand that lego and Poet don't mix. We have discussed it most days and whenever he is playing with it Daniel or I remind him how important it is…that lego stays in his room. We sometimes refer to his room as 'the lego room' – hence it sounds rather important so he's keen to keep it that way. We have big clear plastic containers for storage and often my food containers end up in his room as he sorts particular pieces for city construction. Good luck!

  • Maxabella

    I have far too many I-don't-know-where-to-put-its. Just when I think they are all freshly housed, more come to take their place. How do they get here? Where do they come from? How can I make them go? These are the questions. x

  • lou

    Ah the joys and pitfalls of lego. We have 2 large containers of lego.. but Charlie loves to spread it about. I don't think we would have a whole set if we tried to re-build one. Pieces are constantly being lost. Charlie loves to make such strange and wonderful creations.. he had the lego ideas book for christmas which has given him a new surge of ideas. Yes I can imagine how little lego bits and an exploring baby do not mix. Good luck with the move Jodi. xx

    • Jodi

      lou…we bought that book for Che at Christmas time – but we forgot to give it to him! We'll save it for his birthday x

  • Squiggly Rainbow

    mould…. I loathe it… I will have to try that spray! thanks xxx I feel the sniffs in packing away baby clothes…. I still have boxes in my garage and my baby is now almost 7! xx Rach

  • oscarlucinda

    i've only just jumped on the instagram bandwagon also. much fun. you can probably tell i'm addicted to the 'dreamy' function!

    ps. glad to see you worked out the reply function

  • Hello Olive

    Your photos are so lovely! (And the pic quality is great too – do you mind telling me what camera you use?) x

    • Jodi

      hello olive 😉

      I shoot with a panasonic gf1 and always use a 20mm f1.7. I love it – it's light, small and I carry it with me everywhere. I highly recommend it! x

    • Hello Olive

      Thanks! x

  • A Thrifty Mrs

    I think there's something in the air because we've just done the same. I did have to check my mental health for a while when stuff just littered every single surface and the curtains were in the washing machine but it was too cold to dry them outside….

  • one claire day

    This post was so beautifully and effortlessly written, Jodi. I love that Poet's cleaning the floor – I remember this with Lalie…. but throw dog hair in the mix and it's just a bit too…wrong!

    Thanks for the natural cleaner recipe – I've been meaning to look into making my own.

    See you on istagram xx

  • Luna
  • Kate

    Jodi you have no idea how happy it makes me that you are on Instagram!! :))
    I can't believe how big Poet is getting, she is so sweet. Can't wait to see your pictures.

  • green tea and red nails

    we are also in a state of 'moving' (although i have felt this way since we actually moved in – is it still a valid excuse after two years haha!)…

    off to follow you now in instagram!

    Kel x

  • Kaylovesvintage

    oh she is getting big…what a cutie

  • Kate

    You are on instagram!!
    I'm off to look for you.
    Oh, and I picked up the calender yesterday.
    It is gorgeous.
    I am going to get organised this year I am.
    Thanks you.
    Happy and sweet weekend lovely. x

  • hello milky

    Oh, those cheeks! Do you not just want to gobble her up?! x

  • Cherie @ 'a baby called Max'

    I just want to let you know how much I absolutely ADORE your blog.

    I have for so long now, but rarely comment, I don't know why, I'm very sorry.

    I literally enjoy every, single post!

    And thanks to you, you inspired me to look into a Montessori education for our son, & then as fate would have it, just as my husband & I looked into (& fell in love with) their philosophies … one opened in our town?!

    So thankyou. If I'd never read your blog, I'd never have known about such a beautiful delivery of education. And now, my son will benefit. And grow.

    I guess that's the power & beauty of blogging 🙂

    • Jodi

      so sweet and i'm so happy you found a local Montessori! Serendipity x

  • Caitlin

    aww lego! i still have a huge box of it, it was always a source of endless amusement.
    p.s. i did a little feature about you on my blog as part of a set

  • [Good Mum Hunting]

    Wow, she is really growing up!

    Edward was the same when he started crawling, I would pick him up and he would be covered in hair and lint. It was a real eye opener for me, I thought my floors were clean!

    Only this week I found Edward sitting in the playroom while Abi was at pre-school and he had 3 plastic toy coins in his mouth!?! 3!! I nearly died. So the coins have been packed away.

    Have a great weekend with your loves.


  • Lizeylou

    I love a good re arrange – makes everything look fresh again. But the things you find can be kinda scary. Look forward to seeing some pics of Che's new room.

  • Rhiannon

    I had a little giggle, we too have floor boards and Cooper always managed to remind me that my floors needed a wash after him commando crawling each day… he was my personal floor polisher!
    Yay for instagram, bit addictive to begin with I must say!
    Luv Rhi xx

  • Coral

    HI from the central coast of California. Longtime reader, first time commenter… *hangs head in shame*

    As a lifelong allergy sufferer, I'm so intrigued by your natural cleaning solution. But what ratio do you use for the recipe? How much water, lemon, etc? I hope you'll let us know.

    Anyway, while I'm at it- I just want to thank you for sharing your beautiful family and your refreshing lifestyle with all of us. Your blog is a happy resting place for my brain. I love it.

  • Self Managed Super Funds

    Nice article.

  • Alex Kieffer

    Australian Cleaning Force prides themselves on their No Quibble Guarantee Every clean is unconditionally guaranteed You remain the sole judge of our service and quality If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with any single clean, simply ask for it to be re done immediately at no cost

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