
After three days of suffering with a throbbing head I took Daniel into Emergency this morning. Headaches that last for days are so concerning, a million and one things run through your mind. We were treated with such care and our doctor was so incredibly thorough that I think I’m going to ring management and let them know. You only ever hear bad reports about hospitals but I couldn’t fault the amount of TLC we were given. It really was praise-worthy. Thankfully we are home – acute sinusitis causing severe headache at the eyebrow centre. After 2 IV drips my baby is all better and now resting.

I suggested to the doctor and nurse that perhaps Daniel should, once he is better, practice a bit of neti (a yogic nasal cleanse with salty water). They looked at me strangely and suggested I don’t snort yoghurt. They also asked me why I was knitting considering how young I am. It was better than staring at the fluroescent lighting, that’s for sure.
We’ll be spending our weekend resting and being grateful for our health. I’m teaching a birth workshop on Sunday….
Which reminds me…
Blessings to new mumas Anna (who did a workshop with me) and Julie – both birthed their babes at home.
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  • Peta

    sorry to hear that Daniel has been so unwell. how scary!

    can i ask where you got Che's quilt cover? I love his new-look bigger boy room. I don't think I have seen any photos of it since it has changed.

  • Aura

    I just bought the most wonderful book on natural healing, it's filled with all the best remedies I was raised with. Don't listen to those doctors 🙂 Sometimes we know best. I'm glad everything is okay. And I've been watching Anna's blog for months, anxious to see what she was having!

  • emma

    I was wondering where you were. Glad that D is ok, three days of headache must've been very painful. Glad you're knitting too, I'm crocheting. Didn't know you had to be of a certain age to do these things!xx

  • Katy

    Oh sending all positive health vibes your way! I used to suffer from bad migraines until I started doing the neti cleansing you mention….hope you all have a nice weekend x

  • Erin

    Happy that your little man is doing better. You must of been so worried with the forever lasting headaches! And ha … that's funny about the the knitting … lol.

  • Maggie May

    Those fears are horrible. I'm so glad it's resolved 🙂

  • mama bear

    I'm sorry to hear about the headache, glad it is resolved and your hospital experience was a positive one.

    Thank you for the amazing birth class Jodi, your honesty and insight helped me bring my sweet little girl into the world. xx

  • Lady Bird

    such a sweet bedroom! Nothing worse then seeing your little ones feeling ill. Glad to hear your home now 🙂

  • PottyMouthMama

    Sinus problems are the pits and they can become so serious, I got Matt using a neti and it was a great relief for him. I hope Daniel is feeling much better soon, and I hope you and Che are finding some sort of rhythm so you're not exhausted. Being a carer is rewarding, and yet exhausting. Lots of love. x

  • Madeline Rains

    Neti pots rule! When we were going to Australia a few years ago I was able to stop a sinus infection from taking hold before the trip because of the neti.

  • Amber

    Oh jod's,

    Hope he is ok. I had a feeling something might be wrong when you were not there on friday. Oh poor daniel pass a hug on from us…xxx
    Hope you are taking care too!

  • Reply

    Glad to hear Daniel is feeling better.

    Have you tried using the neti with him? I'd love to hear how you go. My daughter watches me use mine and wants to give it a go. I'd love it if she could use it as she frequently has a stuffy nose. But as she's only two (nearly three) I was wondering how to stop her from snorting the water up?

  • fliss

    sorry to hear about Daniel, but happy to hear it is nothing worse 🙂
    hey!…what are you knitting?

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