home life


I’m on the tail end of the housekeeping. Thank goodness! Che moved into the office, Poet’s things are in Che’s old room (she still sleeps in our bed) and the office moved to the middle of the house.

Musical rooms.

We recently moved the dining table into a corner of the lounge-room to make space for a new home-made trestle table and two computers. It makes sense to have our ‘work space’ in the middle of the play/cook/eat/ space – I can write, Daniel can edit and we can still be amongst it all. When quiet and calm is necessary Daniel takes the kids downstairs to read or nap and I try to not get distracted by the view (there’s a small forest in our backyard).

I’ve also decluttered. I love a good declutter. As a result we have less stuff and more clean space. I decorated Che’s room with colour and quirk – a string of pom poms, vintage striped bed linen, raindrops and illustrated art prints. He has a desk built-in to the wardrobe so he can draw and paint there uninterrupted (I still have to photograph it – soon, I promise).

Poet’s room is still a work-in-progress but slowly and surely it’s all coming together (more on that tomorrow).

For now, as glorious autumn days creep in, we’re loving being at home and playing in the garden. It’s nice to see the (almost) completion of a project. Until of course I get re-inspired and it all changes again. Beautiful ephemera.

Photos by Tim, film by Daniel

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Showing 48 comments
  • Lizeylou

    Such lovely snapshots of your home.
    My kids have just gone to my mums for a few days and the first thing I am going to do is declutter – starting with the wardrobes and then the toys!!
    I am thinking those gorgeous pom poms may just need to come and live at my house too!

  • Reply

    Is Che reading a novel!?! House is looking lovely… and I love Daniel's film.

    • Jodi

      It's a comic about Buddha's life. He sits on his bed and reads for hours at a time. Little book worm x

  • Anonymous

    We have those pom poms! They are a wonderful decoration at Christmas time too. Love all your sweet nooks.

  • Tamara Erbacher

    Daniel's film – love it!

  • look see

    This is why I heart the internets! I just happened to log on to Vimeo today and one Daniel Grey had commented on a video of mine from about a month ago – so I checked his out and lo and behold – there you all were! So very cool.

  • Mary

    love the first photo with you and poet – you look so serene. well love all the photos but that especially!

  • Dee

    Jodi, this post devastated me with beauty and warmth and love.
    you guys + tim coulson…what a magical combination.
    thanks for sharing,


  • Inês

    Such a lovely film!

  • lou

    Oh Jodi, such a beautiful home you have… and family! Nice to see Tim and Kesh hanging out with you guys… she looks so ready to be a mama, doesn't she. I have definite life envy xx

  • tilema

    What a lovely home. I'm in love.
    “Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes”

  • Bungalowgirl

    Well it's all looking a million shades of beautiful. I agree nothing better than a good declutter. Once I have finished painting my house white, that is next!melx

  • Smykolandia

    What a nice film. Who is the author? And music as a background is so nice. Who is the singer?

  • Reply

    Love everything here:)

  • one claire day

    Oh so gorgeous Jodi! Your home must feel so fresh and renewed… they say a change is as good as a holiday, and you've had both, so I'm guessing you're feeling pretty amazing!

    Tim and Daniel – talented much? xx

  • {jaclyn}

    Beautiful family, beautiful photos and beautiful film. Perfect song pick too.

  • Tash

    As you enter Autumn days we are entering misty, rainy Spring here. Gorgeous film and photos. I always love seeing snippets of your life.
    Sending love. xx

  • Brit

    i just love all the little details you've put up. what beautiful spaces. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Hello Jodi. Please please write about co sleeping how to transition to their own bed. we co sleep with our 19 months baby love it but we beleve it's time to sleep to his room.
    i am from Greece and co sleeping its not usual here.

    Katerina FF

  • Mama of 2 boys

    I LOVE what you have done with Che's room, it looks like such a peaceful, happy space. Just gorgeous Jodi. The photos are sensational. Your little Poet is growing so quickly, how time flies. Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend sweetie xo

  • Reply

    Jodi, I really do just love the way you celebrate motherhood, & your family.

    The love just hits us all like a sonic boom.

    And it really does bring me so much joy.

    Much love x

  • Amy Robinson

    So much love and attention to detail in your photos. And that top one of you with Poet! Delightful.

    I love a good declutter too. But can't seem to conquer more than one room at a time! Grr.

  • Karen

    Jodi your house looks just beautiful. Like you I love to declutter – too much stuff makes me feel sick. Sadly a clutter free life is made very difficult when you have four children who seem to want to collect. Doesn't matter – they are what makes the house a home.x

  • Stephanie

    OH my word, what beautiful photos! And I love all the details in the kids room…the rain clouds are adorable!

  • tilema

    PS: may I ask where you purchased that pretty lamp on Chès bed table? Lena

  • Nikole Taylor

    That video made me smile!
    What a beautiful life you live.

  • Gillian

    LOVELY photos. You have a beautiful home. I am now off to buy some pom poms…

  • Joanna

    Gorgeous photos Tim, and beautiful film Daniel! What talented fellas. And a crawling Poet… wow, how time goes. Well done on the house rearranging and beautifying… you've inspired me. xx

  • nichole

    every time you post a video, i end up thinking about whether it's my time of the month to be extra hormonal…it's not, it's just that the little videos of you family are so achingly beautiful. thank you.

  • Tammi

    These photos and that video…so wonderful!
    I'm in dire need of some housekeeping and looking forward to the relief that comes with having less 🙂

  • Ally

    What a beautiful home you're creating for your family! It must feel great to have a job almost finished. And less clutter … doesn't it feel wonderful? Che looks very at home in his room! xx

  • Saskia

    Inspiring and Lovely you are.

  • Rhiannon

    Jodi, the photos just have such a homely feel, they are beautiful, as Tims always are. And i love the movie, especially where Kesh sits Poet on her belly!
    I grew up constantly changing and rearranging my bedroom, and now i have a house of my own I have lots more to move around! Always looking for just the right combination of things in one area 🙂
    Rhi x

  • deux chiens et un garcon

    no place like home. happy belated birthday wishes to you.

  • Amy

    Delicious photo's!
    In our home we all seem to be collectors/gatherers of beautiful things…
    for a few years I've been practising the art of a good "de-clutter"…..I'm getting there.
    I crave a simple Zen house but most of the time it resembles a wild garden in an antique shop.

  • Amy

    Gosh I missed the film but just watched it, I think i shed a little tear of Joy in the middle of my library.
    Just beautiful and inspiring.
    We made bows and (blunt) arrows last week, lots of fun.
    thanks for sharing such beauty.

  • jody

    Beautiful photos Jodi. xx

  • little wild moose

    I love this insight into your home space – it's beautiful! I love the garland and the cloud decal in Che's room. I really need to do a good decluttering. I have been feeling stifled by the mess lately! I think you may have been the final inspiration to get my butt into gear! 🙂 Oh and if you don't mind me asking – would you be able to tell me more about the bowl and spoon on Poet's highchair? Everly is starting to experiment with feeding herself but I need a heavy bowl that won't move too much – this looks just the thing I'm after.

  • melania

    Daniel's videos give me goosebumps. It ended too soon!!

    Your place is looking wonderful. Inspiring me to get organised and we don't even have kids space to sort!

  • themonsterandme

    What beautiful photos and the film, magic.
    x Laura

  • kristi

    are you two working a project together for kinfolk? you need to start up an australian version. the photo are scrumptious as usual and your blog just keeps getting better and better. x

    ps. how cute are che and kesh together?

  • Lauren Knight

    I adore your blog. That first picture is amazing, and the one of your son's feet. Simply beautiful.

  • fast times in münchen.

    You really do have the most beautiful home and family Jodi xx

  • Nat

    As always gorgeous photos and the film is magic x

  • melynda

    cute feet!


  • Mariana

    Beautiful film, now I've certainly got enough inspiration for the rest of the day! x

  • Kate

    I don't know how I accidentally missed over this post. Tim was wonderful as always, but Jodi your family is truly beautiful. You are all an incredible inspiration. I could watch that film over and over again! x

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