here we go

I remember so vividly how, as a child, time passed so painfully slow in the lead-up to Christmas. There just wasn’t a task exciting enough to make the countdown go any quicker. Che got so frustrated the other day because I was busy working and Daniel was catching up on the washing. From the office I heard him exclaim: “I just want to do Christmas craft with my parents!”
Oh the guilt! A Merry Christmas sign now graces our front door (complete with cut-out bubble writing and gold stars).
In the next few days we’ll be:
  • making choc-chip cookies for Santa
  • drawing on the driveway with chalk (so the reindeer have pretty pictures to look at while they wait for Santa)
  • wrapping presents (trying not to peek at those already under the tree)
  • marvelling at the cuteness that is Poet in her cot (she’s in there for day sleeps only)
  • discussing the importance of sleep on Christmas Eve
  • pondering 2012 and its possibilities (I’m so excited about the possibilities)
But I think, what’s most important at this time of year, is gratitude. For what we’ve got, where we live and who we are.
This Christmas I’m grateful for:
Thank you for visiting me here this year. So many new faces, so many beautiful words. Especially the encouragement before Poet’s arrival, the sweet blessings after her birth. I really value each and every comment that you leave. This community is a passionate, creative, comforting one – full of wise words and, when needed, expert style/interior design/recipe advice. I’m really happy here…
May your Christmas be a safe and joyous one. And let’s bring in the New Year with open hearts.
See you soon.
Jodi x
I might just add that half-way through writing this post I was interrupted by a vomiting Che and a crying/hungry Poet. Life with kids.
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  • The Soul Anchor

    Oooooh! I love that last picture. I will always remember the day when I was a child and my parents got a new freezer. Best day of my LIFE! Why?! Because I GOT THE BOX!!!!!! Heeheehee

  • one claire day

    Gorgeous post, Jodi… a wonderful wrap up to your year – and what a wonderful one it's been for your family!

    Happy Christmas and I'll see you on the flip!
    🙂 x

  • Tammi

    What a beautiful way to wrap up a wonderful year.
    Wishing you guys a safe and happy silly season 🙂


  • Tania

    Merry Christmas excellent (and somewhat vomit-spattered) Mama…x

  • Libby

    Merry Christmas! I am new to your blog so this post will, I am sure, provide me with a lot of lovely memories to look back on.
    Have you ever heard of reindeer food? When I was a bit younger my parents, my brother and me would make it. It's a mixture of oats and glitter which we sprinkled in our garden to guide Santa's reindeer to our house!

  • Mary

    Happy christmas Jodi! Hope you all have a wonderful time. i look forward to reading more of your blog in the new year!

  • thewindhover

    Its been a blessing getting to know you, and the way you savour a wholesome life of family, love, wellness and creativity. Happy Christmas!

  • lou

    Oh Jodi, it is an absolute pleasure every time I pop here for a visit. I love how you write, I love the rhythm, I love your calmness, your home, your gorgeous kids…you are and will be one of my favourite blogs (ladies!). Have a wonderful christmas. Lou xxx

  • Jane

    thank you JOdi for all that you have shared with your precious family. I hope Che is over his vomits already. love and best wishes to you all, merry christmas. Jane x

  • kristi

    i love it here too…in your little space where you invite, share, and inspire. merry christmas lovely. x

  • Lizeylou

    What a wonderful post Jodi.
    I have really enjoyed your blog and cant wait to read all about your adventures next year.
    Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family.

  • dear olive

    My sister still peeks at presents under the tree! It drives me crazy. This is such a lovely post Jodi. It's like a Best Of Che and Fidel. It's sure been a momentous year for you guys! And it's been so special to have seen it (parts of it, anyway) unfold here. Merry christmas love to you. xx.

  • Mariana

    hi jodi…
    how many wonderful things to be grateful for this year!
    Love the paiting on top of PS bed. Can you let me know where did you get it?


  • [Good Mum Hunting]

    Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family.

    This blog has always been a place of inspiration, advice, creativity, honesty and love.

    Bring on 2012. Can't wait to see where the year takes us all.


  • Christina

    Thank you for all that you have shared with us this year, all your sweet words, inspiration and beautiful images. Enjoy your Christmas. 🙂

  • Sarah

    Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family! I have enjoyed each and every post! xo

  • tea with lucy

    Merry Christmas Jodi (and Daniel, Che & Poet too!).

    What a wonderful year it has been for you all. Thanks for sharing it with us so eloquently and beautifully!!

    rachel xoxo

  • Josephine

    A lovely list of grateful!
    I enjoy visiting your blog, and wanted to with you and the family a lovely holiday period, and a healthy happy 2012!

  • Nell

    Happiest of Christmases to you Jodi, and your beautiful family too. What a year it's been, here's to another amazing adventure in 2012.

    Thank you sharing such lovely words, lots of love xxxx

  • Megan

    Happy holidays Jodi to you and your loved ones. Have loved reading along with you on your 2011 journey…all the best for 2012 🙂

  • fast times in münchen.

    What a wonderful list. You've just inspired me to write my own to remind myself of how freakin lucky we are. Happy happy xmas to you guys as well! Your first as a beautiful family of 4. What an amazing year it's been for you guys. All the best for a happy and healthy new year. Stay safe. xx

  • Maxabella

    A lovely end to a glorious year. Hello Poet! (hope she's ok!) . Merry Christmas to you all. x

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Merry Christmas Jodi, it has been an absolute treat getting to know you and your beautiful family through Che & Fidel this year. Hope you have a magical Christmas and look forward to following the journey some more in 2012 :o) xo

  • Suite Henry

    I laughed out loud when I read "oh the guilt"

    Thank you for a lovely year. It's been pretty special to read all your adventures from over her in Toronto.

  • bron @ baby space

    ha ha — love it. i think it's cool that he *could* say, ' i want to do christmas craft with my parents!' you're a wonderful mother. thanks so much for your encouragement on my upcoming birth. hope you and your fam have a truly wonderful chrissie!

  • little wild moose

    Thank you for your words this year Jodi – your posts always bring me back down to earth, and remind me to be grateful for what's in front of me. Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas. x

  • Rhiannon

    Wishing you and the family a beautiful and safe Christmas Jodi. Thank you for allowing me to share in your life, it has been a pleasure to read this year.
    Love Rhi xx

  • thejadeleaf

    A very merry Christmas to you Jodi. Thank you for your calming, inspiring and beautiful words. Lots of love xxx

  • katiecrackernuts

    And a very merry Christmas to you and your little family.

  • Clairsy

    Happy Christmas Jodi, what a wonderful year it's been for you – and 2012 is shaping up to be just as good!
    A happy and peaceful Christmas to you and your beautiful family.

  • lady bird

    I recognize the first picture Jodi…I hope you and Poet enjoy what lies wrapped up inside it…..Merry Christmas to you xx

  • parenting articles

    such a nice post=)

    merry christmas!

    parenting articles

  • Reply

    what an amazing year you have had! lots of happy blessings for 2012. I can't wait to share it with you through your stories & pics x

  • captain kk

    happy new year! x

  • GSims

    Thank you for threading those lovely heart-warming words together. Goodluck in 2012 I hope it's as blessed as you wish it to be 🙂

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    come home already! GEEEZZZZZZZZZZ.

    xo em

  • Trudy

    hahah you actually made me laugh out loud about the Christmas Craft comment. That's exactly what my brother and I were like as kids. This is a beautiful summary of your year, I'm off to explore some of these posts! Happy New Year!

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