happiest day…

Daniel Grey! My love turned 30 today (actually, he turned 33 but he likes to say 30 so we’ll just go along with that). He woke to handmade cards and camera gear wrapped in a “che painting”. Then we all bundled into the car and visited a brand new little cafe in our seaside town. It’s got a bit of a city vibe which is always appreciated ’round these parts. We ate like birthday kings and queens, visited the park a little later in the day and then celebrated with the grandparents and gobbled up Mama’s famous cheesecake.
Birthdays are such special times and in our house they’re celebrated with lots of love and happiness. Daniel gets to choose his favourite dinner tonight. So what does this 30-year-old request? It’s absolutely a la carte and deserved of awards, I tell you.
Beef nachos. Oh, he’s just a big kid!
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  • lou

    Happy Birthday Daniel Grey! My Daniel will be 33 (30) too this year in December. The cafe looks very cool, love the wooden blocked bar. Beef Nachos a feast of kings…. enjoy your special day. Much love Lou xx

  • Lizeylou

    Happy Birthday Daniel. It sounds like a great birthday to me and I must admit I do love beef nachos too. Hope you have a wonderful night!

  • Knoopjes

    Congratulations on Daniel Greys' birthday! Looks like you've had a wonderful day!

  • Tai Tai

    Happy birthday to your man! Sounds like a great day. I'm in love with those green pendant shades – have been on the hunt for something similar for a while. LOVE them! Happy 30th 😉 x

  • Nell

    Oh, we love a good birthday in our house too. Celebrate to the max, we always say. It's Ben's next month and i'm thinking of what fun can be had to make the day extra special.

    Sounds like your boy had an awesome day. Love to you all xx

    ps. Your kiddos are stupendously delicious xx

  • Jane

    Happy Birthday Daniel. You have a beautiful family, hope you day has been special. Jane x

  • Sini

    Happy birthday to Daniel! That sounds like amazing day. Now I really want cheesecake.. 😉

  • Crystal

    Such beautiful photos. It sounds like birthdays are wonderful for everyone it your family 🙂 x

  • Leanne

    How lovely- a birthday!
    Looks & sounds like a good day. Beautiful photos.

  • m.e (Cathie)

    happy birthday Daniel Grey, you are truly surrounded with the most beautiful of things and people.
    enjoy the love

  • Shelley

    Happy Birthday! You are a lucky man Daniel Grey 🙂

  • Johanna

    Happy Birthday to your Mr.!

    Sounds like the perfect day. The photos are beautiful!

  • Gaby

    Happy birthday to your daniel! I hope he enjoys his beef nachos 🙂

  • one claire day

    Happy belated birthday Daniel! Gorgeous pics and gorgeous cafe (oh, and super gorgeous family to boot!).

    Love the lens… is it 50mm 1.4 ?? LOVE!

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Oh Happy Birthday to Daniel! That day sounds just about perfect to me… except for maybe the beef nachos, I'm a vego nachos kinda girl ;o)
    I can just imagine how special it was to celebrate with new baby Poet this year. Celebrations are somewhat heightened the more little people you have around to share in them :o)
    Beautiful photos too Jodi xo

  • bron @ baby space

    Happy birthday to your guy! These pics are gorgeous 🙂

  • Permanently twenty three

    Just discovered your blog, and dude, I KNOW the cafe you're talking about, it's totally doing the super cool thing. Hope you had a fab day. xx

  • popoechen.de

    all the best from – happy Birthday love ans celebration 🙂
    By the way, the bar at the cafe is made of woods isn't it? I love the pic from the bar. Guess I will make a table like this in my kitchen 🙂

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    I am a bad bad person. I missed his birthday AND his birthday blog post.

    Daniel Grey- you are a big flippin legend and next time i see you i will put a cold one in your hand. promise. B'day drinks one arvo this weekend?

  • Catherine

    Happy 30th birthday Daniel. Sounds like a great dinner choice, I know a couple of girls here who would love nachos for their birthday dinner. Hope you had lots of fun celebrating. 🙂

  • ashley @ the 29th floor

    great photos!

  • jody

    Happy birthday Daniel! what a lovely day, beef nachos and all! x

  • ourmidlife.com

    Wonderful photos. Sound like Daniel had a happy Birthday.

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