hand-knitted love

I don’t think I can describe the joy I have when dressing my baby boy in a cardigan knitted by my Mum. She spent every spare moment of the last two weeks knitting this gorgeous piece – navy with 4 little buttons that look a lot like pork pies (according to Dad…who loves pork pies). Handmade always translates to “made with love” and I actually believe that this cardi will keep Che extra warm. She was so meticulous with her work that she is now suffering from a bad shoulder. Who would have thought knitting could result in an injury? Tonight we are going to Mum & Dad’s for dinner – a hearty winters meal of lamb casserole and mash. Just like handmade equals love, home-cooking warms the belly and the heart.

I have called the above photo “French schoolboy discovers maracas”

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  • Madeline

    So sweet. It is fun to see the contrast in our seasons. We spent Jan. in Sydney (and got to an island off Brisbane as well)with my brother and his wife and baby (who live there). Their baby is only two months older than your’s. I crocheted her a hat and I realize now that it is definitely cold enough for her to be wearing it. Better mail that.

    I can’t find your email address to email you about unschooling but your best bet, unless you have specific questions, is to check out the links on my blog. My email is madnic@gmail.com

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