growing up (too fast)

Every morning for the past week or so I have woken to the sound of Che’s footsteps. And every morning he comes around to my side of the bed, gently pats me on the arm and says: “Mum, is it my birthday today?”

Che turns four on Friday and we’ve been counting down the sleeps. He requested a party in the park with his school friends, a special cake and some party hats. I also told him that because it’s his birthday he can request his favourite meal for dinner. “Mum, I’d really like avocado, strawberries, cheese and tomatoes please.” I love his healthy choice of meal but he thought about it some more and has since decided on “…pizza from the pizza man with pineapple.” So p from the p-man with p it is.
He’s grown up a lot since he became a big brother. He’s using words like ‘brilliant’, ‘ginormous’ and ‘outstanding’ and his made-up stories have become innocent forms of genius. Yesterday he sat in his room for an hour reading The Big Book of Richard Scarry and after that he built me a robot from lego. On Sunday mornings we bake pancakes together and just this week, on his new vintage ‘school-boy’ desk he has drawn pictures of our family which Daniel and I have been a bit teary over.
My beautiful boy turns four on Friday. And I wonder where oh where those four years have gone.
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  • deux chiens et un garcon

    happy happy birthday to your gorgeous boy.

    i hops it is the the most loveliest of days


  • Sini

    Hyvää syntymäpäivää to Che! He is amazing little one 🙂

  • one claire day

    He must seem especially big to you now in comparison to Poet! But really, he's still little (and adorable to boot!).

    Happy Birthday for Friday Che Che, I hope the pineapple pizza from the pizza man in the park with party hats and pass the parcel is positively pleasant and playful.


  • Shelley

    Happy Birthday to your gorgeous Che. 4 is a pretty special age i think. My son turned 4 in August & loves the same pizza as Che!

  • dear olive

    Wow, four!! I'm freaking out over here at two. Ginormous wishes for a brilliant birthday for a very outstanding (and extremely cute) little Che. Kellie xx

  • Sarah

    My beautiful boy turns 6 on Sunday….I too am wondering where those years went!!!!!! I hope you all have a lovely day celebrating x.

  • Gaby

    He's so cute! Hope he has a glorious birthday 🙂

  • superhappyjohi

    wow! happy Birthday to Che! He is a sweet big boy!

  • Tammi

    The years certainly fly by don't they?

    Happy Birthday for your gorgeous boy this coming Friday, hope you all have a wonderful day.


  • Ramblings

    Time… it sure does fly. Happy Birthday to your beautiful 'big boy.' Hope his day in the park is loads of fun x

  • Nell

    Sweet, sweet Che. Happy birthday for Friday. What an awesome big brother you are. And what genius vocabulary you use. xx

    PS. I also love, love, love your little waistcoat. x

  • Karen

    happy birthday Che – what a beautiful, gentle boy he seems. One day very soon he will be sixteen over six feet & bringing home a girlfriend to have Sunday lunch. Still don't know where those years go…

  • Becs

    Aw, happy birthday little man! X

  • jody

    Such a handsome little lad! I love the pizza requests and big words. Hope you all have a lovely day. xx

  • Leanne

    How sweet, time does fly by doesn't it?
    Hope you all have a lovely day on Friday.

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    He is perfect that little Che. See you at the Park on Friday my friend, Vintage Blankets in tow!



    such sweet words!!! Happy birthday kleiner großer Mensch!!


    we have the choose your birthday dinner in our family too.. i remember my youngest brother for his seventh birthday chose tandoori curry with a starter of toasted sandwiches..and so that was what we ate. birthdays are so special when you're four. x georgi

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Oh your beautiful soon-to-be four year old boy melts my heart. He looks like the sweetest soul and reminds me so much of my almost four year old boy. My boy has started asking every day about his birthday too… except it's not until January! We have a way to go ;o)
    Che's plans for his birthday party sound perfect and I hope the sun shines down on the day and you all have a totally lovely time :o) xo

  • freckles

    I remember my brother being obsessed with Richard Scarry books!
    Pizza with pineapple from the pizza man sounds pretty good to me, a great way to celebrate Che's 4th birthday, i hope this rain goes away in time for his celebration at the park.

  • Mary

    Happy birthday little che! and love the colours in the photo.

  • The Franglaise

    What surprised me as a new mum was not being able to even picture my little baby be 6 months old, 1 year, 18 months, and so on – it all see soooo far away. Yet in a blink of eye, you're there. And they're walking, talking, playing, singing and asking for pizza on their birthday. It's beautiful to watch them grow. Happy 4th birthday to sweet Che for Friday! xx

  • fast times in münchen.

    Che, you are divine with your big, doe eyes and hair to die for. I could eat some pineapple pizza right now as well. Happy 4 for Friday little dude. xx
    Ps Loving the purple wall and mustard vest combo. Such a gorgeous photo for so many reasons.

  • Dana

    that´s so cute! it makes me daydream about how my boy will be when he´s bigger!

  • Rhiannon

    Such a gorgeous little boy, enjoy your pizza together! xx

  • lou

    Che Che happy birthday little man. 4 is the bestest age to be… Rufus has just turned 4 (on monday) and he is already being a big boy.. starting pre-school and being the biggest chatterbox. Have a lovely family day. LOu xx

  • Heather

    What a beautiful little boy he is. My little one turned 4 recently and I also wonder where the time has gone. I just want to hold onto the now…it all goes way too fast. Much love to wee Che for Friday. x

  • Joanna

    Man, he is super adorable…

  • katiecrackernuts

    He looks so serious. Bless.

  • Yasmin

    Having some pineapple pizza too….must be the time for it! Happy birthday to Che and to his parents toooo….

  • Anabelle

    Hello Jodi!

    Happy birthday to your little man!

    I just came across your blog and I really enjoy it 🙂

    I wish I had taken pre-natal yoga classes, my sister did and she thought it was fabulous!

    I love your home!!!

    Have a great day!

  • oscarlucinda

    Aw would love to see Che's drawings of the little fam. What a little sweetie. Happy birthday big brother Che. x

  • ashley

    am sure four years will (and do) pass with the blink of an eye. from all i've seen you have savoured a plenty. he is scrumptious, and wee still:) x ashley

  • tiffmino

    Hi from Montreal! I have enjoyed your blog for the last couple of years but have never left a comment.
    Happy 4th birthday to adorable big brother Che! Time goes by too quickly as they grow… it feels like it just slips through your fingers… and then the next thing you know, you are looking over and seeing the wonderful 'big' little boy who used to be the baby in your arms 🙂 Enjoy the celebration together.

  • ally

    oh its today
    hope its magical and special and the p-pizza is perfect
    our little man turns 3 soon and I have such similar feelings – where has that time gone?


    My little fella has been using the word "brilliant" lately too. It always sounds so funny, as he says it so seriously.
    Happy Birthday little Che.

  • Amanda

    He sounds adorable!! Happy birthday to your lovely boy. His pick for dinner made me smile 🙂

  • Christina

    Happy Birthday for today lovely Che! I hope your day has been wonderful and that there is still more wonder in store. Have fun with your sweet Mama, Papa and baby sister.


  • Jeana Marie

    Happy Birthday to your big four-year-old!

  • Tracey

    4 is a good year and it will too fly by. Lovely blog. Lovely family.
    My last babe is only 12 weeks and i have a 4 year old too…and a 2 year old in the middle. Each one is growing up so fast! xx

  • Ella

    what is it with the big words on becoming a brother. i am floored sometimes at the vocabulary these days. CHe is looking handsome and sweet as ever!

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