go to the sea


As soon as we got home this afternoon I announced we were going to the beach. Granted, it would have been easier to stay at home and move through the daily routine of homework, dinner prep and witching hour, but the ocean was calling.

I cooked dinner while the kids ran around gathering swimwear and sunscreen and beach toys and half an hour later we were on the sand, grateful for the salt and the breeze and the space.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness at this time of year and I felt it today; emails arrived thick and fast, two party invitations came home, drama rehearsals and concerts are fast approaching and, when I looked at my bank balance, I was sure it was missing a few zeros.

107a8946-1-2But then I consulted my festive season list, which told me to go to the sea.

And there, as I knew I would, I found breathing space, rejuvenation and, most importantly, perspective.

The kids swam, I paddled and we returned home sandy and hungry and happy.

I think it will be our summer routine…cook dinner by 4, spend an hour at the beach, come home to showers and PJs, an early dinner and stories before bed.

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  • Tara

    Just wanted to say thankyou, I always find your posts inspiring & somehow reassuring. Such a different feel than so many of the other blogs out there

  • Chelsey @ Chelsey Crafts

    I’m trying to make going to the beach a part of my Summer routine too 🙂 everything seems so busy at this time of year, the sea helps keep me grounded.

  • Benedicte

    I am so catching up on your blog! And loving every post. I have been on my own with my two babies for over a couple of month now (and still have 6 weeks to go before the man comes home). I never knew I would become that woman but I have to admit that I now make it a priority to have diner ready before I pick up my boy from daycare…it is such a relief to know that we can spend time at the beach, at the park and either have a picnic there or diner ready when we come home. It makes the craziness of the end of the days so much easier. I wish you a wonderful christmas!

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