glorious winter

And with the winter solstice our days begin to grow longer. Although, I really do love having dinner on the stove at 4pm, making that five o’clock chaos a little more bearable.

Right now my working days are punctuated by cups of tea (I’m loving natures cuppa organic ceylon and clipper teas herbal infusions – peppermint, chamomile and nettle) and the occasional square or two of chocolate. Inspiring projects are bubbling away around me, projects that are dream-come-true. I’m collaborating with talented creatives and I feel, for the first time in my career, that this is most definitely right and overwhelmingly good.

When I need to step away from the words I wander on slow walks and photograph true winter. When you start to take a lot of photos you begin to judge scenes by light. And winter has the clearest, whitest light of all the seasons. It’s fresh and clean and pure. Innocent, even.

My days are full right now, brimming. In between work commitments there’s a first birthday to organise (!) and the never-ending muma tasks that, at times, are too many to contemplate. Every day, I bellow: “Put your socks on!”

Far too often there are bare toes tapping the floorboards.

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  • Reply

    So glad you are feeling motivated and inspired. I fight an everyday battle with two strong willed little girls about cold feet and cold floorboards too! xx

  • Kate

    Very glad to hear things are on such an upwards swing for you! Your positive energy is inspiring!

  • Tammi

    Oh how I love this time of year!
    How is it that Poet will be one soon?
    Your enthusiasm is inspiring Jodi 🙂

  • Gaby

    I have such a love/hate relationship with winter here. I love being outside; it's beautiful and not too cold. Inside my house, however, is another story! Makes me long for winter in Canada where you're always warm and cozy at home. Oh well… x

    • Jodi

      Oh Gaby, I know! Our house is chilly and we are often complaining about it. I just don't think Australian houses are built with winter in mind. We rug up and drink tea to keep warm. I often sit at my desk with a hot water bottle in my lap too. And we have a gas heater – but we've gone through one cylinder already at it's only June! x

  • Mama Smith

    Beautiful, it's a insanely hot and humid summer night here in Boston so it cools me down seeing your thoughts on winter!

  • Tash

    I love seeing snippets of your winter. Your winter looks like our fall, but I hear in some areas you even get snow, something I didn't know about your country until recently.

    Love hearing that things are definitely right and overwhelmingly good dear Jodi 🙂 xx

  • Rebekka Seale


  • Nikki Fisher

    Inspiring for me to see 'glorious' and 'winter' side by side. We usually flee Victoria in winter and head north but this year we are seeing it through. Re: heating, the best thing we ever did was install a coonara wood heater and do away with gas. I like the sound of the rhythm of your winter days…words, walks, tea and occasional chocolate…how do you manage to write with Poet and Che at home? Oh and I highly recommend Female Balance tea – licorice, sage, nettle and chamomile.

    • Jodi

      I'm the main breadwinner Nikki so Daniel is here, looking after the children. There is absolutely no way I could work without his support – not fair on me or the kids! Your wood heater sounds delicious…

  • dear olive

    You bellow? Are you sure? I'm not sure I believe it. Kellie xx

  • Michelle

    Ha! I was just about to say EXACTLY what Kellie said! I can't imagine you bellowing either.


    • Jodi

      When I'm asking Che to put socks on for the 1356th time in one day, I bellow 😉 x

  • Laura

    Winter really is the most beautiful light. And you capture it so wonderfully.

    Why do little ones insist on exposing their toes to the cold? Every morning I find my two year old without his socks.
    x laura

  • Anonymous

    you paint such a perfect picture!

  • sweet harvest moon

    Autumn and winter are my favorite!

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Oh you are so right Jodi, the Winter light is a perfectly crisp and clear one. I too love snapping away at this time of year. The beach is such a beauty to capture, as the tides change the entire shape of the sand.
    And yes, I am ALSO always bellowing about socks being put on. I wonder what it is that makes these littlies so keen to make their toes all frosty and uncomfortable… though I think I was the same with my socks as a child!
    Gorgeous photos xo

  • Nell

    Pretty winter light Jodi, I love the crispness of winter. It's cold here right now, and rainy, but it's just gloomy and cloudy because it's meant to be June and SUMMER. I've given up hope the sun will shine again this year, so find myself wishing the autumn and winter will arrive soon. And your pictures and words only make me wish it more xx

    ps. I also find it hard to imagine you bellowing! x

  • Maxabella

    Beautiful words, J. I like your expression "step away from words" very much.

    My kids are ice-proof too. How are they not freezing?! x

  • Mother Down Under

    I love winter in Brisbane. Our house is cold…but that just provides the perfect reason to constantly have a hot cup of coffee by my side. And outside is just beautiful…I could sit soaking up the Brisbane winter sun for hours.

    I cannot keep socks on Baby C either. His poor little toes always seem so cold to me…but he doesn't seem to mind. And of course now that he is walking we have to contend with shoes too!

  • Luna

    I find without socks the rest of me is freezing. As soon as they are on, I start to feel human again. When I try to explain this to our kids, of course they dismiss it as being 'nagging'. So the battle for socks on versus cold floorboards continue.

  • Simply Bike

    What a happy and inspiring post, as always, I love stopping by and reading what you're up to.


  • Reply

    I say "put your socks on" {and please don't pull them off!} 100 times a day too! So beautiful to read you are working on such nourishing projects! I love that x

  • Julia

    Every day, I bellow: "Put your socks on!" I love this line, so much! It has a touch of Maurice Sendak, though instead of capturing four year old male angst, it captures mumma of four year old boy (and two year old girl) in Aus winter spirit 🙂

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