gift guide : older kids


There is only so much lego one can buy.

Which leaves books (and a new bookshelf?) and…..

If you have an older child I’m sure you can sympathise with my dilemma. We held off on buying a tablet till a few months ago and opted for one that only allows 30minutes of screen time a day. So far, so good! But this Christmas I’ve been on the hunt for some quirky not-so-childlike gadgets that can amuse and entertain. And for my boy who likes science facts, Harry Potter and eggs with soldiers I’ve discovered a few things that will do the trick…quite nicely, too.

  1. Rubber Band Paddle Boat : a sweet little addition to the Christmas stocking with just the right amount of childhood nostalgia.
  2. Vintage Model Plane : a neat little toy that has impressive flying ability. Build it yourself and take it to the skies.
  3. Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver : for fans of the show, this contraption isn’t quite as powerful as the original but it is impressive with sounds, UV pen and regular pen included.
  4. Robot Alarm Clock : a cute and practical bedside table companion who will no doubt help on school mornings (which is exactly why I’m gifting it!).
  5. Stegosaurus LED Night Light : a safe option for a kids room with a sustainable LED lamp that won’t need replacing for many, many moons. Also available in Triceratops and T-Rex.
  6. Robin Hood Arrow Bookends : because practical and also, a great introduction to the classic story.
  7. Giant Atlas Colouring Poster : for those who love a big colouring project, this will provide hours of meditative work.
  8. Knot Tying Kit : life skills in a box and the perfect suggestion when you hear “I’m bored!”
  9. King Arthur Egg Cup : gives “egg with soldiers” an entirely new meaning.
  10. 100 Science Myths Explored : entertaining science for growing minds.
  11. Smart Phone Microscope : this 30x zoom lens fits over any smart phone and allows you to take magnificent photos with up close detail.
  12. Harry Potter Scarf : also available in Gryffindor colours, my HP fan has this on his wishlist. If you’re keen to introduce your kids to HP, we love the illustrated versions of Book 1 + Book 2.
  13. The Midnight Gang : author David Walliams is being touted as the modern day Dahl. His books are delightful, funny, captivating and sometimes gross…the perfect way to encourage a reluctant reader or entertain a book lover.
  14. Alex Rider Graphic Novel : graphic novels are such a great alternative to word-heavy books that may overwhelm. There are always a few on rotation in our house and favourites include: Tin Tin, The Little Prince, Artemis Fowl + A Wrinkle in Time.
  15. Tell the Time Watch : the best way to teach the time, this watch helps your child to understand minutes to and minutes past.

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