geisha girl

This morning, over coffee, i chatted with a friend.
and with envy listened
to her stories of with Mohawks,
cherry blossom trees.
auburn hair and fake eyelashes;
doe-eyed beauties.

she tells me that one day
in the gion district
she saw a real-life geisha girl.

she was star-struck, my friend
and she followed this geisha
for two whole blocks.

mesmerised by the perfection
the hair
the intricacy of her being

it was only the other day
while sorting through my cupboards
that i found my photos.

i explored the geisha for my final artwork in high school
the artist as the artwork.
i was intrigued.
i still am.

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Showing 11 comments
  • Nadia

    Gorgeous, stunning photographs.

    I too have always been intrigued with geishas. Their beauty and poise. The women behind the masks.

    Have you read Memoirs of a Geisha?

  • katiecrackernuts

    Lovely photos. People are really into Japan aren’t they? I’ve never had a desire to go, but as I read of bloggers who are fans of all things Japanese, I am starting to see the appeal.

  • ladybug-zen

    oh fantastic. brilliant photos. and i knew it was you the first moment i saw them.

  • Home Girl

    gorgeous photos full of intrigue, those messy fingers perhaps hinting at something dark

  • kosenrufu mama

    i love that picture!!!!lovely!

  • Michelle

    Stunning photos Jodi. You’ve captured a Geisha’s beauty and mystery perfectly.


  • Leanne

    Oh yes so intriguing! Stunning photo’s.

  • Julie

    These are great pics. Sigh, Japan would be wonderful to visit….one day:)

  • katiecrackernuts

    Fabulous tip. Thanks. I love a good book exchange. Maybe if I take in some of the books I’ve read I can justify getting more. Arghh, the no books thing is driving me batty. How you feeling now, hon? Brighter?

  • Nadia

    I’ve tagged you over at my blog

    Please stop by if you would like to play!

  • Bird Bath

    love the photos…what an interesting topic you chose to explore. I’m fascinated by the Japanese aesthetic too.

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