from the farm: billy tea

Ingredients include: the 3 of us. And a quad bike complete with Tip Top Bread crate for carrying supplies. Passengers must ignore the WARNING sign that clearly states: “You should not ride this vehicle as a passenger!” Pirate facepaint optional

Collecting necessary stones to create a circle and then finding wood for the fire.
Voila! Fire. And a Billy. Now…all we need is a billy holder – thank goodness for the meticulous and creative Virgo.
Sipping hot tea by a fire as the sun sets. Perfect
Ps. This is the last farm post. I took over 500 photos and wanted to put the best up here in this space. Tomorrow? Another birthday.
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Showing 9 comments
  • Sarah

    oh i am sure that tea was yummy…amazing pictures and moments captured jodi.

  • Miss E

    Your photos have been lovely! Each post has mad me long from a farm getaway. Now I'm craving a cup of billy tea… I'll have to make do with a pot.

  • PottyMouthMama

    What….?! No more photos? But I am loving these. MORE MORE MORE!! Looks like such a fab getaway. Perfect.

  • mama bear

    Sounds divine! I'm with Lexi, Surely if you took 500 there must be some more. The first pic is beautiful. Love Che's little pirate face. x

  • jane

    i love your farm posts! 🙂

  • Michelle

    These photos are so beautiful Jodi. The farm looks like a wonderful place.

  • Charisse

    I love your farm photos! I too am wishing for the quiet, country life these days. 🙂

  • the chirpy bird

    I am just adoring your blog! I am it's newest follower! All your pics are making me nostalgic for home, I now live in Los Angeles but those farm pics almost made me pack my bags and head home for a holiday!
    ox tash

  • Katrina

    who takes all of these amazingly beautiful pics??

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