from the farm: alive

In retrospect what I enjoyed most about our time away was the opportunity to press ‘pause.’ It felt like our everyday life was whirring by without the opportunity for stillness, quiet or reflection. Yesterday I saw Christmas cakes in Woolworths and today a girl at work mentioned it was 12 weeks till The Eve. I still feel like it’s the middle of the year. I could get used to pressing ‘pause.’

While away it was oh. so. good. to just be amidst the beauty.
The Sunshine Coast Hinterland is renowned for being green, lush and very much, alive. It was nice not to have to watch for cars or worry about Che. He could just run and we could let our guard down. It was huge relief actually, a freedom that only a big open space in the middle of the country allows. I know why so many of us long for a house in the countryside for our families. It’s seems so very natural. To raise children under a big open sky and to send them out into an endless garden; to explore all. day. long.
I dreamt of such a move while away. Can you tell?
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  • Kristi

    i've been dreaming that very dream. hope they come true, both yours and mine. xo.

  • Miss E

    I frequently dream that same dream…Maybe one day!

  • Sam

    I know, 12 weeks till Xmas Eve! Can you believe 2010 is almost over?

    Great shots, I love the sunshine coast. We have a holiday house in Noosa and spend lots of time up there.

    Eumundi is brilliant.

    I'd love to live in the country. I'd love to live in a snowy town like Thredbo or Jindabyne.

    Maybe one day…

  • Sarah

    I know how you feel…here's to those beautiful dreams.

  • Christina

    Maleny is the place I dream of moving to in those dreams. It is such a beautiful part of the country and I feel calmer and smile more as soon as we are on the ridge and looking down either side at the view as we drive towards the heart of town. Bliss.

    Beautiful photos. 'Pausing' sounds lovely indeed.

  • Nell

    Doesn't Che look so small in the wilderness of the countryside! It must be so lovely for him to explore like that! You paint a very dreamy picture and although I love the city life you could change a girl's mind about country living! Have a lovely weekendxx

  • Claudia Guerreiro

    nothing beats being surrounded by nothing but nature. i love his rain coat.

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