
I’m writing in short sentences.
like stream of consciousness.
because i’ve got the flu.
and my head isn’t working.
che now knows what tissues are for.
so even though i’m sick, he’s still learning.
he’s reading me books.
which i like.

i really don’t like being sick.
with a heavy head.
a head that’s cranky.

but while lying in bed i’ve been planning an autumn clean
because we’ll be cosying in for the next few months
and i’d like things to be just so.

because domesticity is something that i do
i’ve been blessed with a brand new dryer that senses when the clothes are dry
and a gorgeous new vacuum that leaves no trace of dust.
new kettle too.

i know this space has been neglected of late
and funnily enough i’ve felt guilty for my lack of words.
so here i am typing through a flu fog
and surprise surprise i do feel better.

perhaps i feel better because of the lemon and honey tea
the warm cardigan
the autumn sun.

I hope you’re well.

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  • ella

    oh dear, sorry to hear you’re not well but i do like the short sentence style. in fact that is the way my brain functions all the time so it is comfortably familiar. take care and continue to be taken care of. xo

  • jared

    Get better soon! That picture of Che is wonderful!

  • katiecrackernuts

    Oh dear. That doesn’t sound good at all. I hope you feel much better soon. When the echinaceas get a little bigger I’ll pot you a cutting or two for your patch of earth. Remind me in spring.

  • Cindy

    Hope you are on the mend. Doctor orders lots of little one cuddles!

  • ladybug-zen

    hope you’re feeling better soon. and i must admit, i have missed your wonderfully insightful posts lately.

  • Erin

    Rest and feel better soon …
    Gorgeous new kettle you have!!

  • Erin

    I keep forgetting it’s autumn where you are.. spring has just arrived here. 🙂

    Hope you both get some rest and feel better soon. xoxo

  • Nadia

    The change of seasons usually brings a flu of some sort. I hope you feel much better soon!

    That picture of Che is beautiful!

  • Cassidie Anne

    I just found your blog. I love it. I also just started doing yoga with an instructor. I think you have great input. Thanks

  • becka

    Oh friend, I hope you’re feeling better soon! I hate being sick, I definitely feel you on the cranky head aspect. Lots of tea and a comfy bed is in order. I’m glad that you did type through the fog, I’ve been missing you on here!

  • emma

    hey, so sorry you’re not so good, I was wondering where you were. I’ve got a new red kettle too, only mine sits on the stove and lets me know in no uncertain terms when the water’s ready! Be well and hope to see you again soon.xx

  • Amber

    Get well soon Jod’s..xx

  • Jules

    be well sister
    listen to your body & to your sweet boy's stories

  • Home Girl

    poor you. can totally relate to fog – being sick is such a battle with little ones. you still manage to work up a wonderful post despite your yukky bugs. btw have noticed that not only do you have an eye for gorgoues candid photography, but beautiful textiles too, love the way you mix them up xx

  • onegoldensun

    I hope you are feeling better. I have just recently recovered from flu as well. Such an energy zapper!It is great to be back to the land of the living. Well wishes…

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