fliss-inspired tree

So I’ve ditched the bah-humbug attitude and found myself a tree. I read fliss’ blog last night (how cute is her little art?!), looked out the window, spotted a lovely, rather dead branch and encouraged Daniel to go cut us a tree.

Daniel and I have both commented on the lack of Christmas spirit around here lately. Perhaps it’s the heat, perhaps it’s the stories that speak of snow and eggnog and warm winter fires. I think it is challenging for us to really muster that Christmas magic in Australia. But, I’m determined to do so and I can’t tell you how special it was to watch Ché place all the decorations on the branches. There was a certain branch, right at his level, that accumulated about 15 stars. When he wasn’t looking I spread them around a little bit – because even my Christmas tree needs a little balance.

I’m so happy with my economically and environmentally-friendly tree…and the decorations don’t get lost amongst all the pine. Perfect!

I suppose it’s been quite a sentimental day. We took Ché to get his first haircut. I love his long curls but he was starting to look a bit shaggy and although I like dreads I don’t think they look that great on a two-year-old. Daniel and I both knew it was going to be slightly challenging to get him to sit there so we told him that we would buy him an ice-cream afterward. And so, I had to sit in the chair while the hairdresser quickly chopped. And I watched Daniel try to catch every curl that dropped to the ground. He collected them in a little calico bag and no doubt we will keep those golden curls forever. Only problem is, after all the cutting was done the hairdresser tripped Ché over and he landed on his face, splitting his lip. Who leaves the hairdresser bleeding? We do…I so hope we haven’t scarred him for life.

We’re counting down till holidays….Christmas celebrations at playgroup, celebratory dinners with family and special night-time stories – just the 3 of us. There’s sweet spiced nuts to prepare, ribbon and paper to wrap and a reminder of the number one rule in Ayurveda – never over eat!

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Showing 10 comments
  • Mademoiselle Frou-Frou

    your tree is really adorable…i saw one like that in a shop i was in the other day!

  • Maggie May

    that is beautifully styled.

  • ladybug-zen

    great tree. we bought a shrub. a native in a nice big pot. during xmas it's indoors and therest of year it's outside. it's got pretty little purple flowers bloomingall over right now. my fave color. perfect.

  • rachel

    Classic. I just came back to direct you over to Udder! She also inspired me to do something about the lack of festive spirit around here.

    The Little One and I decorated our (once living) tree. It's looking a bit sad after a run of 40 degree days while we were away.

    . . . and I quietly removed the tacky tinsel once she went down for a sleep!

  • Christina Lowry

    I love the tree! I wanted one like this last year but my husband could not picture it, so we dragged out the old fake one. But I love yours and how Che/ you have decorated it! Hope it helps you feel in the spirit! 🙂

  • thea

    oh OH OH!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE your tree! that's frickin awesome. Glad you found that chrissy spirit 🙂



  • Gen

    Simple and beautiful!

  • Jamie lyn

    love the tree! As i sit here in my snow covered home, im trying to think about Christmas in summer 🙂 Lots of peace and love this season…..J

  • Erin

    I love your tree …. great idea!

  • fliss

    so happy to have inspired you with a branch! it looks wonderful, and i too had to spread a few decorations once the kids had clumped them!!!

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