The first page of the first chapter of a very interesting story…

I’ve decided to create this blog so that those of you who live far far away can watch Ché grow. Hopefully you can make the journey to this page every few days and take a little look at what we’ve been up to. I can thank Kiri for the encouragement…you see, she leaves for Europe in about 20 sleeps and we are very sad to see her go. She is even sadder that she won’t see Baby Ché Ché for such a long while. All this sadness was getting a bit overwhelming, hence the creation of Ché & Fidel. We had mochas and blueberry bagels today. This is Kiri and Ché with the new addition – Bunny. Bunny is an Easter gift – a blue and white rabbit with very long, chewable ears. I think Bunny may have become “security bunny” so no doubt in a years time Bunny will still be gracing this page, perhaps a little dirtier and maybe with one less ear.


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  • Ella

    wonderful idea Jodi to come and join us in blog land. i look forward to photos of sweet Che and inspiring yogini words.

  • Mardi Bell

    In your sharing I receive the gift of witnessing the beauty you see in the world.
    From my heart to yours for today your BIRTH day and always many oms and love.

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