finding abundance

It was time for a late spring clean. Or perhaps I’ll call it a pre-Christmas purge. Whatever its official name, I took to the wardrobes on the weekend and made space.

I usually do this kind of mammoth declutter post-Christmas when I’m eager to get the decorations packed away and the house sorted for a fresh, clean, sparkly New Year.

But it would be scrooge-like to discuss such things in late-November so let’s back track.

I was feeling conflicted and perhaps a little annoyed (and there’s nothing that fuels a cleaning frenzy like a little anger, is there?). The children’s wardrobe was full of out-grown clothes and disregarded toys and I couldn’t handle it any longer. It’s a job that takes a fair amount of time and a good dose of enthusiasm/ruthlessness so the timing has to be spot on.

On Sunday it was.

So with donation bags in hand I opened the wardrobe and rifled through the too-small clothes and toy baskets. I cleaned and cleared and sorted and stacked and now we have an organised wardrobe, a few bags of clothes making their way to friends and toys in their respective baskets.

And as I stood back and admired the hard work I saw abundance. “How lucky we are!” I remarked. My sentiments may not have been fully embraced but I think it’s important for the kids to hear them anyway.

It’s important for me to hear them, too.


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  • Malayka

    That’s a great idea to do this before Christmas! Now that I’m a parent I’ve almost come to dread Christmas because of the huge influx of STUFF that we always end up with. It really saddens me to think about how much money is spent on things that really aren’t needed. This year I plan to pass it straight onto Women’s Refuge so that it goes directly to children who really need it and doesn’t end up in overpriced second hand stores. On that note I’m going to set the morning aside for clearing out wardrobes :). x

  • Brianna Blacklock

    Yes! I am right there with you. Love the “aren’t we lucky” bit. Thanks for reminding me as well. This is the first year I’ve ever done a purge before Christmas and it feels so good. Extra space to think and breathe.

  • Amanda K.

    beautiful — thank you for your reflections! how lucky we are! how overwhelmed we are with blessings!

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