farewell 2016





















Well that went quick!

We started the year on the beach, watching the sun rise over the ocean. And then I decided that instead of making grand plans for life-changing resolutions, I’d just take this year one day at a time. And I have; I’ve let go of lofty expectations, focussed on the present moment and accepted that life with three children is busy, messy, loud and joyful, even if motherhood does induce a little anxiety every now and then. Overall, lessons abound!

As the baby became the toddler and we celebrated Percy’s first birthday, he found his feet and I found mine.

It was hard to ignore the fact that a house move was imminent so I chatted a lot about house hunting and moving on and having hope.  For a good few weeks we were nest-less and while I tried to focus on the whole “bloom where you’re planted” mantra, it wasn’t until we finally found a house that I exhaled, packed boxes productively and shared my tips with you.

Come autumn I was ready to retreat and rest; it had been a big few months and settling into a new home with tea and a slow pace was just what I needed. I started to practise a little self-care, listened to lessons from elders and found joy in handmade quilts.

As winter crept in, Daniel and I had our first date night in years (and apparently we’re not alone!), I chatted about the importance of rest and hibernation (of sorts), I returned to my go-to winter remedies, explored a new skin care regime and shared my tips for grounding yourself when the weather is windy and wild.

Intent on living simply, I became more realistic this year in response to a trend that may have us feeling a little defeated. While I shared tips on creating an entranceway, building a pantry stockpile and making your own natural cleaning products, I also spoke about practical vs pretty, letting go of simple living ideals (a popular one!), spring cleaning the family home and practising non-attachment.

In spring I rekindled my love of reading, embraced the #grownnotflown flower movement, felt pulled in all directions, grieved the final months of pre-school and discovered that outsourcing makes me a happier mum.

Our holiday in Bali was just the relax-and-reset that I needed and once we returned I resettled, prepared for a simple festive season, let go of any guilt surrounding my complete lack of handmade gifts and shared my nana’s shortbread recipe.

And just like that it’s Christmas time.

I hope you spend the next week laughing, feasting, celebrating and catching up on some much-needed rest. May we see the blessings that are so easily clouded by busyness and finances and schedules. They are there; under the tree, around the table, at our feet, beside us as we sleep.

Blessings for a beautiful festive season and an abundant, happy and healthy New Year.

I’ll be back soon.

Jodi x

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  • Karen

    Beautiful post Jodi. I’m looking forward to revisiting some of your posts over these slow Winter days. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and all good wishes for 2017.

  • Reannon

    What a year you’ve had! I so enjoyed reading your words & chatting with you this year Jodi. I hope your festive season is full of love & laughter & lots of relaxation xx

  • Lisa

    Thanks for sharing so much beauty with us throughout the year, Jodi. I appreciate this space for its, well…simplicity. Wishing you light, love and peace.

  • Mackenzie Glanville

    oh what a lovely post, thank you for taking us on this journey with you. Your photos are gorgeous and this is just such a beautiful read. Your website is always a place where I feel at peace

  • Maxabella

    Your pictures say it all – another beautiful year full of family, beach and your gorgeous style. I know it was also a tough one on many levels. A year of growth in so many ways. Love to you and the fam for a wonderful 2017. x

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