far cuter than

Poet is nine weeks today. Yesterday I packed away the 0000s. Today she is cooing and ahhing and smiling and sighing. She’s far cuter than the creature that decided to share our home this morning.

What would you do if you woke to your almost-four-year-old calling from the lounge room: “Mum, there’s a snake on the windowsill.”
You wouldn’t believe him would you. Because it’s just shy of 7am and you’re all sleepy.
But then he says it again and you think to yourself that it’s probably best you check it out.
So you wander up there expecting to find a worm or a skink (small lizard creature) and instead there is a 2 metre diamond python sunning himself on the outside windowsill while your child sits on the couch reading – completely unperturbed.
“See Mum, a snake,” he says.
“Oh, a snake,” you say.
And then for the next hour there’s text messages to a friend who knows reptiles, a visit from neighbours in their pjs and the wondering of where it’s been living and where it intends to go next.
Diamond Pythons are perfectly safe and even a little bit shy. They keep mice and rats at bay so if you’re not completely freaked out, they’re good to have around.
Our newest addition meandered back to the roof which is where he’s probably been sleeping all winter. And perhaps it’s where he’ll stay. Oh!
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  • Stella

    I would be FREAKED!! Nothing scares me more than snakes! But love that he was so relaxed about it (you too by the sounds), kids are cool.

  • Tammi

    Nine weeks already? She is so adorable.
    I would be completely freaked too, I'm even freaked out by worms and slugs!!

  • Tania

    Goodness me! Now that's a freaky surprise first thing in the morning. Far better a python though than the brown we had on our block last year though. Love little Poet in her denim – too cute.

  • deux chiens et un garcon

    Sounds like this snake has been looking after you all along.

    such a cutie pie.


  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    ehehhiieeee! excellent! We have seen them come and go in our cammelia each season since we have lived here.

    Its so windy today! good day for washing,

    xo em

  • Katy

    That would so freak me out! Chloe would probably try and put it in bed with me. Poet is lovely – she looks so much like you x

  • oscarlucinda

    Eeep (she's so adorable) and eep (a snake incident at 7am)…x

  • Stacey

    Ok firstly Poet completely looks like her mumma! Bella! And a snake….eeeeep! Mind you I'd rather a friendly snake to an icky mouse any day! xxx

  • Christina

    Eeek! Love how cool Che was about it. I would have had a freak out before putting my thinking logically cap on. Hope he continues to be a quiet, friendly neighbour.

  • Genevieve

    Your little one is absolutely beautiful! We have quite a few snakes in our yard but they are just small garter snakes.

  • a-pastiche.com

    oh me oh my she is gorgeous. she looks a lot like ché here. x georgi

  • one claire day

    Cuuute in stripes and denim! I spot some cheekiness already!

    We're in snake territory up here. Last Summer we had an 8ft python in our garden! "oh!" indeed 🙂 x

  • Sarah

    I was imagining a big horrible brown snake…but pythons aren't so bad I guess! It's crazy that Poet is nine weeks already! She is so gorgeous!

  • [Good Mum Hunting]


    Snakes freak me out, even the harmless ones.

    Little Poet is a darling isn't she. 9 weeks already. My Ted just flew past the 6 month milestone. Cannot believe it.


  • Sophie

    Oh my, you know how to keep your calm, nice story!

  • Kirsty

    O – Poet is beautiful! Such a lovely age! And o – snake… I used to be very blase about snakes – and then I had kids and began having nightmares about my toddler picking one up to show me or use as a belt or… basically just nightmares! I love how sensible your young man was about seeing the snake! And free and poison-free rat removal – sounds like a great deal!

  • fast times in münchen.

    Oh Jodi, Poet is not helping my current state of cluckiness! Nine weeks and absolutely adorable. Love her gorgeous smile.

    I would've totally freaked at the sighting of a snake. Harmless or not. I love how nonchalant Che was about the whole thing!

  • freckles

    Snakes don't worry me having grown up in a house that backed onto the bush it was very commom to have them in the yard. Now cockroaches, that's a different story!
    Poet is getting more beautiful every day if that is even possible!

  • Catherine

    What a cute photo of Poet she looks like she become very interactive now, I love that time it's so sweet. I can't believe she's already nine weeks, boy that's flown by.

    I would have been so scared to see that snake, lucky it's not poisonous or that would have made it so much worse. xo

  • claire

    Freaky! I would have screamed, without a doubt. I am a bit of a wimp after all. x

  • Nell

    I can't take my eyes off her, she's so lovely. Nine weeks already? Time flies when you're having fun. Not that a snake's fun in my eyes. Love how casual Che was about the whole thing. He's the sweetest thing x

  • picklebug

    Jebus! We had a snake at our back door earlier in the year that my daughter frightened (and it frightened her more!) and it pounced up at her, luckily just missing her leg. This one was poisonous though, they all are around here so it's never a calm situation. Still, would be a bit of a fright! But at least it wasn't in your house!

    And Poet, what can I say? She is just the cutest little button going around! I can't believe it's been 9 weeks already. It goes too fast.

    Have a lovely day Jodi
    Rach x

  • Sally

    O lordy lordy. That would be a surprising way to start the day. *gulp*

    Your daughter is gorgeous. My son is four weeks old today – in five short weeks he'll be truly smiling like your Poet. It all just happens so fast.

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Oh wow Jodi, this is a cool story! How calm is Che, just sitting there!? Children are amazing at what they can process and accept. I would have been freaking out! Snakes are not my cup of tea, but glad it is a relatively safe one cruising on your window sill ;o)
    Poet is a doll, just beautiful. And might I add, she looks SO MUCH like her Mama. Bet she warms the cockles of your heart each and every time you look at her xo

  • ashley

    Isn't che amazing. I love that he was cool with the snake, as he should be;) well coped with mama. I do love snakes though…and scrumptious bubbys. X

  • Jane

    Oh Jodi, what a terrible tale! I'm your newest happy follower and what an introduction this post has been ☺. My, Poet is such a cutie. There's nothing like experiencing the thrills of those early coos and giggles, is there? Just delightful. J x

  • capturing moments

    Ha ha, oh my goodness! What a thing to wake up to!!! Good on you for being brave enough to let it be. And yes, Poet is FAR cuter than a python.

  • pheasant

    sweet!i reckon you're lucky to have a visit from a python, he/she must feel safe with you guys.
    just be glad it wasn't a poisonous one!

  • popoechen.de

    a snake – never in my garden! We have no snakes around here – so I simply can't imagine the picture. Aaahhh I guess I would freak out, grap my child an leave the house, never come back…. 🙂 Poet is so cute!!!

  • Julie

    oh the joy! x

  • Maxabella

    Yikes! You are a brave soul. I am trying to nurture my inner snake charmer, but alas they just leave me cold and scared.

    Can't believe Poet is so big already. Just look at her gorgeous smile! x

  • Reply

    oh my gosh jodi this post just gave me the goosebumps! i will never ever be able to sleep knowing there's a snake somewhere in the vicinity of the house. ha ha ha. ps. and Poet 9 weeks? really? wasn't it just yesterday you were pregnant and then gave birth? it is totally insane how the time is just flying back so very quickly even i'm scared at the rate it's going.

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