fancy dress parties are the bestest

Today we partied little kid style and Che took on the persona of a pirate. I searched out dress-ups and found Wovenplay, a NY based clothing company who create to-die-for dress-ups – the kind that I would request in adults sizes. I thought about purchasing the $250 pirate costume for about 3 seconds and then resorted to the wardrobe. The wardrobe that already contained everything he ended up wearing (I only had to buy the skull scarf which was $10 a Big W). The best costumes should be the ones that cost next to nothing. The ones that get worn as every day wear.

It was pretty special to watch him today in all his cuteness – eating fairy bread and jumping on the blow-up castle. He was so patient as he lined up to get his face painted and watching him sit there so still and quiet I got a little gushy. He giggled as the paintbrush touched his skin because it tickled and when he saw his face in the mirror he was a little overwhelmed. Before long he had a balloon sword and piece of birthday cake and the tears of a tired pirate who missed his afternoon nap.
My little pirate…may there be many more opportunities to dress-up and be silly. We had fun today, the 3 of us. So much fun.
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Showing 6 comments
  • Michelle

    Really lovely photos Jodi-Che looks so super cute getting his face painted!

    Very clever costume too, good on you for resisting the bought number. I agree with you that homemade ones are the best.

  • Anne

    Lovely Photos…:)

  • mama bear

    Gorgeous pics Jodi. Sounds like a good day was had by all. GGgrrrr…

    (That was my pirate imitation!) xx

  • Engracia

    Home made are definitely the best, wait till cardboard boxes become pirate ships, cars, trains, houses. So much fun a child's perspective.

  • Sam

    Great photos Jodi!

    Looks like Che really enjoyed being a pirate for a day.


  • Reply

    your little man is so handsome and growing up, from when I remember the little toddler happily pointing leaving your studio. so much joy.xx jill

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