eco nino + a giveaway

In preparation for baby’s arrival I’ve been searching out organic, mama-made and ethically produced products. Indeed, the baby world is swamped with the opposite – polyester, candy pink and badly drawn teddy bears. I’ve only bought necessary items so far, including a new change mat to fit on the top of a chest of drawers. But finding a change mat cover that fit my above criteria was proving to be a challenge. So, as I do quite regularly these days, I gave up on bricks-and-mortar shops and ventured onto the net where I happily stumbled across eco nino. The company was created by mum-of-two-boys Kylie and she continues to grow her business – in fabulous leaps and bounds.

She has been incredibly generous and has offered me 9, yes, 9 eco nino change mat covers to give away. The beauty of the product also lies in its practicality – it fits any change mat because it is designed like a fitted sheet. If you would like to go in the drawer to win one (and if you don’t have a baby, I promise you, it will make a fabulous gift) just leave a comment below and I’ll drawer the winner next Tuesday 7th June.
For more about eco nino, read on for an interview with Kylie.
Edit: For those of you who inquired about stockists – visit the eco nino facebook page
Jodi: What inspired you to start Eco Nino?Kylie: The label really grew from a personal need, as I was not in favour of covering my change mat in terry toweling nappies or any of the covers that were available at that time. I started to make my own change mat covers, which were very rough as I cannot sew to save myself, and people started asking for them. It just grew from there. Jodi: Have you done anything like this before?Kylie: I am always creating something and have quite a love of textiles in particular. Previously I was a teacher and never thought I would be starting my own business, but chose to join the number of Mums that want to successfully run a business from home. I love the fact that I can (with a lot of help from Grandparents I might add) work my hours around the boys. I have the best of both worlds. Jodi: Why organic? Kylie: Really the choice was made for me as my two boys suffer from eczema and I always attempt to choose low allergenic or organic materials for them as they react to everything! As a family we really try to make decisions around the home that are positive for the environment and after researching the processes of organic cotton farming versus traditional cotton farming, it reinforced my choice. I love that the fabric is made specifically for the eco nino label. Jodi: Can you please explain the design and creation process? Kylie: The covers are designed by myself and manufactured overseas under strict certification. As I mentioned before, the fabric is specially designed and spun for the label, which gives it some individuality. The process from beginning to end has been quite a steep learning curve, as I have never had to oversee or manage production like this before. I would really love to have the covers manufactured here in Australia and am hoping to achieve this in the near future. Jodi: What do your customers love about Eco Nino change mat covers? Kylie: I think my customers enjoy the simplicity of the design, having an affordable option that becomes a part of the nursery design and is functional at the same time. The colour range really will suit any nursery décor and the design is pretty timeless. Apparently, they also launder well and dry quickly (funny what becomes important when you are a Mum). Jodi: Your plans for the future of the business? Kylie: Every week, I am asked what else will I be adding to the line. I am quite overwhelmed with the support I have received from customers and the eagerness to see what is coming next – it is just great. The label is still so new and my time has been devoted to making sure the covers are high quality and distributed well (the age old adage of doing one thing and doing it well).
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Showing 73 comments
  • Sarah

    Oh Jodi, what a great find. The covers are just beautiful and I would LOVE one of them for my little girl. I had a look at their website, too, but can't find out where you can purchase them. Do you happen to know? Take care, Sarah

  • Katy

    What a beautiful company & giveaway. I'm starting to look at things for our new baby, I have a while but I'm hoping I will be more organised this time! The internet is an valuable tool to mamas to be!

  • K

    What a beautiful product and great giveaway!

  • one claire day

    Kylie has certainly found a gap in the market. I've managed to find lots of organic/ethical clothing and bedding….but no change mat cover to date.
    …such a good find. Love the stripes!
    x claire

  • kitty

    Gorgeous. It's always so lovely to see products like this. Great find & a very generous giveaway.
    Have a beautiful week.

  • jess

    Beautiful! Love the stripes and would love one. thanks for the chance. ; )

  • The Beetle Shack

    they are indeed lovely little things and would look oh so perfect in Olive's room. Im also in love with that chest of draws!

    xo em

  • Carolee Beckham

    what a seriously great find! I just registered and so all-things-baby are on the mind! this would be a great item to add to the list of safe and earth-friendly items for the little guy.

  • Sarah

    I would love one of these beautiful change mat covers. Thanks x

  • Judy

    What a great find! Exactly what i need with baby's impending arrival. These are perfect and if i don't win i'll certainly be looking at getting one.

  • Leanne

    Oh Jodi as my sweet sister bobs in newborn bliss I recall our recent conversation around her change mat cover being removed after many a newborn *spill*… one of these would be perfect to win for her precious girls change time!! Fab little business and gorgeous product. What a timely giveaway. x

  • Eilinn

    Oh they are amazing!! I'm just using a plain towel at the moment (not quite so fancy) and would love one of these beautiful covers. What a great giveaway.

  • Reply

    These covers are lovely…Love the stripes!! This would look lovely in my sister nursery that i am helping her with at the moment xx

  • katie

    how lovely! i LOVE the stripes. would love to win one of these for my babe. however, i live overseas. if this is open to internationals, i would love to enter! these are so great. have a great day!

  • sascedar

    red and white stripes make me so happy! 🙂 and organic as a bonus, thanks for the chance in this generous giveaway.

  • Ashley

    These look so pretty and clean. I wish I would have come across these when decorating for my son's room…although it's never too late!


  • Martta

    i'm going to have my first little one this august and so far have been a bit overwhelmed with trying to find organic, ethical and beautiful things for the baby. the other thing that worries me as a first time mumma is that i will end up with too much stuff or the wrong kind of stuff. so far i've sticked to buying bits and pieces from op-shops and making things myself. but a cover would definitely come in handy and such a lovely one it is with stripes and all!

  • ecoMILF

    Holy Moley! 9!! Fingers crossed I am one of those. Our old change mat cover disintegrated over time (serioulsy!) and since then poor Indigo has been going sans cover. Her bare little bum on cold plastic! THis would be lovely! Thanks to eco nino and you! xx m.

  • Reply

    oh these are gorgeous! love the stripes… i think i definitely need one of these for the 'one day baby box' 🙂

    kel x

  • Rhiannon

    What a lovely givaway! And such a clever idea too, yay for work at home mummas! Fingers crosed, thanks for the opportunity Jodi. Hoping you and your bump are feeling well xx

  • Lucinda

    Theyre beautiful!!! Lucky you being able to give them away!!

  • Aether-art

    Wow – these are JUST what I've been looking for – as our baby is due in July! I'd love to be counted in for the giveaway, but would also love to have more info about where to buy! The website link doesn't seem to have say…

  • Emma O

    wow, those look fabulous! I'd love one for my next kid!

  • tea with lucy

    Great find J!

    It's class all the way with terry nappy squares for a cover in our house. . .

    love the stripes.


  • Mama Mogantosh

    I love how your interviews Jodi. These covers are lovely too.x

  • vancybec

    i love how simple and beautiful the stripes are…yes please!

  • Reply

    ooo I would LOVE one of these! New bubba arriving within days and currently have my old daggy one ready to go. xx

  • freckles

    I'm hoping to concieve my first bubba later this year and i'm hoping to do everything as eco-friendly as i possibly can by buying second hand or organic where possible and this change mat would be wonderful to add to my small collection of bits and pieces i've already started on (am i a bit nuts by buying baby stuff before baby even exists?) I can't wait to be a mumma!

  • Emma

    They are divine, I adore the stripes! Count me in please.

  • evie dear

    what a beautiful giveaway & product, I'd love to win one!

  • Emma

    Oh Jodi and Kylie, these are just so special. I love the thought and love that go into products like these. my poor Poppy is using a (badly) fitted cot sheet on her change mat at the moment whilst i searched for a cover… well done Jodi on finding one for me! Keep up the beautiful honest blog work. A ray of sunshine. xx

  • Nell

    Wow, beautiful products. And who can resist a few stripes. I know a baby who would love this. Great find Jodi xx

  • Jaclyn

    love her products, great find Jodie!

  • jody

    Oh wow! they sound awesome! what a great find. x

  • Tania

    First cuddling a new wee one over the weekend and now stripy nappy changing decor! You almost have me convinced (although the Mr is running a mile)…

  • Aunty Ollie

    Oh these are gorgeous, I have been searching for something lovely but not found much to date…

  • Sarolta

    Oh wow, Jodi, I would love one of these beautiful covers for our little girl who is due in less than 10 weeks!

  • Laura

    My baby is due to arrive in a month and still need so much–including this cover! It's wonderful! Thanks for the tip on this line.

  • Sarah

    What perfect timing! I've been using a towel and was just thinking today that I really need to buy a change mat cover. I couldn't have even imagined something so gorgeous, this is perfect! thanks for sharing.

  • Domestic Diva

    Looks great! Thanks for the chance.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  • La Franglaise

    first i hear of eno, but i'm already smitten.

  • renai

    Simply gorgeous!!! Would love to win one!

  • Lottie Loves

    Hey Jodi… love this company and the giveaway… we;ve bought all organic where possible for our baby but the change cover is something that isn't… i wonder if they ship to the UK?

  • Lillegs

    Beautiful! My partner and i are currently trying for our first and i'm determined to buy sustainable, lovingly made items for our little one. Fingers crossed!

  • Heather

    These are lovely, so simple but beautifully designed. If the giveaway is open to UK readers, I would love one x

  • woolandthebear

    oh wow!
    what a fantastic giveaway! my fella and i are expecting this fall and we, too, are searching around for lovely organic goods made from small businesses… (it's not easy to find!)
    i'd love to add one of these covers to our slowly growing collection of baby goods!
    thank you for having such a great giveaway!

  • Joanna

    Why couldn't I find these when I was pregnant and looking for an alternative to the synthetic ones everywhere?! Never too late though…

  • Jessica

    Would love one of these for my first bubba due in October! I have gone a bit nuts on stripes for the little one but how can one resist when they are just so cute! Happy last weeks of pregnancy Jodi x Jess

  • Pru

    I love supporting great aussie businesses. Such a beautiful product and would make a great addition to our new nursery. Thank you for the chance to win.

  • Mama Mash

    Say bye bye to polyester and candy. What a lovely and practical giveaway!

  • katehagar

    My second son was born three weeks ago and in my nesting frenzy I tried to find a beautiful and unique change table cover… I think you found it! Good-luck with #2

  • matt & ella

    It is so encouraging to hear of Australian companies who are establishing and supporting baby products that are organic. In a market flooded with products that are synthetic and bad for the environment (and for baby!), seeing another eco product for bub highlighted on your blog is truly wonderful. Thank you!

  • Milena

    Oh I would love one of these for my little bun!

  • Cassandra Allen

    Too many badly drawn teddy bears and toxic fabrics on baby gear. Go the good stuff!

  • Sarah

    I just love these … perfect for my little winter baby due in the next couple of weeks.

  • elisabeth

    love the stripes!

  • Shae

    I've recently had my second bub, and like you, have only purchased essential baby items as I already have everything. But now that you've introduced me to these gorgeous covers, I'm afraid that the old terry toweling nappy on the changetable really must go. These covers are absolutely gorgeous… my changetable is definitely due for a revamp.

  • cronista sentimental

    the covers are beautiful, and everything she makes.

  • Peta

    this is like stumbling on gold.and stripes to boot! I do love me some stripes.
    thanks for the chance to win, Jodi.

    I am off to look at that website this minute. Thanks!

  • Madeline

    They are gorgeous! I love stripes. 🙂

  • Vic

    What a fabulous idea! I want one to go over our cruddy change mat; it looked icky & old the day we bought it.

    Am I jumping the gun to say that I keep coming over here expecting delicious nb squishy shots?! Can I be like one of those annoying relatives & ask "How much longer NOW?" 😉 (…I'm too far away for you to whack me for that hehe)

  • oscarlucinda

    It might be a bit cheeky of me to enter this giveaway after winning your last one…but I'll be in the market for a change mat cover soon and I can't resist the stripes 🙂

    Thank you for posting about your wonderful finds.

  • spark

    Love the stripes and the ethos behind this lovely product. Would love to know where I could buy these so I could purchase some for my bubba. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • emily

    They look adorable & so soft! Would love one of these for my new little mans arrival in September. Pleeeese 😉

  • Leslie

    I'd love the chance to win! Thanks. 🙂

  • janejennison

    oh… these were on our wishlist but we never got them! we are makind go with towels that slip and slide and leave cold spots for bub's head….!

  • janejennison

    oops!was typing while feeding the baby so a few typos… meant to be "making do"!

  • Anna Lloyd

    Hi Jodi, found you through Anna on Rummey Bears. I have a three year old son and a baby girl.

  • Kalila

    Love this idea! I'm pregnant with my first child, living in Brisbane, away from all my family and friends in Montreal… so grateful for blogs like yours Jodi!

  • Angie

    i love the change mat covers so much!

  • Angie

    …so much so that i've just posted a link on my tumblr
    all the best with your birth,

  • Rboret

    Great interview. Eco nino- what a lovely, smart product. Who would have thought a change mat cover could look so chic! I would absolutely love one – 9 weeks pregnant today!

  • Stephanie

    Wonderful giveaway, that website is amazing!

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