
also fun to cut out and use on birthday cards….(the pictures, not the tea)
clipper organic tea is my new favourite. i judge my tea by its packet and its taste. both are beautiful and make me go back for more. at present i have chai, peppermint and chamomile in my cupboard. I have a strange desire to collect the entire range and display them on my kitchen shelf. all flavours suit the banana bread currently baking in the oven. later i’m making the rainbow lasagna from the fabulous vegetarian cookbook, green. (I sometimes make this lasagna too). I’m adding fresh kale from the garden because my iron is a little low. Any iron enhancing tips would be appreciated! (I’m not vegetarian but please don’t recommend liver).
Also, if you’re a knitter, where can I find beautiful knitting needles?
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  • Brigitta Ryan {duo}

    Super cute design packaging. Makes me want it RIGHT NOW.

  • Aura

    Lots of yummy foods have iron! If you're making lasagna, whole grain pastas and breads have iron in them. So you could do a toasted whole grain baguette on the side with butter. Spinach has a lot of iron, so you could also make a spinach for the side. Parsley also has iron, and is very tasty thrown into most Italian recipes.

  • Violet and Rose

    Try here for the needles:


  • mama bear

    oooh I love this packaging, it would look gorgeous lined up in a kitchen. I'm taking Floradix for extra iron, but I think that's cheating. Looking forward to listening to the CD next week. Thanks again for doing that for us. xx

  • emily

    Oh, I work to keep up my iron often as a vegetarian. One thing you can do is cook on a cast iron skillet – some iron transfers into your food. Another thing is to combine iron-bearing fods with vit. c bearing foods as the c helps you absorb the iron (so sprinkle some lemon juice on a spinach or kale salad). Don't combine with calcium-rich foods as they inhibit iron absorption. Also, I think beans have a good amount of iron in them. Can't remember. Hope it goes well! (those tea designs are beautiful)

  • Rach

    Iron is a tricky one to maintain – Amber should be able to point you in the right direction. If not, the drs at invitation to health are good ( if you can't get enough iron through food intake). And I understand that vitamin c is essential for increased iron absorbtion. I think mine may be a little low these days too.

    Check etsy and made it (great australian handmade online store) for knitting needles.

    Will email you later when I again have a computer in the house…

  • Kiki

    How about taking Floradix for your iron levels. I discovered it when pregnant and WOW! Let's just say I should still be taking it.

    The design on these tea boxes is gorgeous. Thanks for posting.

  • Theresa

    For iron – all leafy greens, molasses…

    come say he we are having a giveaway! cheers, T

  • Gen

    For the needles my favorites are

  • kate

    oh those packets are beautiful! Even more beautiful than my current favorite Dr Stuarts – I am a sucker for beautiful packaging… I will have to try the chai – I'm on the hunt for packaged chai that tastes something like homemade chai…

  • claire

    i get all my beautiful knitting needles at the op shop!

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