cowboys & indians

Oh how we had fun. Little cowboys and indians joyfully running wild and they all came together to celebrate Baby Che’s 1st Birthday. It was warm and windy but so lovely to hang out under the trees and hit the pinata till the lollies rained down.

Baby goat Victor was happy with his little patch of grass and sweet treats put smiles on lots of faces.

Daniel and I feel so blessed that Che gets to grow up with so many wonderful little people. We feel pretty lucky to know their parents too.

I’ve only just realised that it was on this day last year, in the evening, that so much of it began. Daniel and I ate dinner and then we watched this. I said out loud: “I am so ready to do this.”

Che must have heard me because one hour later my belly began to contract.

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  • potty mouth mama

    The birthday party looked like it was mountains of fun – so cute. Che is beautiful. Look at your gorgeous little family!

    That water/home birth was great, I love watching things like that.

    I remember during my pre-labour watching waterbirth videos at my sister’s house, in the bid that it might speed things up.. Gosh. You’ve made me relive all those beautiful feelings right now – thank you. x

  • handmade romance

    So so cute, looks like a lovely day.
    Those boots below are adorable and Ive just clicked through and watched the water – home birth…WOW…such and amazing thing to share I can see how watching this would make you say “Im so ready to do this”.

  • Pam

    Well this is certainly a “misty-up” post! When I saw the most beautiful birthday photo it almost bought tears to my eyes, but the water birth finished me off.What kind of sentimental ol’grannie am I going to be. Even if that doesn’t happen, I will always have the warmest of smiles for families like yours!Blessings to your wonderful family.

  • Jessica

    That looks like such a great party! One year is such a great age!

  • A Spoonful Of Sugar

    Happy Birthday to Che!! What a graet theme for a birthday party – love seeing all the kids dressed up. Your lolly bags look great.

  • Rach

    What a lovely party. How cute they all look – Jasper with a beard is almost too real! I of course watched the youtube clip – how lovely. ‘Olive’ was a hot runner on our name list (still is if we are lucky enough…). She had such a tiny full term tummy and what great tats! I have a friend that had a home birth this year if you want get in touch with anyone…

  • Claire (ethel loves fred)

    That Birthday party looks fantastic, the photo of everyone is a stylists dream!!

  • Michelle

    Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous party – Che looks adorable. I love the party bags too, so stylish.

    It’s lovely to reflect each year on the actual Birth Day of your children – in our family we always say happy birth day to the mother too when it’s their child’s birthday.

  • Shellbells

    love the bags and the dressup looked fun…happy birthday cowboy!!!

  • emma

    You guys are too cute.

  • Shael

    Ok, I’m all teary eyed now. I sure wish my first experience was as beautiful, instead it was filled with fear and dread. I am determined to do what I can to make this time around sooo different.

    Your family is beautiful. Happy 1st birthday to your little guy – how do you pronounce his name?

  • 13mimosa

    I never look at things on YouTube, an age thing perhaps, a lack of time thing too – but I did watch your link to Olive and I did watch it. It’s beautiful.

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