counting down the days

I’m wrapped in a cardigan and scarf tonight, listening to the chorus of rain and crickets and frogs. It’s surprisingly cold here at the moment; strange to be wearing woolens and simultaneously admiring the Christmas tree (that sweet pine scent).

I’m counting down the days, and the stories, till December 21st – the final deadline before Christmas. Then I can switch off and step away, make peppermint bark and wrap last minute gifts. Perhaps we’ll go to the carols, perhaps we’ll sing at home. Celebrations will be small and cheerful, beautiful people and good food.

Whilst the excitement of Christmas is building; all that wondering and anticipation rising, I’m also feeling the end-of-year lull that calls for early nights. I adore Christmas but I also love those days just before New Year where, with full bellies and happy hearts, we lounge around the house reading new books and snacking on leftovers.

What are your Christmas plans? And if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, do you think you’ll be blessed with a white Christmas?

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  • Pink Ronnie

    Seeing as Rick is the minister at our church, Christmas will be crazy as always. Sunday service, then Christmas eve service, then Christmas day service. We also have a carols event coming up this Saturday which should be great, but will require lots of work and planning this week. I'm very much looking forward to our Mason Christmas lunch on Christmas day, which is when Rick (and I) will finally get to relax…. and oh yes, that lull between Christmas and New Year's day will be wonderful too.

    Counting down the days with you till your last deadline! You are an amazing lady, Jodi.

    Ronnie xo

  • Rebekka Seale

    Exactly how I feel, except my countdown is this Friday, the 14th. It makes the season sadly go by so much faster when you have deadlines, doesn't it? If there were only a way to slow it all down.

    Being from the southern US, I've never had a white Christmas…I never even saw snow until I was an adult! But two years ago, we had the most magical hint of one. We attended a candlelight christmas mass which started at 10pm and ended at midnight. When we walked out of the dark church with our candles burning brightly, snow had just begun to fall and was softly blanketing the church grounds…midnight on Christmas morning! The first snow of the year, and most magical I have ever seen <3.

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    oh a white Christmas, now wouldn't that be grand! Christmas preparations are in full swing at my home. I'm trying to do as many a handmade gift as possible and add in a couple of school and kinder concerts and social outings, why I just don't know where all the hours in the day go! happy count down Jodi x

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Beautiful words Jodi, I can feel that lull also. So much energy and excitement, but exhaustion is creeping into our little home at the moment. And it IS cold, very unChristmas like. Your plans for the season sound just perfect, hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends xo

  • Maxabella

    We are all tired here too. Sometimes I feel like Christmas would be much more enjoyable if it happened in September sometime… x

  • one claire day

    Yes! I am always more nostalgic for the days following Christmas than the occasion itself… except the un-decorating. That bit is never fun. I procrastinate for weeks when it comes to the un-decorating! x

  • tea with lucy

    Bring on the after christmas lull!! . . . i think it is made sweeter by all these silly crazy busy days in the lead up, but it's all just so exhausting.

    rachel xo

  • Julie

    For me it wouldn't be the same to look at the Christmas tree out of my woolens! Last year we kept Christmas low-key and it was our best Christmas yet. This year we plan to do the same- french toast, jammies, and old Christmas movies all day. Enjoy your holiday. xo

  • Jo

    "…strange to be wearing woolens and simultaneously admiring the Christmas tree…"

    I know how you feel…but in reverse. A few days ago we had a very warm spell. For about a week straight it was 70 degrees. It was incredible to go outside and water my garden barefoot, wearing spring-time skirts and simple tank tops. But it was so off! Springtime weather in December? It didn't feel like my Christmas experience at all. Looking at our tree was especially weird because my body felt it was April and yet I was standing, in a lightweight skirt and barefoot, in front of the thing feeling completely detached. I'm afraid our holiday decorating has suffered as a result of the first ten or so days of December being unseasonably warm. I was closer to grabbing a spade and prepping the dirt for spring seedlings than to "hanging stockings on the chimney with care."

    Yesterday we went outside in our light layers with no socks under our shoes and were met with temperatures in the low twenties. We promptly went back inside to change our clothes. Now it feels like the holidays. It's time for more cocoa, hot coffees, the color red (the only time of year when I really want that color in our home–and I want to put it everywhere), strings of cranberries, and a month of blissful personal reading. After my finals are over tomorrow, I will not even think of the American Civil War for a full 30 days. If someone casually mentions it in conversation I will plug my ears and walk the other way.

    I love that we have such different perceptions of the Christmas feel.
    Enjoy your holiday season, Jodi.

    My best,
    Jo Farmer

    • Jodi

      I always love your stories Jo x

  • A little bit Country

    We are road tripping North. Christmas with family at a Resort. Eating out. Not a lot of cooking for us. Keeping it easy and simple this year. Emphasis on family and being together. I've used your phrase "Something they want………………" to do my shopping this year. Has been so much kinder on the purse. x

  • paula

    how good is peppermint bark !!

  • G

    that's my final deadline too – december 21st – and it feels so close and yet so far! would love your peppermint bark recipe … x

  • Ann

    I wish we would be blessed with a White Christmas but, sadly it rarely snows here. Though a girl can dream right ; )

  • jay

    ah, yes, cannot wait til my deadline has been met and we can bathe in the glory of planning for Christmas. Peppermint bark is on our list too, do you use the Soule Mama recipe from way back? crafting, threading seed pods, days spent on the couch, planning and listening to the Kinfolk christmas songs, ahh. Enjoy your last few days of craziness and the bathing in the lead up to Christmas. much love

    • Jodi

      are you coming to the coast lovely? x

  • jackieb

    Cold!! ….. it was minus 6 here last night! The garden does look beautiful this morning frozen cobwebs hanging from the trees it's magical as long as you stay inside. Happy Christmas to you all lots of love Jackie xx

  • jody

    We will be doing similar here Jodi, a quiet small Christmas gathering. I love those lazy days after Christmas, my favourite, not too far away now. xo

  • Jess from Vintage Pie

    Thank you for your post, I am happily reminded of all the post-Christmas lulls I've experienced, sprawled out on the family couch reading our new books and eating food from old recipes. Not long to go before it's here! All the best with your last deadlines x

  • leah southerland

    Being from the Northern Hemisphere, but spending this Christmas in Sydney, we are longing for the cold. While this year will be a nice exception from the norm, it doesn't quite feel right to be warm at Christmas time. And while we wish for family to share the season, it will be lovely to have the time to just our two little boys and us. More time for games, stories, snuggling and, this year, the beach.

  • fritha strickland

    It's so funny seeing pictures of green when in England its so cold and grey! Although I kind of can't imagine Christmas not being cold. Like you I am working non stop with freelance projects that Christmas has really snuck up on me. That and my son turns one tomorrow it sort of hasn't registered. I cant wait to shut off, have Tom home from work and spend that all important time cosying up with my family. Bliss! xx

  • fawn & fern

    I live in the southern US & we RARELY are blessed with a white Christmas despite how cold it can be! I'd love a peaceful snow day. Best holiday wishes to you & yours, Jodi <3


    We live in Maine in the US and we are having our first big snow of the year today. My little one is so excited and soon we will go out to play 🙂

  • Tara

    As a child, my parents would take us Christmas Carolling to the homes of elderly and lonely people we knew. Its a tradition I would love to become a part of my own children's traditions. I want my children to understand that Christmas is an opportunity to love and serve as much as it is to physically give and receive.

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