
…and the cloth nappy journey begins.
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  • fast times in münchen.

    Good on you Jodi! We used them with Elke for around 12 months. I had the best intentions of using them longer but the northern hemisphere winter got the better of me. Elke gets a reaction to something in disposables so I found the cloth worked well for her. I hope they work for you and Poet. xx


    wow the nappies are cute !

  • Crystal

    Oh well done you! I have all the best intentions to start but am just so, so bad at keeping on top of the washing 🙁 xx

  • lou

    Hurrah! THE only way to go. I must admit the first 3 months of both my boys I used disposable…but then cloth right up to potty time. I just love seeing them on the line. xx

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  • Lover of Vintage

    Good for you! I use cloth all day then a disposable at night. It is so much cheaper and of course better for the land fills! And I love seeing the old fashion cloth nappies on the clothes-line, there's just something about them!

  • Talia Christine

    Awesome! We use cloth nappies and love them. The ones we use primarily were hand-sewn, but we also have some of the Fuzzibuns range in our supply and they are fantastic.

    And there's something about seeing a bunch of nappies drying on the line that is so special to me.

    Talia Christine

  • Tammi

    Go You!! Our oldest four were in flat cloths till we toilet trained and we used a mix of flat and MCN's with Kaizer but only lasted a few months as washing for seven without adding nappies to the mix is an everyday day long chore 🙂

  • Sarah

    We use them too! I really love them in summer with a cute little top!

  • freckles

    I've already started a cloth nappy collection & i'm not even pregnant yet! I figure if i buy a couple every time i see them on sale i'll have plenty for when i do have my baby. Beware, they're addictive!

  • bloom right here

    Yes! Love them. What kind are you using? An added plus is that it aids with potty-training in the future 🙂

  • Katrina (capturing moments)

    Good on you! I have a few of the Pea Pods and I love them. I do need to purchase some more, can I ask why you chose Cushie Tushie's? There are also Baby Beehinds…I cannot choose which ones to buy!!!

  • Tara Lucia Zaicz

    I found a simple satisfaction in washing and folding Ba'il's nappies. There's something about that smell of clean soft bamboo that floods back memories of his baby days…… they pass so quick and then it's toilet training!

  • motherwho

    Good one! We use baby beehinds but they all seem wonderful. x

  • Nell

    Ours have just been delivered, waiting for that teeny bum to arrive now! You've chosen such cute patterns, let me know how you get on with them and if you have any handy tips xx

  • Alicia

    Good for you! I actually found the cloth nappying journey very satisfying, I used cloth from day 1 with both of my girls. I really felt like I was doing my bit for the planet 🙂

  • Dana

    Good for you!! We use Imse Vimse´s all in ones and love them!

  • Jules

    I love cloth on my boys bums.
    It's easy when you work it into your routine. I do a load of nappies avery second day and the rest of the washing on the alternate days. Usually with one day a week off.
    I wake, put on a load, breakfast, shower, hang out wash. I quite like the quiet time of the late afternoon when I bring in the wash and the children play around my feet.
    I still use disposable at night, when I 'm out for the day and for the first 8 weeks of newborn.
    Love the designs btw x

  • one claire day

    How inspiring, you and all these other Mum's using cloth! I had the best intentions but I just didn't make it happen. I guess late is better than never… and definitely will try harder with next bub! x

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    With yours and D Mans genes it will be the only time in Poets life that she will have a big bottom. May she enjoy it ;0

    xo em

  • Tania

    Cute nappies! With my first we started with cloth later too. Violet's cloth nappy experience has been far more interesting – there are so many options available now that weren't around 9 or so years ago.

  • b and e

    Go the cloth nappies! I use them they are great! I use bamboo which is good for tooshies!


  • Nicole

    Awww. There's nothing sweeter than cloth nappies hanging on the line. I just read your recent post about washing fairies…Using cloth does make trips to the washing machine more frequent! But so worth it for the environment and cute factor.

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