
It was so long ago that i held each ball of yarn in my hands, knowing that one day it would be finished. And it is, just in time for our spring-almost-summer. So my timing wasn’t ideal but it was one of those projects that i longed to get back to almost every day. And as claerwen said recently, the beauty of knitting is that feeling you get when you cast-off that very last stitch. It’s complete. And can’t be undone. I think as Mumas we spend so much of our time doing little jobs that in a matter of hours need doing again. So it is nourishing me to look at ché’s blanket and be reminded of the hours of knitting through winter…and the knowing that it will be wrapped round him for years to come…knowing it’s complete. Handmade. Mama-made.

And now I’m left wondering…what shall I make next?

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  • Maggie May

    Beautiful and much loved.

  • Tori

    i love it! Those are very calming colors you chose. It reminds me a lot of the blankets my Mom has made me over the years. I cherish them all! & i know Ché will, also!

    Actually, i am about to get out the afghan she made me before i went off to college, since it is nearing winter for us here on the other side of the globe : )

    much love

  • Michelle

    Well done! That is so gorgeous!
    Beautiful colours.
    I love the little fingers in the photo.


  • Katy

    So clever – I love the colours x

  • Amber

    Wow good on you, it looks fantastic. One talented soul you are.
    Sorry for missing Che's do today, i have a gift for him to. Have to drop it in one day soon.
    Hope he had a lovely play and lots of fun…xxx

  • Kristi

    Well done Mama! It turned out amazing.

  • tea with lucy

    Sure to be well used and loved for many winters to come.

  • Desiree Fawn

    Oh this is just beautiful!

    (And thank you for visiting my blog!)

  • emma

    what a great blanket. Your stitching is incredibly neat! And how did yu get it to not curl up? I think even if it's a little warm to use right now, it will be just as good for sitting "on"! See you soon. xx

  • Adventures In Babywearing

    Oh, I love it. And I love it when you are on the next knitting adventure!


  • Pipany

    Hello and thank you for popping by my blog. Off for a read through of yours now x

  • Julia

    I have just found you through Pipany's blog – its lovely to see such beautiful pics from the other side of the world, your blanket and your little boy are gorgeous and Im sure as it is hand made, little Che will cherish it for years to come!

    Nice to meet you in blogland!

    With love
    Julia x

  • Nicole

    the work of your hands is incredibly beautiful as are your writings on motherhood! many warm wishes xo

  • Leigh

    It is gorgeous!

  • Cindy

    Oh Jodi – it is just gorgeous. You must be so proud, who cares when you finish it

  • Leanne

    Just beautiful Jodi!

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