colour play

Colour and light and all things bright. We are finally crawling out from under the clouds – feeling better and ready to play. And today I watched my little one ‘play’ for the first time. He took his Che Che (choo choo) train and pushed it around the floor as he crawled. Around the basket and the table. Around and about. It was beautiful to watch. I could tell that he was actually thinking about what he was doing, he planned a little route and off he went. Che and his train.

My house smells of lavender, ylang ylang and patchouli – the ‘hippie chic blend’ made by a local scent and soap maker. Since we found our rhythm I have enjoyed playing house so much more. It’s cleaner and more organised than it has been in months and I feel more inspired in my own space. Inspired to write, make, create and yes, play. It’s a good feeling.

Che and I have found our little groove and we’re so happy. I’m a better Muma because of it. I’m calmer and more engaged and I can easily say that I am more certain and more passionate about my role as parent – about the choices Daniel and I are making. After teaching a pre-natal yoga class last week a few of my students were talking about leaving work and the significant changes that would make to their family income. I suprised myself with what I said to them because it was the first time I had actually considered it myself. “Your life become simpler when you become a parent. You spend more time at home, you spend more time together. Your life-style doesn’t cost as much.”

Because…you clean, you feed, you bake, you wash, you play, you read, you cuddle – together.

After a phone call with a dear friend today I realised how important it is to be surrounded by like-minded parents. It’s so good to know that Che’s friends are being raised by parents as passionate as Daniel and I. We share the same values and beliefs, we’re choosing an ‘alternative’ form of education and we’re trusting in our natural instincts. I feel supported and understood in my parenting journey…it’s so nice.

Enjoy the bright light of an approaching Summer … or the cosy dim haze of a Winter just around the corner. Wherever you are I hope you find your seasonal rhythm.

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  • Amber

    Oh your clever little man.
    How lucky this moment has been documented now.
    Love these photo’s Jod’s, you look stunning as always.
    Thanks for visiting today, I love our chats and time with you. It is priceless…xxx

  • The Little Mama

    Gosh, your posts are always so beautiful. And so inspiring!
    Thank you, also for the birthday wishes. I’m sure it will prove to be a lovely year.

  • Ariad

    It’s so nice to read of parents that are so into their kids. It sounds like you enjoy him so much and find joy in eerything that he does. He’s a lucky person!

  • cat

    oh what beautiful photos! and kudos for finding your rhythm..we are still in the midst of finding our’s, but i feel a change in the winds around here and things seem to be working a bit smoother..:) thanks for the inspiration!!

  • ella

    beautiful! and so true. once you embrace the loads of laundry etc… the mindfulness of small tasks creates simple fun and games.
    it really is a privilege to see children play & discover and come into their bodies.

  • Bek

    It is lovely to hear a mummy so in love with being a mummy!

  • Bird Bath

    You’re right, becoming a parent allows you to appreciate the simple and significant things.They don’t cost much at all…they’re priceless!

  • Michelle

    I really love this post Jodi. Beautiful photos and thoughtful touching words. Thank you so much!

    PS is that one of Ella’s girls in the last pic?

  • Poppy and Mei

    Awwwwww, happy, happy post.
    Rhythm, (although I can never remember how to spell it) is just so important, isn't it? Keeps you sane & with something to look forward too…XXxx

  • flossy-p

    I’ve recent;y learnt that it’s not always easy finding other people who share your values and ideals. So you are all very lucky to be able to say you have 🙂

  • mellimoomoo

    Great post Jodi. So true – parenting totally changes your perspective on what is important in life.

  • Leanne

    What a nurturing rhythm you seem to have found…a like minded “community” supports our choices and makes our journey smoother and unwavering….especially when that journey is slightly off the well worn path yeah? I agree. What a beautiful post!

  • becka

    Those photos up the top are my favourite, so beautiful. I have to second what the other readers have said here, it is so lovely to read about someone who is so in love with being a mum. It totally comes through in your writing, your photos and just (from what I’ve gleaned) the things that you’re making important. Awesome to see, I love it!

  • Joanne Gover Yoshida

    Beautiful light and moments in your photos.
    Did you say in your profile you’re not a visual person?
    I love the way you incorporate all the senses in your home and in your descriptions.
    Yoga, mothering, and putting caring into everything–wonderful combination.

  • Anne

    Lovely post 🙂

  • Nadia

    What a beautiful post. You captured it perfectly!

  • Hila

    beautiful photos – especially the last one 🙂

  • Julie

    Surrender can be so sweet. You sound like you have a beautiful thing going there. A lovely post to read and see:)

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