“c’mon” he says

While I rested, they walked. “Exploring,” they call it. Che in his very new Mama-knitted vest. Daniel with his new fancy lens and Glidecam. Beautiful autumn bokeh.

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  • Georgi Hampton

    I love the bit close to the beginning where he turns and sees if he's still following. Also that song is one of my favourites. Beautiful!

  • Jgee

    Cutey pie, so sweet. I love that song and those beautiful doe eyes.

  • The Beetle Shack

    geez, daniel's talent never ceases to amaze me!! beautiful. now- moving on, come down and see my new op shop gold


  • one claire day

    Gorgeous little snippet, beautiful light. Che is the most handsome little boy I think I've ever seen! (and I love his name, too!)

    x claire

  • Gaby

    Oh my goodness, did you make that vest Jodi? It's so impressive, as is the beautiful video. x

  • dear olive

    Oh that is simply GORGEOUS! Does Che look exactly like you? What a lovely little kid he is! Love that fancy glide cam thing too, so ethereal. Kellie xx

  • Reply

    You guys are very talented. Intrepid little guy.

    Love the bellbirds in the background.

    MIssing the coast.

    x jill

  • Brave New Fiona

    I loved everything about that post, Jodi! xxx

  • ecoMILF

    This is so gorgeous. And love the vest too- good work Mama! North is also loving that crunchy leaf sound! xx

  • Rhiannon

    Love, love, love! This is just beautiful. I was thinking how special this will be to bring out when Che is older, memories.
    10 points for you other half 🙂
    Rhiannon x

  • Ava

    The most beautiful thing I've seen all day xx

  • Ava

    You have a new follower 🙂

  • Allana


  • Lizeylou

    Just what I needed to brighten my day – Such a special moment to capture. Beautiful!

  • tea with lucy

    darling darling boy. clever clever daddy and mummy. xo

  • Lexi:: PottyMouthMama

    Amazing. So beautiful.

    AND Che looks like you so much!! He's a big boy now.

  • Tania

    I adore Glidecam. Clever Dad. Che is pretty damned cool as well.

  • Aura

    Jodi, this made me so, so happy. Michael and I watched the entire thing last night, and I wished to be your neighbor so we could take the little ones on these walks. These are just the kind of days I love to have with my own family, and it makes me so happy to see you halfway around the world, enjoying the same kind of day.

    Your babe is so, so precious. I loved hearing his little voice. And that vest! You're amazing!

  • kristi

    the quiet traveler.

  • claire

    Wow! This is truly beautiful. Che is adorable. And don't get me started on that vest… you're one clever Mama xo

  • Michelle

    I love everything about this Jodi, the imagery, the vest, the soundtrack, the bokeh. Just lovely.


    PS thanks for the link to the Woodsman, no surprise Leo had already tapped it for as he knew I'd love it ;; beautiful story xx

  • emma

    hey, nice vest! Oh, and the video's pretty awesome too…nice work dad.

  • Reply

    Oh Jodi, Che is just gorgeous. What an innocent, beautiful face. xx (and thank you for the info you left on my blog re: cameras…very helpful)

  • Katie

    What a great little movie.. Just beautiful!

  • Nell

    The lighting in that video is stunning. And so is the vest. Good work Mama. He's such a beautiful boy xx

  • Anna

    Oh my goodness. SO beautiful! I got teary eyed. THANK YOU for sharing such sweetness.

  • O'Melly

    This video is very well put together! It completely melted my heart.

  • Being Me

    Outstanding! What an experience. Daniel, you have amazing talent… I guess you already know that! And I just LOVE that you didn't use the album version of Blackbird. Thanks for posting this Jodi, it made my morning watching it just now. I feel like I've been on a little adventure 🙂

  • Dee

    This is so beautiful.

  • julia

    Wow. This is wonderful.

  • mama bear

    so beautiful. Go daniel! talented man.


  • Katja

    Such a handsome little boy!
    And the video has this really nice, feel good vibe to it, just lovely.

  • Sarah Harris

    this is simply stunning.

  • Ella

    oh my i love this so much. glide cam!!! that is now on my great big wish list.
    and you knit that? talented mama and lucky boy.

  • innerpickle

    That is just beautiful. Totally beautiful.

  • cityhippyfarmgirl.com

    This is truly beautiful. Every part of it, (and love so much the bell birds in the back ground.)

  • Natasha

    Your Che is absolutely beautiful, I love this video so much!!
    I also love your blog Jodi! Congratulations on your gorgeous family and the addition to arrive shortly!!

  • zigsma

    Gorgeous. How very very lovely.

  • Lynn {hearted girl}

    jodi, this is so touching and beautiful. i felt serene just watching it. Che is darling! ♥

    pea ess: thank you so much for visiting me and your kind comment. ♥

  • Rachelthefantastic

    This is so magical!!!!

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