cloudy sprinkles

A few months ago we took a leap of faith. Daniel had been contracting with a local business for a few years and while the regular money each week was nice, the other bits weren’t so. We have our own business which brings in a couple of jobs a week but, as with any trade, those jobs aren’t always guaranteed. And so, we decided, for the sake of happiness and well-being, we would focus on other exciting ventures and leave the comfort of a weekly pay.

What has risen out of our decision has been both unexpected and a complete joy. We have, as a family, spent more time together, watching clouds, eating ice-cream, planting herbs, than we ever have. Because we have the time. For Che, whole days spent with his Dad while I type has been a true blessing. They have established such a special connection, bonding over lego and bush walks and beach exploring adventures. A connection that doesn’t always involve me and one that I truly believe, will remain strong for the rest of their lives. The 3.5 of us are relishing in slow days, the change of season and good wholesome food. While our wallets aren’t as brimming as they once were (although brimming is most definitely an exaggeration) we have found that days spent close to home, indulging in simple pleasures, is absolutely perfect for us.
And while I grow our baby (we are using the term ‘our’ because for Che, it’s his baby too) I’m wondering if perhaps this time is made all the more precious because in a few months, things will change all over again. This baby of ours has, in his or her own way, encouraged a shift in our lives and a recognition of what’s most important.
Right now, all is so very good.
In seasons
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  • katiecrackernuts

    Sounds glorious Jodi. Bliss.

  • wakako

    funny i read your blog today. i am ready to take my leap of faith soon… scary but i know necessary… just like you said – for quality of life and well-being of the family…

    thanks for inspiring:)

  • Veronica (MamaJots)

    what a beautiful post…thank you…sounds perfect

  • kitty

    Just before, I thought of you & wondered how you were.
    We were forced into this sort of change when my husband fell ill & I was 6 months pregnant. But I count it as a blessing, for life is truly beautiful living this way & enjoying simple pleasures. Not to mention, each others company.
    Enjoy this time. x

    p.s. beautiful belly you have there

  • Leanne

    So many leaps of faith going around… good for you guys… sometimes it takes that little look from a step behind to see that the choices we make truly are for the best. Enjoy.

  • Gaby

    Sounds perfect. I know I'm a lot happier when my life is simple, even if that means my income is lower. Sometimes I wish I had that burning drive for a successful career, but I don't think I really do and I guess that's ok.

    p.s. Is that tote your carrying one of Aura's? I'm hoping to grab one soon.

  • Erica

    I couldn't imagine being pregnant right now in my life and yet I find your blog beautiful and fascinating. Your young family is just lovely and you write so well!

    The concept of children feels like a foreign concept, one I dream about for myself one day but never really believe will come, and yet your blog makes it feel attainable and something possible.

    I'm 23 so I still have a few years to go but I guess I'm just trying to say that you are such a wonderful inspiration! Its just nice to see someone retain their ideals and dreams without getting lost in the often time overwhelming reality of having a family. 🙂

  • Nic Bednarek

    such a lovely post, jodi. you're so connected to what you and your family need & your pictures reflect the beauty of that so well. gorgeous x

  • Sini

    Sounds perfect. Family time is so important. I live far away from mine, my heart is aching when I can't see them.

  • captain kk

    divine. photos & your story 🙂

  • Umatji

    so good to enjoy that time and also as the journey from 1 to 2 somehow takes time and twists it is ways extraordinary! enjoy the peace it sounds beautiful.

  • claire

    Absolutely beautiful photos and words. So glad I checked your blog for updates today 🙂 xo

  • tea with lucy

    such a special wonderful time for you guys. soak it up!

  • Jules

    oh those ice cream photos are BRILLIANT x

  • fliss

    So very nice to hear all is so good. this post made me smile as today i didn't send my kids to school for this reason…a love day, quality day at home which they both so wanted.
    (funny as i had just posted about it)!

  • Sarah

    What a beautiful snippet of life – it sounds like you have a talent for good living Jodi! Glad I found your blog 🙂

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    you inspire me. I loved reading this again. I want to do it… first i must find you top xxx

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